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Won My Tribunal Today!!

7 years 7 months ago #173256 by alison
Replied by alison on topic Won My Tribunal Today!!
hi vicky,.
aww thankyou for taking time to get back, ,i actualy had my tribunal today ,,it was overturned ,i was awarded standard daily living and standard mobility ..ime totaly still overwhelmed by decision i realy didnt think ide win my appeal in honesty but i think i tried to mentaly prepare myself for the wrse sernario,, anyway i have to say as soon as i got in the building i was a complete and utter mess ,uncontrolable shaking ,crying .in total panoc mode, the clerk came to meet me at entrance and then kindly took me and my friend who came with me for suppirt to a private room she was lovely ,texplained what will happen and offerd me water and tried reasuring me not to be so afraid etc i was called in within 5 mins of waiting ,,by this time i could hardly walk through shaking so badly felt i was going to faint at one point ,,there was a lady judge a male dr and another lady from disability ,the judge and other lady were very compasionate and told me at anytime i feel it too much to say as they could see the distress i was in , the dr however was quite sarci and kept repeating questions in different seranios ,i answerd truthfully best i could ,some question were silly from him ,like ,, would you be able to go say down to the beach if it was quiet with your friend ,,??? i answerd ide love nothing more than to be able to but i cant even sit in my back garden ,.not sure why a silly question like that is revelant to someone who is housebound but ime sure he had his own thoughts on that,.just glad its over with now and the award is for 3 yrs ,i realy do feel for everyone going through this draining ordeal its so wrong treating sick and already vulnerable people the way the dwp are doing so,.they need to realise that people are not scrounging for more money they suffering daily with ilneses and there just isnt enough compasion in the goverment whatsover for the sick,its disgracefull , hope you are keeping well vicky and thankyou for your support and taking the time to share your experiance with me its helped me to see this through as i was going to give up at one point ,but thanks to you and other kind people going through the same have kept me determined to fight my corner,. ,
best wishes , ,alison,x

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7 years 6 months ago #174599 by Vicky
Replied by Vicky on topic Won My Tribunal Today!!
Hi Alison,
Well done getting through this ordeal. Don't be surprised if it lingers on for a while. The effects of it all are still evident in my mental ill-health. But please congratulate yourself for going to the tribunal and not letting DWP fob you off.
When we first started writing to each other you didn't feel that you could go. So I think you've done extremely well to do this. I know that it came at a huge personal cost, but I'm really proud of you. I hope that doesn't sound patronising. It's not meant to.
I really hope that you'll be able to regain some form of equilibrium and that you get your money backdated and into your account soon.
I agree we're not "scroungers" etc. No one would go to all these lengths if they didn't have a real cause to. I also agree that DWP don't care at all about the way this is devastating people's lives and exacerbating their ill-heath.
If you feel you can, why not email your MP and let her/him know about your experience? I contacted mine and made it very clear that something should be done to stop DWP putting claimants though this nightmare. I'm hoping she'll raise it in the House.
Take good care of yourself,

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7 years 6 months ago #174619 by slugsta
Replied by slugsta on topic Won My Tribunal Today!!
Great news Alison, well done! :)

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7 years 6 months ago #174659 by denise
Replied by denise on topic Won My Tribunal Today!!
Hi Gordon the lady who got the H care and M said the tribunial gave it to her for life and am i right that she was talking about PIP I was under the impression that there is no life awards on Pip and the max is 10 years .

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7 years 6 months ago - 7 years 6 months ago #174689 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic Won My Tribunal Today!!

denise wrote: Hi Gordon the lady who got the H care and M said the tribunial gave it to her for life and am i right that she was talking about PIP I was under the impression that there is no life awards on Pip and the max is 10 years .

PIP has an on-going award which is similar to a DLA indefinite award.


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Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by Gordon.

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