Delilah255 wrote: I had a thread a few weeks back saying thank you, with your help I had been moved from IB to ESA without a medical.
I was waiting for a letter to inform me which group I had been put in.
My ESA is higher than my old IB, I also receive Income Support and DLA. Will this effect my IS amount? I get the IS because I receive DLA. 
Thank you and your wonderful forum for all the help. 
Hi D,
You cannot receive any less than you did prior to being successfully migrated to ESA, this should explain it :
What will I be paid? As it would appear that you previously received IS top-ups, due to being in receipt of DLA and the minimum disability income guarantee, (Disability Premiums), I should imagine that any increase in the CB ESA that you may be entitled to would be offset by the amount of IR ESA that you will receive as a top-up, to keep you in line with the minimum disability income guarantee that is applicable to your personal circumstances.