How many people get PIP for the same medical condition as you?

When you first consider claiming PIP, it’s natural to want to know if other people are already getting it for the same condition as you.

In reality, it’s not your condition that counts, but the effect it has on your ability to manage daily living and mobility activities. And very often, a claimant will have more than one condition that affects their activities.

Nonetheless, knowing how many people are getting awards for everything from anxiety to back pain can be reassuring when you begin to make your claim.

The DWP record every successful PIP claim under one of over 500 different health conditions, depending on which one they think is your main source of points.

Below, we have created a chart showing the 20+ main categories that the DWP divides claims into and the number of people getting an award on the basis of each category.

The top four categories:

  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Musculoskeletal disease (general)
  • Neurological disease
  • Musculoskeletal disease (regional)

make up 82% of all PIP awards.

We’ve published more detailed breakdowns of these four categories below.

But, for the most detailed information possible, you can also see the complete 500+ conditions that the DWP recognises, listed by number of awards and listed by success rate.

 Benefits and Work has a huge range of guides, a forum and PIP training that you can use to improve your chances of success in getting the correct award of PIP.

Main Condition Categories Number of awards Percentage of all awards Success rate
Psychiatric disorders 1,406,044 38.41% 59.19%
Musculoskeletal disease (general) 691,426 18.89% 66.24%
Neurological disease 470,380 12.85% 68.24%
Musculoskeletal disease (regional) 434,670 11.88% 61.00%
Respiratory disease 138,534 3.78% 58.24%
Malignant disease 117,628 3.21% 85.62%
Cardiovascular disease 95,061 2.60% 52.32%
Visual disease 58,476 1.60% 68.26%
Endocrine disease 48,070 1.31% 35.73%
Hearing disorders 38,391 1.05% 50.52%
Gastrointestinal disease 35,210 0.96% 29.78%
Genitourinary disease 29,573 0.81% 45.25%
Skin disease 24,535 0.67% 48.66%
Autoimmune disease (connective tissue disorders) 19,788 0.54% 60.10%
Infectious disease 14,138 0.39% 49.41%
Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract 13,570 0.37% 57.30%
Haematological disease 8,670 0.24% 46.45%
Metabolic disease 5,387 0.15% 71.05%
Multisystem and extremes of age 1,795 0.05% 76.99%
Diseases of the immune system 1,326 0.04% 37.89%
Total 3,660,331 100% 51.63%


Psychiatric Disorders

Condition Number Success
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorders 396,070 50.90%
Autistic spectrum disorders 212,847 68.05%
Learning disability global 171,971 89.91%
Mood disorders 144,304 54.40%
Psychotic disorders 128,545 69.69%
Hyperkinetic disorder 75,697 49.01%
Stress reactions 59,788 58.04%
Anxiety disorders 58,317 45.77%
Personality disorder 55,535 62.06%
Specific learning disorder 36,369 53.02%
Cognitive disorders 27,098 87.85%
Substance (mis) use disorders 17,127 62.52%
Obsessive compulsive disorder 10,787 54.01%
Eating disorders 7,677 68.42%
Somatoform and dissociative disorders 1,799 63.29%
Conduct disorder (including oppositional defiant disorder) 1,109 62.00%
Other psychiatric disorders of childhood 896 69.08%
Faecal soiling (encopresis) 54 26.80%
Enuresis 41 34.81%
Factitious disorder 23 41.86%
Total 1,406,044 59.19%


Musculoskeletal (General)

Condition Number Success
Osteoarthritis 277,739 68.52%
Inflammatory arthritis 185,520 68.17%
Chronic pain syndromes 174,396 62.02%
Genetic disorders, dysplasias and malformations 21,451 63.58%
Other generalised musculoskeletal disease 13,903 59.29%
Metabolic and endocrine disorders 12,208 65.17%
Crystal deposition disorders 2,535 43.13%
Fracture complications 2,164 66.02%
Osteonecrosis and osteochondritis 1,139 70.69%
Benign tumours of bone 367 62.19%
Total 691,426 66.24%


Neurological Disease

Condition Number Success
Cerebrovascular disease 84,152 74.08%
Epilepsy 67,232 56.27%
Other neurological disorders 57,278 58.27%
Multiple sclerosis 56,793 76.11%
Cerebral palsy 40,006 88.38%
Neuropathy 29,554 65.65%
Movement disorders 29,364 74.71%
Head injury 24,392 73.33%
Spinal cord compression 14,597 88.70%
Headache 8,592 28.61%
Spina bifida 8,149 83.28%
Benign tumours 7,833 56.57%
Non epileptic disturbance of consciousness 7,487 60.18%
Disease of muscle 6,632 71.14%
Muscular dystrophy 6,147 84.38%
Peripheral nerve injury 5,614 60.03%
Infections 5,412 81.70%
Ataxia 4,630 80.90%
Degenerative neuronal diseases 3,962 94.79%
Hydrocephalus 2,547 63.16%
Total 470,380 68.24%


Musculoskeletal Disease (Regional)

Condition Number Success
Specific back pain 204,843 69.13%
Injuries/fracture/Dislocation 49,783 59.66%
Non specific back pain 47,715 55.90%
Knee disorders 21,490 51.25%
Hip disorders 19,174 66.60%
Amputations 17,539 85.14%
Neck disorders 17,372 58.44%
Wrist and hand disorders 17,107 43.68%
Ankle and foot disorders 14,952 44.19%
Other regional musculoskeletal disease 13,771 52.71%
Shoulder disorders 9,762 38.22%
Elbow disorders 1,157 37.69%
Total 434,670 61.00%