Judith, Good luck for tomorrow. Only a real meanie will find you fit for work, and anyway you can always appeal, by which time the ticking clock takes you ever nearer to retirement.
It might seem hard luck on you what with nearing retirement age, and hopefully they'll take that into consideration. I should have retired this year, but due to the changes in retirement dates, I will have to wait nearly another 5 years. To be honest I don't think that I will be able to hang on that long without falling foul of the DWP/ATOS, what with UC coming out, and the almost daily attack on sick and disabled people.
I followed the guides on here, and spent many fretful hours completing the forms. It has been a very worrying and stressful time for me. I have yet to find if I am in SG or WRAG, and the stress will continue if I have to appeal if put in WRAG. But thanks to all at B&W, forewarned is forearmed, the guides here are brilliant, and I doubt I could have got this far without them.