In 2023, there were 47,048 PIP claimants with anxiety listed as their main disabling condition. This makes it the seventeenth most common condition to get an award of PIP for out of over 500 conditions listed by the DWP.

So, if you have anxiety and it affects your daily living activities, such as cooking, washing, dressing or mixing with other people or your ability to get around, you should definitely consider making a claim.

In its general classification of anxiety, the DWP includes:

  • Agoraphobia
  • Anxiety disorders – other/type not known
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Phobia – social
  • Phobia - specific

Learn more or take the test

You can read more about claiming PIP for anxiety or take our simple online test now to find out if you might be able to make a claim.

PIP test for Anxiety

Success rates

The success rate for PIP claims for anxiety is 45%, compared to an overall average of 53%.  So you have a less than average chance of getting an award for anxiety, but still a reasonable chance.

Award rates

22% of PIP claimants with anxiety , get the enhanced rate of both the daily living and the mobility component. 

Daily living awards
Enhanced daily living 49%
Standard daily living 40%
No daily living 11%

Mobility awards
Enhanced mobility 30%
Standard mobility 46%
No mobility 24%

89% of claimants with anxiety who get an award get the daily living component, compared to 76% who get the mobility component.

Age range

The ages of those currently in receipt of PIP for anxiety are:

  • 16-29 years  27%
  • 30-49 years  39%
  • 50-64 years  27%
  • 65 and over  7%

PIP rates

The rates of PIP from April 2024 are:

Daily Living component
Standard rate: £72.65
Enhanced rate: £108.55

Mobility component
Standard rate: £28.70
Enhanced rate: £75.75

 So, an award of the enhanced rate of PIP for both components means an extra £184.30 a week. 

PIP  is paid on top of almost every other benefit and may lead to an increase in some benefits or entitlement to additional benefits.

The enhanced rate of the mobility component also gives access to the Motability scheme.

How you qualify for PIP

This information applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland – Scotland has a separate system.  You need to be aged at least 16 before you can receive PIP and you need to start your claim before you reach state pension age.

The best way to decide whether you might be eligible for PIP is to look through this list of PIP activities and think about the ways that your condition affects your ability to carry them out.  You are awarded points according to the level of difficulty you have with each of these activities, with sufficient points leading to an award of PIP.

Daily living activities
There are 10 daily living activities:

  • Preparing food
  • Taking nutrition
  • Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
  • Washing and bathing
  • Managing toilet needs or incontinence
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Communicating verbally
  • Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
  • Engaging with other people face-to-face
  • Making budgeting decisions

Mobility activities
There are two mobility activities:

  • Planning and following journeys
  • Moving around

Remember that you need to be able to complete the activities

  • to a reasonable standard,
  • safely,
  • repeatedly
  • taking no more than twice as long as it would take a person without a health condition.

Points for anxiety

Below are some examples of the issues that you might have because of anxiety .  Do remember, that if you have other conditions, you can take those into account too.

If you are at risk of experiencing a panic attack whilst cooking, you may need supervision and someone to take over the task if you are unable to continue.

You may have a poor appetite as a result of anxiety and need someone to prompt you to start eating or to finish your meal. 

You may have medication related to your anxiety that you do not remember to take unless you are prompted by someone else or by an alarm on your phone.

You might wash or bathe but not to an acceptable standard because, for example, you are distracted by intrusive thoughts or feel restless.

If you have joint pains or pins and needles in your hands as a result of anxiety, you may benefit from an aid to help you dress.  For example, you may need a button hook, front-fastening bra or shoehorn. 

You may be able to read and understand information but take more than twice as long to do so as someone who does not have anxiety because you have difficulties with your concentration. 

Anxiety about social situations may lead to you avoiding them unless you are prompted by another person to engage. 

Anxiety about possible dangers or problems when outdoors could make you reluctant to leave the house without someone prompting or encouraging you.  You could score points for this, even if you do then manage to complete the journey alone.

There are more examples of ways that anxiety may affect your PIP score in the PIP test for anxiety.

Benefits and Work members can also download a ‘PIP for anxiety Supplementary Guide’ from the PIP Guides page with even more examples and case studies, to complement our main guide to claiming PIP.

PIP test for Anxiety

Take the next step 

Claiming PIP isn't easy. And getting the correct award is even harder.

But there are things you can do to greatly increase your chances of getting the right result.

One of them is to use our highly detailed, step-by-step Guide to PIP claims and reviews, which will support you through every stage of the system.

Because filling in the 37 page PIP2 ‘How your disability affects you’ form in as much detail as possible is vital.

It not only means you are giving accurate and consistent evidence from the outset, it also improves your chances of overturning an unfair decision if you have to go to appeal.  

Our guide takes you through the PIP2 form, box-by-box, explaining the kind of information you need to put in each one.

Being fully prepared for an assessment is vital too. Knowing what questions you are likely to be asked and what unspoken assumptions may be made based on your answers, unless you deal with them, can make all the difference.  Our guide will ensure you are as ready as you possibly can be.

And because we’ve been supporting claimants for 20 years and have a community of thousands of members who keep us updated with their experiences, we can make sure you are prepared for any unfair tactics the DWP might employ.

