Hi bro58 could you give me a qiuck answer as why there is a flag on my post below its been there a while im just curious if i have done anything wrong thanks in advance millymoo .
millymoo wrote: Hi bro58 could you give me a qiuck answer as why there is a flag on my post below its been there a while im just curious if i have done anything wrong thanks in advance millymoo .
Hi mm,
Nothing sinister, don't worry.
If you mean the flag next door to the title of the topic "letter" it means that the topic thread includes posts made by you.
If you put your pointer over the flag, you will see that it says "Contains my posts"
millymoo wrote: Hi bro58 could you give me a qiuck answer as why there is a flag on my post below its been there a while im just curious if i have done anything wrong thanks in advance millymoo .
Hi mm,
Nothing sinister, don't worry.
If you mean the flag next door to the title of the topic "letter" it means that the topic thread includes posts made by you.
If you put your pointer over the flag, you will see that it says "contains my post"
That's nothing mm,
Us poor Mods see "flags" all over the forum topics !!!!!