In 2023, there were 74,596 PIP claimants with stroke listed as their main disabling condition. This makes it the twelfth most common condition to get an award of PIP for out of over 500 conditions listed by the DWP.

So, if you have had a stroke and it affects your daily living activities, such as cooking, washing, dressing or mixing with other people or your ability to get around, you should definitely consider making a claim.

Success rates

The success rate for PIP claims for stroke is 77%, compared to an overall average of 53%.  So you have a much better than average chance of getting an award for stroke .

Award rates

59% of PIP claimants who have had a stroke, get the enhanced rate of both the daily living and the mobility component. 

Daily living awards
Enhanced daily living 71%

Standard daily living 27%

No daily living 2%

Mobility awards
Enhanced mobility 67%

Standard mobility 19%

No mobility 14%

98% of claimants with who have had a stroke, who get an award, get the daily living component, compared to 86% who get the mobility component.

Age range

The ages of those currently in receipt of PIP for stroke are:

  • 16-29 years  1%
  • 30-49 years  12%
  • 50-64 years  51%
  • 65 and over  35%

PIP rates

The rates of PIP from April 2024 are:

Daily Living component
Standard rate: £72.65
Enhanced rate: £108.55

Mobility component
Standard rate: £28.70
Enhanced rate: £75.75

 So, an award of the enhanced rate of PIP for both components means an extra £184.30 a week. 

PIP  is paid on top of almost every other benefit and may lead to an increase in some benefits or entitlement to additional benefits.

The enhanced rate of the mobility component also gives access to the Motability scheme.

Learn more or take the test

You can read more about claiming PIP for stroke or take our simple online test now to find out if you might be able to make a claim for PIP.

Take the PIP Test

How you qualify for PIP

This information applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland – Scotland has a separate system.  You need to be aged at least 18 before you can receive PIP and you need to start your claim before you reach state pension age.

The best way to decide whether you might be eligible for PIP is to look through this list of PIP activities and think about the ways that your condition affects your ability to carry them out.  You are awarded points according to the level of difficulty you have with each of these activities, with sufficient points leading to an award of PIP.

Daily living activities
There are 10 daily living activities:

  • Preparing food
  • Taking nutrition
  • Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
  • Washing and bathing
  • Managing toilet needs or incontinence
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Communicating verbally
  • Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
  • Engaging with other people face-to-face
  • Making budgeting decisions

Mobility activities
There are two mobility activities:

  • Planning and following journeys
  • Moving around

Remember that you need to be able to complete the activities

  • to a reasonable standard,
  • safely,
  • repeatedly
  • taking no more than twice as long as it would take a person without a health condition.

Points for stroke

Below are some examples of the issues that you might have because of the effects of a stroke.  Do remember, that if you have other conditions, you can take those into account too.

 Extreme fatigue may mean you find preparing a simple meal too exhausting to manage.

Weakness or paralysis on one side of your body may mean you need to use aids and appliances in the kitchen to help with activities such as peeling, chopping and lifting pans.

You may need help with dressing and undressing because of weakness or paralysis.

Aphasia as a result of a stroke may mean you need help to understand or express even basic information.

Cognitive problems caused by a stroke may mean that it takes you more than twice as long as before to read or understand basic information.

It may not be safe for you bathe because weakness in your leg and balance problems mean you are likely to fall in the bath or shower and need assistance.

Concentration and memory problems may mean that you cannot plan the route of a journey.

Foot drop may make walking difficult and unsafe, meaning that you need to use a walking aid.

Take the next step 

Claiming PIP isn't easy. And getting the correct award is even harder.

But there are things you can do to greatly increase your chances of getting the right result.

One of them is to use our highly detailed, step-by-step Guide to PIP claims and reviews, which will support you through every stage of the system.

Because filling in the 37 page PIP2 ‘How your disability affects you’ form in as much detail as possible is vital.

It not only means you are giving accurate and consistent evidence from the outset, it also improves your chances of overturning an unfair decision if you have to go to appeal.  

Our guide takes you through the PIP2 form, box-by-box, explaining the kind of information you need to put in each one.

Being fully prepared for an assessment is vital too. Knowing what questions you are likely to be asked and what unspoken assumptions may be made based on your answers, unless you deal with them, can make all the difference.  Our guide will ensure you are as ready as you possibly can be.

And because we’ve been supporting claimants for 20 years and have a community of thousands of members who keep us updated with their experiences, we can make sure you are prepared for any unfair tactics the DWP might employ.

And we have guides to every other part of your PIP claim too, from mandatory reconsideration, to appeal to review.  Plus a forum where you can ask questions, regular news items and more.

So, whether you’ve tried claiming PIP before and been unsuccessful, or you’ve never had any experience of the benefits system, join the Benefits and Work community to give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right award.

