Claim PIP for generalised osteoarthritis

In 2024, there were 192,509  PIP claimants with generalised osteoarthritis listed as their main disabling condition. This makes it the third most common condition to get an award of PIP for out of over 500 conditions listed by the DWP.  It is worth noting that the DWP have separate statistics for arthritis of the hip, knee and other single joint meaning that the total number of awards for all types of osteoarthritis is 265,430.

So, if you have generalised osteoarthritis and it affects your daily living activities, such as cooking, washing, dressing or mixing with other people or your ability to get around, you should definitely consider making a claim.

Success rates

The success rate for PIP claims for generalised osteoarthritis is 72%, compared to an overall average of 53%.  So your chances of an award if you have this condition are very high.

Award rates

23% of PIP claimants with generalised osteoarthritis get the enhanced rate of both the daily living and the mobility component. 

Daily living awards

Enhanced daily living 31%

Standard daily living 67%

No daily living 2%

Mobility awards

Enhanced mobility 43%

Standard mobility 34%

No mobility 23%

98% of claimants with generalised osteoarthritis who get an award get the daily living component, compared to 77% who get the mobility component.

Age range

The ages of those currently in receipt of PIP for generalised osteoarthritis are:

16-29 years  0%

30-49 years  7%

50-64 years  47%

65 and over  46%

PIP rates

The rates of PIP from April 2024 are:

Daily Living component

Standard rate: £72.65

Enhanced rate: £108.55

Mobility component

Standard rate: £28.70

Enhanced rate: £75.75

So, an award of the enhanced rate of PIP for both components means an extra £184.30 a week. 

PIP  is paid on top of almost every other benefit and may lead to an increase in some benefits or entitlement to additional benefits.

The enhanced rate of the mobility component also gives access to the Motability scheme.

Learn more or take the test

You can read more about claiming PIP for generalised osteoarthritis or take our simple online test now to find out if you might be able to make a claim.

Take the PIP Test

How you qualify for PIP

This information applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland – Scotland has a separate system.  You need to be aged at least 18 before you can receive PIP and you need to start your claim before you reach state pension age.

The best way to decide whether you might be eligible for PIP is to look through this list of PIP activities and think about the ways that your condition affects your ability to carry them out.  You are awarded points according to the level of difficulty you have with each of these activities, with sufficient points leading to an award of PIP.

Daily living activities

Preparing food

Taking nutrition

Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition

Washing and bathing

Managing toilet needs or incontinence

Dressing and undressing

Communicating verbally

Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words

Engaging with other people face-to-face

Making budgeting decisions

Mobility activities

Planning and following journeys

Moving around

Remember that you need to be able to complete the activities

to a reasonable standard,



taking no more than twice as long as it would take a person without a health condition.

Points for generalised osteoarthritis

Below are some examples of the issues that you might have because of generalised osteoarthritis.  Do remember, that if you have other conditions, you can take those into account too.

Due to pain, tenderness or stiffness in your hips or knees, you may be unable to stand for very long in the kitchen.  You might need an aid, such as a perching stool, to help you.

If you are prone to stumbles or falls because of your knees giving way, you may need another person to supervise you in the kitchen to keep you safe when cooking.

If you have pain, swelling or limited movement in your hands, you may be unable to cut up food, even with an aid.  You may need another person to cut up your food for you.

Due to pain, stiffness or restricted movement in your hands, you may be unable to get medication out of the packet or bottle, even if you try to use an aid.  You may need another person to get your medication out for you.

Due to pain, stiffness or tenderness in your hips or knees, you may be unable to stand for very long in the shower.  You may need a shower seat to sit on or a handrail for support. 

Pain and stiffness may make it difficult for you to wipe yourself without either taking more than twice as long as other people or needing assistance.

You may require adapted clothing to enable you to dress yourself without assistance because of the issues with your joints.  For example, you might wear a front fastening bra, easy-snap trousers or a wrap around skirt. 

You may require a walking aid to help you when walking outdoors but are unable to use one because of pain in your hands or difficulties with gripping.

Benefits and Work members can also download a ‘PIP for Generalised )steoarthritis Supplementary Guide’ with even more examples and case studies, to complement our main guide to claiming PIP.

Take the PIP Test

Take the next step

Claiming PIP isn't easy. And getting the correct award is even harder.

But there are things you can do to greatly increase your chances of getting the right result.

One of them is to use our highly detailed, step-by-step Guide to PIP claims and reviews, which will support you through every stage of the system.

Because filling in the 37 page PIP2 ‘How your disability affects you’ form in as much detail as possible is vital.

It not only means you are giving accurate and consistent evidence from the outset, it also improves your chances of overturning an unfair decision if you have to go to appeal.  

Our guide takes you through the PIP2 form, box-by-box, explaining the kind of information you need to put in each one.

Being fully prepared for an assessment is vital too. Knowing what questions you are likely to be asked and what unspoken assumptions may be made based on your answers, unless you deal with them, can make all the difference.  Our guide will ensure you are as ready as you possibly can be.

And because we’ve been supporting claimants for 20 years and have a community of thousands of members who keep us updated with their experiences, we can make sure you are prepared for any unfair tactics the DWP might employ.

And we have guides to every other part of your PIP claim too, from mandatory reconsideration, to appeal to review.  Plus a forum where you can ask questions, regular news items and more.

So, whether you’ve tried claiming PIP before and been unsuccessful, or you’ve never had any experience of the benefits system, join the Benefits and Work community to give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right award.

Even if you are not ready to subscribe to the site yet, you can download our guide to ‘The First Steps To PIP Success’ for free and also join the 120,000 people who subscribe to our free fortnightly newsletter.

Take the PIP Test


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    We have got the 2018 descriptors for PIP. Do you know if there is a more up to date version? 
    We are trying to fill in a award review for PIP. Form PIP 1043. 
    Do you know if the moving around activities has changed. Question 12.  Have there charged the rules for getting the points for 20 to 50 mts. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 months ago
    I get a lower rate of mobility. For the last two years, I have had a bad back and I have been complaining to my doctor. I had an x-ray of my back and it showed lumbar spondylosis, however, it became worse so eventually I had an MRI that showed osteoarthritis across my lower back. I also have arthritis in both my knees and waiting on the results of my X-rays.
    Sometimes getting out of a chair is so painful and I can't stand for long before it aches so I have to sit down again. It is also painful getting into my car. Standing with the pain in my knees is also painful; I now use a walking stick. I also have fibromyalgia. Should I apply for the higher rate mobility and if so how do I go about it. I would appreciated any help with this. Many thanks   
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    I get lower rate PIP for daily living and higher rate mobility. Friends have told me before I should be on high rate for both because of the deterioration in my condition. I keep thinking about applying but I'm scared of losing what I already get. I don't know when my next review is, I do know things have got worse since my last one. 
    I did the questionnaire and according to that should be higher rate for both. 
    I honestly don't know what to do
    Arthritis. The gift that keeps on giving!
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    · 4 months ago
    I have osteoarthritis in most joints and I started on dla and I’m now on pip I got standard for daily living and enhanced for mobility, at the last review I decided to ask the for a reconsideration of the standard as my hands were worse and I was successful, I think I left it so long to ask as you hear that you can end up with nothing but I knew I was going to need it , I will say the questions are very difficult for most people to get a reward as they don’t give you much in the wad of help but definitely reading your stories did encourage me to try I’m glad I did , not long after I lost my job due to being unable to carry out the “ new work duties “ expected of us all which was wrong according to there own occupational therapist I should of been allowed to stay in the job I was employed for and given more help, so there you go disabled people are still suffering from biases in almost every situation but at least your there to help us thank you