Queenrania wrote:
hi, can someone please help me. I got a letter from job centre to see a compliance officer. Any one knows what it is? Why do i need to see them. Why are they asking for so many form of I.D. What kind of question do they ask? Thanks
Hi Q,
DWP Compliance Officers check your claim to see whether you still qualify for it, and are receiving the correct amount of money.
Unfotunately, an interview with a Compliance Officer can also be the result of someone reporting you for something that may imply that you are not entitled to your benefit.
It may of course be routine.
You need to find out what this interview is about, and whether the interview is to be carried out under caution, and should seek professional advice on this.
See :
Where to get advice? Or, you could put Welfare Rights/Advice into you internet search engine with your Town/Postcode.