The DWP record every successful PIP claim under one of over 500 different health conditions, depending on which one they think is your main source of points. The table below shows how many people currently get an award of PIP for each condition.

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Abdomen - Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 356
Achondroplasia 706
Acne vulgaris 16
Addison's disease 907
ADHD / ADD 75,697
Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) 1,588
Adrenal diseases - Other / type not known 298
Agoraphobia 7,412
Alcohol misuse 12,553
Allergy no risk of anaphylaxis 27
Allergy risk of anaphylaxis unknown or not fully assessed 73
Allergy with a risk of anaphylaxis 124
Amblyopia 154
Amino acid metabolism - disorders of 81
Amputation - Lower limb(s) 13,980
Amputation - Upper limb(s) 3,038
Amputations - Upper & Lower limb/s 517
Amyloidosis 161
Anaemia - Aplastic 172
Anaemia - B12 (pernicious)/folate deficiency 360
Anaemia - Iron deficiency 257
Anaemia - Sickle cell 2,270
Anaemias - Other / type not known 708
Aneurysm - aortic 582
Aneurysm - cerebral 2,051
Aneurysms - Other / type not known 812
Angina 8,876
Angioedema 147
Angiosarcoma 23
Ankle and foot disorders - Other / type not known 12,773
Ankylosing spondylitis 12,193
Anorectal abscess 84
Anorexia nervosa 4,964
Anterior Uveitis (iritis) 241
Antiphospholipid syndrome 1,220
Anxiety and depressive disorders - mixed 396,070
Anxiety disorders - Other / type not known 31,550
Aortic valve disease 1,144
Arterial disease excluding coronary - Other / type not known 1,958
Arthritis - Psoriatic 17,192
Arthritis - Reactive 2,195
Asbestosis 127
Ascites 292
Asperger syndrome 31,739
Asthma 24,673
Astigmatism 117
Ataxia - Friedrich's 587
Ataxias - Other / type not known 4,043
Atherosclerosis (PVD / Claudication) 2,062
Atrial fibrillation/flutter 3,985
Atrioseptal defect (ASD) 543
Attention to artificial opening colostomy/ileostomy/ stoma - no underlying diagnosis 1,349
Autism 180,661
Autoimmune (idiopathic) thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP) 414
Autoimmune disease - Other / type not known 3,348
Autoimmune hepatitis 367
Back pain - Non specific (mechanical) 47,715
Back pain - Specific - Other / type not known 108,857
Bacterial diseases - Other / type not known 708
Bedwetting (enuresis) 41
Behcet's disease 707
Bipolar affective disorder (Hypomania / Mania) 55,549
Bladder - cancer of 1,982
Bladder urethra testes and penis - Other diseases of / type not known 1,513
Blepharospasm 142
Blood disorders - Type not known 1,631
Blood vessels/lymphatics - Other diseases of / type not known 936
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) 549
Bone - Other cancers of / type not known 1,032
Bowel (colon recturm anus) - cancer of 11,199
Brachial plexus 946
Bradycardia 139
Brain and spinal cord - cancer of 6,755
Breast - cancer of 26,690
Bronchiectasis 2,629
Bronchus - cancer of 16
Buerger's disease 135
Bulimia nervosa 767
Bullous disease - Other / type not known 141
Burns 722
Bursitis 371
Cancers - Other / type not known 8,484
Carbohydrate metabolism - disorders of 10
Cardiac arrhythmia - Pacemaker/implantable defibrillator fitted 1,042
Cardiac arrhythmias - Other / type not known 1,628
Cardiac failure 13,559
Cardiomyopathy 4,101
Cardiovascular disease - Other / type not known 9,119
