Hello , after sending in my ESA50 in early january , i have received what i presume to be a decision letter today stating that i am to be placed into the c/b based wrag from 5th of march, this after being on I.B. for the last 7 years.
I know that my entitlement will cease after 365 days and that i will not qualify for income based wrag due to a small occupational pension ( yes , i am another one that fell for it hook line and sinker...lol) and am contemplating appealing for the support group but as i am 65 in august 2014 i don't know if it's worth the hassle
I just need a couple of points clarifying please
1 Nowhere on the letter does it say that i am placed in the wrag for 365 days , just that i an entitled to wrag for that 365 days
2. The letter also states that I "may be required to attend a work focused health related assessment with a health care professional"
So in your opinion am i right in assuming that i have been placed in the wrag for 12 months?, and that the second query would be part of the wifi's that i am not obliged to attend because of my age?
I would just like to add that i have used all your guides and reference points and have found them invaluable in making my claim and can only add my thanks and say well done to all involved,