And we have guides to every other part of your PIP claim too, from mandatory reconsideration, to appeal to review.  Plus a forum where you can ask questions, regular news items and more.

So, whether you’ve tried claiming PIP before and been unsuccessful, or you’ve never had any experience of the benefits system, join the Benefits and Work community to give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right award.

Even if you are not ready to subscribe to the site yet, you can download our guide to ‘The First Steps To PIP Success’ for free and also join the 120,000 people who subscribe to our free fortnightly newsletter.

PIP test for Anxiety


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago

    Iv been diagnosed with anxiety & depression and have been claiming pip for around 2 years but was only given mobility enhanced as I couldn’t travel along as I’m prone to having seizures. I was told I needed a review back in October 2023 and have sent all my information about how I find it difficult to mix with others on a daily basis. Iv also had a letter from my gp stating I shouldn’t be working because of my disorder.

    I was refused any daily living components but was still awarded the mobility for another 4 years.

    Iv made a mandatory reconsideration and also sent my diagnosis for anxiety and depression summary from the psychiatrist and gp and also sent a supporting letter from my mom who helps me with my daily living such as trying to get out the house ect. 

    I have expressed each time how distressed I get when I’m in environments I’m not used to or Evan being round people I know causes me to have major panic and anxiety attacks. 

    I feel that none of the evidence that Iv sent in has been taken into account and they have also sent me a letter with a outcome from the review stating that they agree my circumstances have changed reason why they are extending my mobility component? 

    Does t make sense how they given me mobility again when Iv expressed how going out the house and mixing with people causes me stress and major anxiety. I’m unable to hold a job down as it’s not just ruining my everyday life but also my work life(career)

    Should I take this to a tribunals if the mandatory reconsideration comes back the same again Evan though Iv sent supporting evidence stating my diagnosis and advising I’m not to be working with my mental health & anxiety? Appreciate you help.
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    · 9 months ago
    Sorry. My pip was £175 pw, not £275.
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    · 9 months ago
    I had polymyalgia for 4 years and suffer with severe social anxiety, CPTSD and I am too afraid to leave the house alone. The Polymyalgia has now gone. I had an assessment a month ago and a decision. My PIP has now gone from £275 a week to £24 a week. Is that right do you think? I find it so hard to understand. Thank you.
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    · 10 months ago
    I'm sorry you're going through so much with this Michelle this system is so dehumanising and brutal. 

    Some years ago struggling with debilitating health conditions I was with my mother when she died terribly of lung disease.  The staff in the hospice said it was extremely traumatic too. A few months afterwards I had an ESA assessment with a young woman.  I explained that my PTSD and other health conditions were a lot worse since experiencing this and that part of my routine in the morning was just listening to podcasts (in between trying to look after my house etc) to take my mind off the shock/loss etc. That came out in the report as 'she likes to listen to podcasts all day' ..... I sent in a letter of complaint after this which of course was not acknowledged. 

    Something has gone so wrong with this DWP system there needs to be a legal challenge of some sort - group litigation or similar for all they have done to us over so many years! I hope you can get through your assessment as well as possible sending all best wishes.
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    · 10 months ago
    I have been given an appointment 3 hours away by public transport in a town the other side of the Humber, even though I live in a city. They have given me this appointment 3 times now, and always for 9am. 

    They know I have MS, constant fatigue and diagnosed ADHD. All things that make getting up at 5am to travel 3 hours, on a route I don't know, on several buses, a logistical nightmare, and basically impossible. I spoke to them last, they said they would note it that it's not appropriate. Now here we are again.

    And let's face it, even if I did manage it, it would be a 6 hour round trip, that would leave me stressed and exhausted.... And they wouldn't write down any facts.... Only has hair tied up, has good rapport, went to school 25 years ago.... 0 points 0 points 0 points...  Why should I put myself through it just for them to call me a liar. They don't care about medical records and facts, just bias and excuses to kick.

    I hate this country, and now they want to descriminate against me more by spying on my bank account... Lol!! The worst thing about my disabilities is the UK government and those they hire to  undertake their inhumane descrimination
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    · 10 months ago
    Something that might help people make some sense of the DWP/Tory policy shenanigans. It's sounding a lot more positive than some of the clickbait the Express and Daily Mail are posting.
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    · 10 months ago
    This is a disgusting and reprehensible action from the corrupt government.  They have only just recently changed the policy from DLA and want to make things harder for disabled people, they are now trying remove any support altogether.  