Carpal tunnel syndrome 6,835
Cataplexy 451
Cataract 1,760
Cellulitis 875
Cerebral palsy - Ataxic 1,878
Cerebral palsy - Athetoid 639
Cerebral palsy - Diplegic 3,063
Cerebral palsy - Hemiplegic 6,127
Cerebral palsy - Other / type not known 22,023
Cerebral palsy - Quadriplegic 6,278
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) 77,438
Cerebrovascular disease - Other / type not known 4,113
Cervical disc lesion 2,823
Cervical spondylosis 8,958
Cervix - cancer of 1,614
Charcot Marie Tooth disease 4,023
Chondromalacia patellae 403
Chondrosarcoma 208
Chorioretinal disorders - Other / type not known 368
Chromosomal syndrome - other type / not known 1,729
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) 29,536
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic bronchitis/emphysema 91,114
Chronic secretory otitis media 27
Chronic suppurative otitis media 23
Cirrhosis - Alcohol induced 1,426
Cirrhosis - Autoimmune 91
Cirrhosis - Other / type not known 2,464
Cleft lip 12
Cleft lip with cleft palate 99
Clotting disorders - Other / type not known 727
Club foot (talipes) 1,765
Coarctation of the aorta 128
Coeliac disease 492
Cognitive disorder due to stroke 4,708
Cognitive disorders - Other / type not known 7,529
Collagen and elastic tissue - Other diseases of / type not known 144
Colon - Other diseases of / type not known 554
Compartment syndrome (Volkmann's ischaemia) 288
Complications of prematurity 31
Conduct disorder (including oppositional defiant disorder) 1,109
Conductive hearing loss - Other causes of / type not known 2,330
Conductive hearing loss due to Trauma 87
Conjunctiva cornea eyelids and lacrimal apparatus - Other diseases of / type not known) 1,234
Constipation 150
Conversion disorder (hysteria) 209
Corneal ulceration 99
Coronavirus COVID-19 6,309
Cortical blindness 9,465
Creutzfeldt - Jacob disease (CJD) 15
Crohns disease 11,069
Crystal deposition disorders - Other / type not known 37
Cushing's syndrome 246
Cystic fibrosis 3,161
Deafness - congenital 15,429
Deep vein thrombosis 3,202
Degenerative neuronal diseases - Other / type not known 1,652
Dementia 14,857
Depressive disorder 83,696
Dermatitis herpetiformis 48
Dermatomyositis 335
Diabetes insipidus 320
Diabetes mellitus (category unknown) 13,202
Diabetes mellitus Type 1 (insulin dependent) 12,734
Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (non insulin dependent) 14,788
Diabetic neuropathy 2,557
Diabetic retinopathy 2,031
Diplopia (double vision) 372
Disability not recorded - Assessment not completed ..
Disease affecting hearing & balance - Other/ type not known 5,593
Dislocation of the hip - congenital 1,309
Dissociative disorders - Other / type not known 918
Disturbances of consciousness - Non-epileptic - Other / type not known 2,757
Diverticular disease / diverticulitis 2,308
Dizziness - cause not specified 1,968
Down's syndrome 21,574
Drop attacks 231
Drug misuse 4,578
Dupuytrens contracture 1,445
Dyslexia 4,105
Dyspraxia 3,810
Dystrophia myotonica 1,304
Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) 1,945
Eczema - varicose 178
Eczema (dermatitis) 1,291
Ehlers Danlos syndrome 6,356
Elbow disorders - Other / type not known 666
Empyema 165
Endocrine diseases - Other / type not known 681
Endometriosis 3,932
Endometrium (uterus / womb) - cancer of 1,352
Entropion ..