Even if you are not ready to subscribe to the site yet, you can download our guide to ‘The First Steps To PIP Success’ for free and also join the 120,000 people who subscribe to our free fortnightly newsletter.

Finally, if you have claimed PIP because of a stroke, please share your experience - good or bad - with readers in the comments section below.

Take the PIP Test 


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Had a stroke in March this year, I put forward a p.i.p claim and today 11/ 09/ 2024, I have been refused any help.On the self assessment I scored 16 points daily living and 10 points mobility.The assessor sent me his report today he has changed all of my scores to "0" .I cannot walk much distance without fierce pain in my hips and legs,I have terrible anxiety iam medicated for ,and face alot of problems day to day.Even though this assessor hasn't even met me he's telling me yes you can walk 200m,yes you can cook,no you don't need help getting into the shower.I am going to appeal,but there's something more going on here.Any suggestions are welcome. 
    Thank you.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    Everytime I visit the website I get shown fewer and fewer comments, same comments on every news story also, not seperate like normal.  Today it is showing me only 5 comments, from 6 months ago. Hope you can fix it soon because this is a bit of a lifeline for me and makes me feel like someone is listening. 
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    · 11 months ago
    I'm 31 had my stroke 5 month ago when I was 30, 4 week after having my daughter, iv just been approved pip
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    · 11 months ago
    Following my stroke in 2015, I applied and was awarded PIP following a face to face assessment. I'd included my consultants report on my stroke and pictures of my brain scans illustrating the brain damage I'd suffered. I got these from the initial hospital I was admitted to by requesting a copy of the MRI scan (£10). Gather as much evidence as you can (even though it's not really something you think of at the time). When the assessor came to my house: Although I'd managed to get some leggings on, I was still in my PJ top! (Though it does admittedly look rather T shirtish) She wrote that I was dressed despite me telling her I couldn't dress my top half! My left arm was in a sling at the time due to repeatedly catching my arm in doors and seat belts (something years later I still do). It's a depressing process as it really rubs in what you can no longer do yourself. I was awarded enhanced mobility, but due to her thinking I could dress myself: the daily living element was standard. I applied for MR and it was turned down so appealed the decision. Beth, the lovely lady from the Stroke Association attended court with me. The court noted something I hadn't considered and immediately granted me the enhanced daily living. 2 years later the same assessor came to review the allowance. I had the appeal judgement letter and asked her if she'd seen it. (Maybe a bit mean of me!) Apparently the assessors are sent the detailed judgements on successful appeals! My award was continued with an ongoing award, no need to review for at least 10 years. Though attending court to appeal is terrifying and degrading having to validate your own circumstances despite medical evidence- I would recommend appealing. 
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    · 11 months ago
    My brother applied for pip. When he had a stroke which changed his life but was flatly refused on both mobility and care.
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    · 11 months ago
    Hi my brother for 3 years fighting pip last June whent to tribunal they gave him low rate even though should got full pip so put any claim in telling them should been on full pip he’s ad stroke got copd arthritis in legs hands arms in spine pelvis got brain Disorder and mental problems they got back to him in June saying most points he get is six so not intitled to low pip how can they say give six points when year ago tribunal gave him low rate 9 points and he sent in more evidence is condition is worse and got full time carer he as been frighting this now for three years and lost out last year because didn’t get full pip backdated he’s getting more more mental stressed out if got COPD arthritis asthma and ad stroke surely he’s entitled to full pip he lost all back pay for two years because they gave him low rate now put it in again they turned him down and stop pip when tribunal gave him the low rate and sent more evidence that condition is worse and got care comes out how can pip get away with this 
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      · 11 months ago
      @Stephen cave Take it to Tribunal again. I think you should try to get help in filling in the pip claim form - somewhere like Citizens Advice Bureau. Get evidence from your GP to send in with it. Contact the Stroke Association for help in attending the tribunal.
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    · 11 months ago
    My husband was assessed in 2017. He had a brain stem stroke in 2011 on a flight from Australia. He was initially given 48 hours to live. Could only move his eyelids, was locked in for almost five months. He can now walk a few steps, but is in pain and has numerous legacy symptoms from the stroke. We had a home visit and the first thing the assessor said was “Oh, after reading your application I expected to see a dribbling old man”. She claimed to be a qualified nurse but said she had to look up Brain stem stroke as she didn’t know what it was. She also asked in detail about his incontinence. The evening previous I had received a call from someone at DWP who asked in detail re continence and when I had replied in detail said “this is so you won’t have to answer this question tomorrow.” When I pointed this out to the visiting assessor she still insisted in asking embarassing and highly intrusive questions. I had to watch my very proud husband be humiliated and we were both too worried that if we challenged this questioning it would be seen negatively by the assessor and May affect our application. My husband was granted high in both categories ‘ongoing’ for which we are very grateful but we dread the ‘light touch’ assessment in 2027