    The the way in which the consultation is presented needs to be challenged, it looks to control responses which then can be interpreted whatever they need to justify their decisions.  Also, more accountibility and transparency in terms of oversight, because it is a well know tactic that they just need to consult but do not need to heed the results of the consultation (mind you not sure what use this consultation is looking for).  DWP are well known for not bothering with process, just look at the usual responses to United Nations Committee for the Rights of Disabled People, regarding the UK’s “grave and systemic” violations of the UNCRDP.
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    · 10 months ago
    Disgusting.. It's like asking if you prefer to breathe.. One for the courts I fancy.. TICK TOCK TORIES ⏳⏰
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    · 1 years ago
    I gave been refused PIP and the CAB have persuaded me to go an appeal. I did the mandatory reconsideration and was turned down so now waiting for the tribuna.
    I am almost completely deaf in both ears I also suffer with anxiety IBS and OCD and bladder weakness I only got 2 points at first the 4 with the mandatory reconsideration.
    My adult son with mental health problems lives with me at the moment but he is waiting to go to supported housing. I also drive a car 2 or 3 days a week.
    They put in the report that I drive every day which I do not as I do not have the energy, and so I was worried they would say that I should not be driving. I need my car it is my lifeline, even though I do stay in often and find it difficult to motivate myself sometimes even to get dressed some days.
    I think that I did not make it very clear originally as I found the process very intimidating.
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    · 1 years ago
    My granddaughter has depression and anxiety, has bad panic attacks, she applied for PIP under advice of her welfare officer last December but has heard nothing . I sent a recorded delivery letter to DWP but have still had no reply - disgraceful 
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    · 1 years ago
    I have managed to get basic rates for both daily living and mobility for PIP with the help of a Benefits Adviser who is funded jointly by my local CAB and my GPs surgery. I found the help completing the form was invaluable because the Adviser prompted me with supplementary questions to draw out my answers to each of the sections. They then wrote a rough draft which both of us discussed and amended before filling in my final responses. It was also helpful that I was able to make an appointment to meet the Adviser in one of the rooms at my surgery which is a place I feel safe and supported. This meant that I felt able to be very open with the Adviser when explaining how my daily life is affected by my illness and to discuss in detail exactly how best to communicate those points in writing.

    With hindsight I think that the process of needing to explain the details of your illness to another sympathetic and non-judgemental person is very helpful.  If you know someone you trust who is prepared to help you by listening, even if they have no training, the guides published by Benefits and Work could be a very useful aids for completing the form together. If you can discover a Benefits Adviser or Disability Advocate in your own area, even better, especially if you can arrange sufficient time for you to have more than one appointment so that you can think over your initial answers in your own time at home and discuss them with others if you want.

    I do urge everyone who is unwell to gather the strength they need to persevere with the PIP claim process; it is awful and takes a great deal of effort and sheer grit to continue, there's no sugar coating that. However, when you finally receive the money it makes a great deal of difference to your daily life, so please gird your loins and keep on keeping on.
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    · 1 years ago
    I applied last August having presented with neurological issues, numbness, tingling, bowel and bladder issues, anxiety, PTSD, diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility. Pain in feet, hands, vertigo with bouts of debilitating nystagmus, blurred vision all of which I was either under a consultant for or awaiting an appointment. The assessor basically lied about everything during the telephone assessment at the end of March and I received 6 points for using aids which I had purchased. I requested the report and the assessor stated I wasn't under a MH nurse who I've been under since 2020 and 2 weeks after the call made a home visit and increased my medication and referred me for therapy. I've since had a brain MRI and a spinal MRI just this week awaiting results. Being at the mercy of such long wait times to see a consultant and then tests was used against me. I've since suffered bouts of paralysis and have an OT and Physio in place. The OT provided me with four aids which I depend on daily and the physio is recommending I am provided with a motorised wheelchair because of my mobility issues and extreme fatigue. I requested an MR immediately after receiving their decision but my health deteriorated soon after and have been unable to get the PIP evidence I now have, put together and sent to them to counter everything the assessor claimed in the report. I've experienced cognitive issues so brain got and state of mind just to apply myself to this has not been easy as well as being in and out of hospital. I will be sending in as soon as I'm able as I know we have 13 months as advised bu 2 seperate PIP advisors. I shall keep you updated. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I was awarded the basic mobility part of PIP for anxiety, I received 10 points, so this has enabled me to get a blue badge. I have epilepsy and found (like most people) the phone assessment awful, the 'clever' questioning, the lack of knowledge of my conditions just left me completely drained so by the end of the assessment I had no idea what I was saying, I explained to the nurse who did the assessment I had notes to help me as my memory is terrible because of the epilepsy meds. My first question was "do you have any pets?" The daily living part I was awarded 8 points so I have done a mandatory reconsideration, I really didn't have the energy to do the reconsideration but I've made myself. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I have tried twice for pip and been turned down, now I have done a reconsideration and getting all my paperwork together. I’m suffering with anxiety, depression and newly diagnosed with Celiacs disease. I’m having help from my Occupational Therapist, I could never do this on my own. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I'm pleased to say 1st time applying for Pip for my 16 year old daughter who is Autistic but also has severe anxiety. I managed to tell the Pip team that she wouldn't talk so had a telephone call instead of ftf assessment, pointless really when she can't speak. Anyway after a lengthy 2 hour call & an agonising 2 weeks we were awarded Enhanced rate for both, all thanks to this website.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Carol If you get tax credits make sure you tell them your daughter now gets PIP. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Having managed to attain the higher rates for both benefits for 9 yrs, this year they decided to reduce my wife's Living allowance by 50% and remove the mobility allowance. 

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