Epidemolysis bullosa 296
Epiphyseal dysplasia - multiple 266
Essential tremor - benign 3,032
Ewing's sarcoma 242
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 46
Eye movement - Other disorders of / type not known 452
Eyes - Injuries to 617
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 717
Factitious disorders - Other / type not known 13
Faecal soiling (encopresis) 54
Failure to thrive 18
Fallots tetralogy 203
Fibroids 315
Fibromyalgia 158,119
Fibrosarcoma 42
Fibrosing alveolitis 61
Fistula in anus 299
Food intolerance 65
Fore foot pain (Metatarsalgia) 219
Fracture complications - Other / type not known 1,828
Fragile X syndrome 2,297
Gallbladder and biliary tract - Other diseases of / type not known 621
Gallstones 260
Gastrointestinal tract - Other cancers of / type not known 2,095
Gastrointestinal tract - Other diseases of / type not known 2,531
Generalised anxiety disorder 12,427
Generalised musculoskeletal disease - Other / type not known 13,903
Generalised seizures (with status epilepticus in last 12 months) 10,448
Generalised seizures (without status epilepticus in last 12 months) 7,830
Genetic disorders dysplasias and malformations - Other / type not known 11,744
Genitourinary disease - Other / type not known 666
Genitourinary tract - Other cancers of / type not known 766
Giant cell tumour - malignant 97
Glaucoma 3,809
Glomerulonephritis 120
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency 11
Goitre 43
Golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis) 93
Gout 2,452
Granulomatous lung disease and pulmonary infiltration - Other / type not known 1,790
Growth hormone deficiency 182
Guillain Barre syndrome 1,833
Haematological system - Other cancers of / type not known 1,634
Haemochromatosis 386
Haemolytic disorders - Other / type not known 313
Haemophilia A 684
Haemophilia B (Christmas disease) 98
Haemorrhoids 92
Hallux valgus /rigidus 197
Head injury - Cognitive and sensorimotor impairment 11,788
Head injury - Cognitive impairment 10,623
Head injury - Sensorimotor impairment 1,977
Headache - Other causes of / cause not known 1,717
Hearing loss - mixed 5,881
Heart and lung transplantation 46
Heart block 566
Heart disease - Congenital - Other / type not known 4,198
Heart transplantation 299
Hemianopia 239
Hepatic encephalopathy 305
Hepatitis - Chronic - Other / type not known 212
Hepatitis B and D infection 179
Hepatitis C infection 494
Hereditary multiple exostosis (diaphyseal aclasis) 291
Hereditary spherocytosis 35
Hernia 1,929
Herpes zoster - ophthalmic 20
Hiatus hernia / gastroesophageal reflux disease / reflux oesophagitis 1,324
Hip disorders - Other / type not known 15,660
Hirschprung Disease 89
HIV/AIDs 4,987
Hodgkins lymphoma 2,207
Huntington's disease 2,797
Hydrocephalus 2,547
Hydronephrosis 108
Hyperlipidaemia 144
Hypermetropia (long-sighted) 53
Hypermobility syndrome 6,825
Hyperparathyroidism 159
Hypersensitivity diseases - Other / type not known 245
Hypertension 5,472
Hypertensive retinopathy 52
Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) including Graves disease 1,144
Hypoparathyroidism 149
Hypothalamic and pituitary diseases - Other / type not known 567
Hypothyroidism (myxoedema) 1,712
Immune system - Other diseases of / type not known 635
Impetigo ..
Inborn errors of metabolism - Other / type not known 201
Incontinence - stress 193
Incontinence - urge 175
Incontinence (not Enuresis/Bed wetting) - Other / type not known 1,207
Infections - Other 949
Infections - Other / type not known 285
Infectious diseases - Other / type not known 566
Inflammatory arthritis - Other / type not known 71,155
Interstitial nephritis 46
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 2,844
Ischaemic heart disease - Other / type not known 9,524
Juvenile chronic arthritis (Still's disease) 1,602
Keratitis 92
Keratoconus 1,176
Kidney - cancer of 2,770
Kidney disease - Other / type not known 9,946
Knee disorders - Other / type not known 18,503
Kyphosis 1,125
Labyrinthitis 167
Larynx - cancer of 870
Learning disability - Other / type not known 148,100
Leg ulcers (arterial) 630
Leg ulcers (venous) 1,127
Leukaemia - lymphoblastic - acute 813
Leukaemia - lymphocytic - chronic 1,060
Leukaemia - myelogenous (myeloid) acute 986
