How many people get PIP for the same medical condition as you?
When you first consider claiming PIP, it’s natural to want to know if other people are already getting it for the same condition as you.
In reality, it’s not your condition that counts, but the effect it has on your ability to manage daily living and mobility activities. And very often, a claimant will have more than one condition that affects their activities.
Nonetheless, knowing how many people are getting awards for everything from anxiety to back pain can be reassuring when you begin to make your claim.
The DWP record every successful PIP claim under one of over 500 different health conditions, depending on which one they think is your main source of points.
Below, we have created a chart showing the 20+ main categories that the DWP divides claims into and the number of people getting an award on the basis of each category.
The top four categories:
- Psychiatric disorders
- Musculoskeletal disease (general)
- Neurological disease
- Musculoskeletal disease (regional)
make up 82% of all PIP awards.
We’ve published more detailed breakdowns of these four categories below.
But, for the most detailed information possible, you can also see the complete 500+ conditions that the DWP recognises, listed by number of awards and listed by success rate.
Benefits and Work has a huge range of guides, a forum and PIP training that you can use to improve your chances of success in getting the correct award of PIP.
Main Condition Categories | Number of awards | Percentage of all awards | Success rate |
Psychiatric disorders | 1,406,044 | 38.41% | 59.19% |
Musculoskeletal disease (general) | 691,426 | 18.89% | 66.24% |
Neurological disease | 470,380 | 12.85% | 68.24% |
Musculoskeletal disease (regional) | 434,670 | 11.88% | 61.00% |
Respiratory disease | 138,534 | 3.78% | 58.24% |
Malignant disease | 117,628 | 3.21% | 85.62% |
Cardiovascular disease | 95,061 | 2.60% | 52.32% |
Visual disease | 58,476 | 1.60% | 68.26% |
Endocrine disease | 48,070 | 1.31% | 35.73% |
Hearing disorders | 38,391 | 1.05% | 50.52% |
Gastrointestinal disease | 35,210 | 0.96% | 29.78% |
Genitourinary disease | 29,573 | 0.81% | 45.25% |
Skin disease | 24,535 | 0.67% | 48.66% |
Autoimmune disease (connective tissue disorders) | 19,788 | 0.54% | 60.10% |
Infectious disease | 14,138 | 0.39% | 49.41% |
Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract | 13,570 | 0.37% | 57.30% |
Haematological disease | 8,670 | 0.24% | 46.45% |
Metabolic disease | 5,387 | 0.15% | 71.05% |
Multisystem and extremes of age | 1,795 | 0.05% | 76.99% |
Diseases of the immune system | 1,326 | 0.04% | 37.89% |
Total | 3,660,331 | 100% | 51.63% |
Psychiatric Disorders
Condition | Number | Success |
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorders | 396,070 | 50.90% |
Autistic spectrum disorders | 212,847 | 68.05% |
Learning disability global | 171,971 | 89.91% |
Mood disorders | 144,304 | 54.40% |
Psychotic disorders | 128,545 | 69.69% |
Hyperkinetic disorder | 75,697 | 49.01% |
Stress reactions | 59,788 | 58.04% |
Anxiety disorders | 58,317 | 45.77% |
Personality disorder | 55,535 | 62.06% |
Specific learning disorder | 36,369 | 53.02% |
Cognitive disorders | 27,098 | 87.85% |
Substance (mis) use disorders | 17,127 | 62.52% |
Obsessive compulsive disorder | 10,787 | 54.01% |
Eating disorders | 7,677 | 68.42% |
Somatoform and dissociative disorders | 1,799 | 63.29% |
Conduct disorder (including oppositional defiant disorder) | 1,109 | 62.00% |
Other psychiatric disorders of childhood | 896 | 69.08% |
Faecal soiling (encopresis) | 54 | 26.80% |
Enuresis | 41 | 34.81% |
Factitious disorder | 23 | 41.86% |
Total | 1,406,044 | 59.19% |
Musculoskeletal (General)
Condition | Number | Success |
Osteoarthritis | 277,739 | 68.52% |
Inflammatory arthritis | 185,520 | 68.17% |
Chronic pain syndromes | 174,396 | 62.02% |
Genetic disorders, dysplasias and malformations | 21,451 | 63.58% |
Other generalised musculoskeletal disease | 13,903 | 59.29% |
Metabolic and endocrine disorders | 12,208 | 65.17% |
Crystal deposition disorders | 2,535 | 43.13% |
Fracture complications | 2,164 | 66.02% |
Osteonecrosis and osteochondritis | 1,139 | 70.69% |
Benign tumours of bone | 367 | 62.19% |
Total | 691,426 | 66.24% |
Neurological Disease
Condition | Number | Success |
Cerebrovascular disease | 84,152 | 74.08% |
Epilepsy | 67,232 | 56.27% |
Other neurological disorders | 57,278 | 58.27% |
Multiple sclerosis | 56,793 | 76.11% |
Cerebral palsy | 40,006 | 88.38% |
Neuropathy | 29,554 | 65.65% |
Movement disorders | 29,364 | 74.71% |
Head injury | 24,392 | 73.33% |
Spinal cord compression | 14,597 | 88.70% |
Headache | 8,592 | 28.61% |
Spina bifida | 8,149 | 83.28% |
Benign tumours | 7,833 | 56.57% |
Non epileptic disturbance of consciousness | 7,487 | 60.18% |
Disease of muscle | 6,632 | 71.14% |
Muscular dystrophy | 6,147 | 84.38% |
Peripheral nerve injury | 5,614 | 60.03% |
Infections | 5,412 | 81.70% |
Ataxia | 4,630 | 80.90% |
Degenerative neuronal diseases | 3,962 | 94.79% |
Hydrocephalus | 2,547 | 63.16% |
Total | 470,380 | 68.24% |
Musculoskeletal Disease (Regional)
Condition | Number | Success |
Specific back pain | 204,843 | 69.13% |
Injuries/fracture/Dislocation | 49,783 | 59.66% |
Non specific back pain | 47,715 | 55.90% |
Knee disorders | 21,490 | 51.25% |
Hip disorders | 19,174 | 66.60% |
Amputations | 17,539 | 85.14% |
Neck disorders | 17,372 | 58.44% |
Wrist and hand disorders | 17,107 | 43.68% |
Ankle and foot disorders | 14,952 | 44.19% |
Other regional musculoskeletal disease | 13,771 | 52.71% |
Shoulder disorders | 9,762 | 38.22% |
Elbow disorders | 1,157 | 37.69% |
Total | 434,670 | 61.00% |