I want to re-apply for DLA because he has severe Osteoarthritis and I have got all hospital/consultants letters, MRI scans, Ultra sound proving his health.
Can you also say how soon I can re-apply after I went on 4 September 2013 to the hearing. Was only awarded low rate care.
The decision of the tribunal on (I assume) 4th September 2012 was looking at your* condition when the original decision was made on your claim. If things have worstened since then you should contact DWP and ask for a 'supersession'. This would trigger a reassessment and you must be aware that you could end up with less than you have now. If you do ask for a supersession, it will be entirely up to you to prove that your condition has significantly worstened.
* I have said 'your' condition as I am unsure who the claimant actually is. In some intances you have referred to 'he', in others you have spoken in the first person.
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