Leukaemia - myeloid - chronic 1,101
Leukaemias - Other / type not known 1,437
Ligamentous instability of knee 592
Liver - cancer of 1,232
Liver failure - Features of - Other / features not known 2,076
Liver transplantation 633
Lower limb - Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 14,746
Lower respiratory tract - Other diseases of / type not known 3,696
Lumbar disc lesion 35,670
Lumbar spondylosis (OA spine) 21,074
Lung cancers - Other 11,033
Lung transplantation 147
Lymphoedema 6,062
Macular degeneration 3,223
Main Disability Not Recorded 7,668
Malaria 6
Malformations of the heart - Congenital - Other / type not known 1,132
Marfan's syndrome 695
Mastoiditis 81
Melanoma 1,744
Menieres disease 2,161
Meniscal lesions 771
Mesothelioma 291
Metabolic diseases - Other / type not known 592
Metabolic red cell disorders - Other / type not known 77
Migraine 4,910
Mitral valve 565
Mood disorders - Other / type not known 5,057
Motor neurone disease 2,311
Mouth/tongue - cancer of 2,184
Movement disorders - Other / type not known 4,764
Multiple - Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation 8,827
Multiple sclerosis 56,793
Munchausen syndrome 6
Muscle - Other diseases of / type not known 2,980
Muscular dystrophy - Becker type 553
Muscular dystrophy - Duchenne 806
Muscular dystrophy - limb girdle 720
Muscular dystrophy - Other / type not known 3,360
Musculoskeletal disease - Regional / Localised - Other / type not known 13,771
Myasthenia gravis 1,569
Myeloma 3,777
Myocardial infarction 10,614
Myopia (short-sighted) 449
Narcolepsy 1,155
Neck disorders - Other / type not known 5,422
Nephrotic syndrome 573
Neuroblastoma 102
Neurofibromatosis 1,716
Neurological disorders - Other / type not known 27,739
Neuropathies - Other / type not known including peripheral 21,141
Non epileptic Attack disorder (pseudoseizures) 3,066
Non hodgkins lymphoma 4,143
Nystagmus 1,973
Obesity 4,137
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 10,787
Oesophageal varices 52
Oesophagus - cancer of 2,589
Oesophagus stomach and duodenum - Other diseases of / type not known 2,033
Old age 20
Optic atrophy 1,373
Optic neuritis 325
Oral allergy syndrome 11
Orbital cellulitis 7
Osgood schlatters disease 162
Osteoarthritis of Hip 19,783
Osteoarthritis of Knee 42,522
Osteoarthritis of other single joint 13,988
Osteochondritis 344
Osteochondritis dissecans 118
Osteogenesis imperfecta 929
Osteomalacia 158
Osteonecrosis 794
Osteoporosis 11,188
Osteosarcoma 383
Other metabolic and endocrine disorders of musculoskeletal system 577
Otitis externa - chronic 32
Otosclerosis 128
Ovarian cyst (benign) 329
Ovary - cancer of 2,452
Ovary uterus cervix vagina and vulva - Other diseases of / type not known 1,240
Paget's disease 120
Pain syndromes - Chronic - Other / type not known 16,276
Pancreas - cancer of 1,640
Pancreas - Other diseases of / type not known 598
Pancreatitis - chronic 2,379
Panic disorder 3,494
Papulosquamous and inflammatory rashes - Other / type not known 735
Paraplegia (traumatic) 5,232
Parathyroid diseases - Other / type not known 57
Parkinson's disease 15,760
Parkinson's syndrome / Parkinsonism 930
Partial seizures (with status epilepticus in last 12 months) 903
Partial seizures (without status epilepticus in last 12 months) 1,419
Patellar dislocation - Recurrent 569
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 23
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 181
Pelvis - Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 1,846
Pemphigoid 33
Pemphigus vulgaris 27
Peptic ulcer (gastric and duodenal)/gastritis 442
Pericarditis 230
Peripheral nerve injury - Other / type not known 4,667
Peripheral venous disease - Other / type not known 1,715
Peritonitis 31
Personality disorder 55,535
Perthes disease 1,944
Phobia - Social 3,090
Phobia - Specific 347
Platelet disorders - Other / type not known 130
Pleura - Other diseases of / type not known 154
Pleural effusion 78
Pneumoconiosis - coalworkers 8
Pneumoconiosis - Other / type not known 53
Pneumonia 634
Pneumothorax 215
Poliomyelitis and post polio syndrome 4,445
Polyarteritis nodosa 122
Polycythaemia 336
Polymyalgia rheumatica 2,537
Polymyositis 447
Porphyria 60
