I hope this information will be helpful to others challenging the 'Planning and following journeys' mobility descriptor for mental health claimants.
I lost my mobility after transferring from DLA to PIP, and the decision maker phoned me to see if I was happy about the result of the claim. I tried to explain that I should have been awarded 10 points for planning and following journeys due to my panic attacks and mental health issues, but I was scored 0 points because the DM said I was able to attend appointments with my psychiatrist.
I then sent a MR request and I really explained in detail how even though I was able to attend psychiatric appointments, it could not be said that I could do this reliably, repeatedly, for the majority of the time etc. I explained that the appointments were only a few a year, and explained in great detail the stress involved building up to the appointment and how I was for days after the appointments. I really stuck word for word to the guides on what these terms, reliably, repeatedly, for the majority of the time etc really meant, and I am pleased to say the second DM agreed with me and this is part of the reason behind his/her decision:
"..........this activity........does not apply to claimants who are able to undertake some journeys without prompting or despite distress....but I have looked at all the evidence again and I agree you cannot leave home for the majority of days despite having someone to prompt....'
Good luck!
p.s - can't find the thread, but in answer to Steve Donnisson (?) asking if any of us had a note on our decision letter suggesting we would be contacted before our award end date - my award is til March 2019 and yet on the decision letter, it says I will be contacted in March 2018.