shamrockqueen wrote: Hi Bro58
I have been getting ib since 1999 and dla from 2008. I received no disability premiums with incapacity benefit? Would this make a difference then?
Hi srq,
It would depend on your household income and any assets, capital or savings that you may have. Disability Premiums paid as a result of HR or MR Care of DLA Awards actually increases the amount that the government stipulates that you need to live on, in the form of the minimum disability income guarantee.
Therefore, all your household income (Besides DLA) would be added together and then subtracted from the minimum income guarantee that was pertinent to your personal circumstances, any shortfall of this would be paid in the form of IS top-ups. (IR ESA top-ups now) ( You would have to be "Means Tested").
My best advice would be to send copy of your DLA award letter to The Benefits Office that is dealing with your ESA, and enquire whether you are in fact entitled to any IR ESA top-ups.
See :
Sending Documents to the DWP or ATOS You would probable have to fill in an ESA3 as well.
See also :
24 hour work rule for ESA(IR) &
Asset rule for ESA(IR) See also : &
Benefits Calculator Sorry for the delay, my internet connection keeps dropping.