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 58,766
Posterior (choroiditis) 68
Posterior vitreous detachment 35
Presbyacusis 7
Presbyopia 5
Pressure sores 21
Primary Biliary cirrhosis (PBC) 305
Primary cancer - site not known 593
Primary generalised Osteoarthritis 201,445
Prion diseases - Other / type not known 5
Prostate - cancer of 5,984
Prostatic disease 240
Protozoal diseases - Other / type not known 7
Pseudogout 45
Psoriasis 2,048
Psychiatric disorders of childhood - Other / type not known 896
Psychotic disorders - Other / type not known 31,229
Ptosis 27
Pulmonary embolus 1,480
Pulmonary fibrosis - Other / type not known 1,604
Pulmonary valve disease 213
Quadrantanopia 14
Raynaud's disease/phenomenon 2,139
Rectal prolapse 218
Rectum/anus - Other diseases of / type not known 363
Refractive errors - Other / type not known 129
Renal calculi 284
Renal failure - acute 1,177
Renal failure - chronic 5,417
Renal transplantation 1,172
Respiratory tract - Other cancers of / type not known 554
Retina and optic nerve - Other diseases of / type not known 3,793
Retinal artery occlusion 100
Retinal detachment 1,023
Retinal vein occlusion 119
Retinitis Pigmentosa 4,839
Retinopathy - Other / type not known 1,014
Retts disorder 448
Rheumatoid arthritis 81,186
Rickets 165
Rosacea 18
Rotator cuff disorder 1,639
Sarcoidosis 2,529
Sarcomas - Other / type not known 934
Schizoaffective disorder 14,193
Schizophrenia 83,122
Schuermann's disease 1,063
Scleritis 27
Scoliosis 11,965
Scotoma 10
Seizures - unclassified 45,020
Sensorineural hearing loss - Other causes of / type not known 6,257
Sensorineural hearing loss due to Trauma 187
Shoulder disorders - Other / type not known 6,345
Shoulder instability 186
Silicosis 19
Sjogren's syndrome 1,331
Skin cancers - Other / type not known 1,154
Skin disease - Other / type not known 2,166
Sleep apnoea - obstructive 2,733
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis 258
Small bowel - Other diseases of / type not known 1,715
Somatoform disorders - Other / type not known 130
Specific learning disorder - other / type not known 24,759
Speech or language disorder 3,690
Spina bifida 8,149
Spinal cord compression - Other causes of / cause not known 6,937
Spinal stenosis 18,114
Spine - Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 17,933
Spondylolisthesis 6,980
Steatohepatitis - non-alcoholic (NASH) 383
Stokes Adams attacks (cardiovascular syncope) 192
Stomach - cancer of 806
Strabismus (Squint) 48
Stress reaction disorders - Other / type not known 1,027
Sudek's atrophy 49
Syncope - Other / type not known 1,241
Syringomyelia / Syringobulbia 561
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 7,922
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) 1,150
Tachycardia 2,650
Temporal (giant cell) arteritis (Headache) 154
Tendon lesions 312
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) 396
Tenosynovitis 429
Testicle - Cancer of 540
Tetraplegia (traumatic) 1,870
Thalassaemia 313
Thorax - Injury/Fracture/Dislocation of 236
Thyroid diseases - Other / type not known 883
Torticollis 183
Tourette's syndrome 1,740
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula/atresia 121
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) 2,612
Transplant rejection - renal 206
Tricuspid valve disease 66
Tuberculosis 595
Tumours - benign - Other / type not known 6,119
Tumours of bone - benign 367
Tumours of the gastrointestinal tract - benign 109
Tunnel vision 596
Ulcerative colitis 4,953
Upper limb - Injury/Fracture/Dislocation of 5,841
Upper respiratory tract - Other diseases of / type not known 1,378
Urinary Overflow 125
Urinary tract infection 161
Urticaria 228
Uterine prolapse 247
Vasculitis - Other / type not known 1,295
Venous insufficiency - chronic 148
Ventriculoseptal defect (VSD) 395
Viral diseases excluding hepatitis and poliomyelitis -Other / type not known 960
Vision - Other diseases affecting / type not known 12,348
Visual field defects - Other / type not known 4,368
Vitreous disease - Other / type not known 122
Vitreous haemorrhage 104
Von Willebrand's disease 120
Whiplash injury 166
Wilms Tumour 7
Wilson's disease 88
Wrist and hand disorders - Other / type not known 8,092
Writer's cramp 6
Total 3,660,331