Hi Everyone
I'm currently waiting to have my appeal, it should be this month, exact date unknown. I am appealing to be put into the support group. I have waited 14 months for this.
I have just completed your 'dummy' assessment and score 156 and for 'Support' on points and exceptional circumstances.
I'm still waiting for access to my medical records to support my case after 4 and half months of trying to get them transferred to my new doctors.
Now I have just had appointment from WCA at the end of the month for new claim made last November. I am gutted. My new doctors were asked for info relating to this claim and they wrote back something to the effect that they didn't know anything about me...which was VERY helpful, to say the least! I have requested a recorded WCA.
I feel very run-down, tired, stressed and really ill. I'm so scared.