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ESA 50 form for daughter

7 years 2 months ago #184271 by Karl
ESA 50 form for daughter was created by Karl
My daughter has Been on ESA and DLA for a number of years since about 2011 for Epilepsy and Borderline Personality Disorder

I had heard there were changes and at some point she would be re assessed and had been trying for weeks to look for information. I thought it would happen when eventually being transferred over to UC.
She was originally in the ESA support Group but volunteered to go in the WRAG group as she has always wanted to work
She has never had a job
She has done a few college courses but struggled with these and had to have a lot of help to get through some of them others she has given up

The Dreaded ESA50 form has arrived last week and I had been looking at this site and others on what is required to re claim. My daughter would be unable to fill in the form herself as she struggles with things like this.

She was originally diagnosed with Localisation related epilepsy and Polymicrogyria In 2011 but they said it had more than likely been there from birth, She suffers from Absences Blank spells where she just stares and cannot hear not sure but think they are call partial and complex partial seizures as this is what it says on one of her letters from the neurologists.
She had and has great difficulty accepting this label as it was only diagnosed at 18 and further labels
They also sent her to a Consultant Psychiatrist then he diagnosed her with a Borderline Personality disorder.
She also has poor eyesight and suffers from Kerataconnus and is under Manchester Royal Eye Hospital
At the time from 2010 until 2015 she had been in a very bad relationship which was not good to say the least and was suffering from Domestic abuse and violence. In 2013 she had a child and moved back home with us but the Partner would just keep clawing her back. The Abuse was continuing she has suffered from every type of abuse you can think of in this relationship we now know was very bad and had tried to commit suicide. In July 2015 she tried again and luckily her sister found her in time. The abuser continued to abuse her In August. She then suffered from a breakdown and voluntarily admitted herself to hospital on the recommendation of to mental health workers who visited her at his property as it was supposed to be there home but it was all in his name he controlled her financially and every way you can think same with the abuse.
She was only in Hospital for about 3 days and we could see she was getting worse not better as it was a bad environment for her and she wasn't getting he help she needed . So we got her signed out as it was voluntary.
She returned home with us and within days was improving she still had her baby and was and is a good mother to him. Social services was involved as they had been before because of the concerns with the father and then this . She then let him have contact which was silly as he had been planning to take her baby which he did when she further discovered he was cheating and ended the relationship
He had a past with another child and the same had happened in that relationship with his ex and abused her But he didn't get the child as she was luckily more clever and didn't register that child in his name and is not allowed to see her
Anyway This was a very Upsetting and emotional time for all of us especially her and the baby he was calling her daily with the baby crying for her to come for him trying toemotionally blackmail her to meet him and return and sign some form which she was advised not to of social services and solicitors.
We had to go through court and after 15 months the Judge believed my daughter and her allegations but social services seemed to take a dislike to her because she was upset at times and said as it had been going on so long it would be detrimental to move him back when initially they did and was getting her a property for her and her son so Because he beaten and cheated on her took her son, because she was upset and the time that's ensued going through court it has gone against her she still has him but only a few days a week
This has and is very distressing for her and us and she is broken.
She was then given a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality disorder and Associated depressive illness,
She has been given a number of appointments with Home Treatment team , then the Recovery team and then Therapy I think mentalisation based therepy which after 10 sessions has not really worked she is as you can imagine still upset and doesn't understand how he got there son, Her epilepsy has worsened from just absences of a few minutes to 30 minutes or more and a number of times daily also now having secondary generalized seizures not just partial and complex and her Personality disorder has not improved she is constantly Low in mood and is fitting daily she becomes upset and angry because of al the pressures she is under she cant deal with Bank accounts , bills so we are struggling keep her out of debt , paperwork she doesn't understand most things and has to have things explain and shown over and over and still doesn't get it. I am going to have to fill the form in but don't know how
Her behaviour can be erratic now most of the time she is impulsive and when stressed can become abusive and swear or self harm , smash things up such as personal belongings, the only time she seems to manage better is when she has her son the rest of the time she just doesn't cope well she would not hurt no one except possibly herself.
I fear for my daughter and I fear that the Benefit changes if she doesn't get ESA she will lose her home or end up in debt and then lose her son which will be the end of her I fear.

I need advice how to fill in the form and which sections would apply to her

she doesn't deal with correspondence, Bills Phone calls for appointments, I have to take her to these and arrange them for her
She doesn't communicate well
She doesnt understand things when people are communicating to her or showing her how to do things it has to be explained over and over or visibly shown and still then doesn't always get things or will forget,
Such as Central heating Programmer and room thermostat
I Have shown and explained over and over and she just leaves it on permanent she just doesn't get it
She can set her alarm clock but this doesn't mean she will get up as she is very low and will just stay in bed as she struggles to sleep and stop thinking about things
as for a washing machine she ahs been shown over and over how to do it but still doesn't separate washing and use different programme settings she just washes everything together on the same setting
she forgets what she is doing and forgets to even put it on or what task she is doing so then it doesn't get completed or will forget she has done it and leave the washing in the machine
She blanks out a number of times daily and is left confused and dazed these can be from 30 seconds to 30 minutes or more and have increased in amount and time and happen a number of times daily 4 or more a day we are not even sure
She has had a number of generalized seizures where she has collapsed to the floor and 3 weeks ago had one where she has bit all the inside of her cheek and had wet herself then became ill and was vomiting left fatigued and tired upset and then slept for hours after
she behaves inappropriately most days can be daily especially if she has to deal with problems things just seem to stress her to where she cant cope and she loses it starts getting angry and swearing or will just want to run off and just will walk off if you try to stop her you get abused. the more you try to reason with her and question her when she is like this the worse she will behave and to the point then she will self harm or is just that low and upset crying she doesn't function
She has to be left alone and then she will calm down after a hour and will apologise she doesn't like the way she is or the way she behaves a lot of this has been caused by her social circumstances.

I joined this site hoping there was things that may help but after looking at the guides I am not sure how they will and how to apply things to this impossible form, The government should be ashamed of the changes they are making and how they are affecting people.
as I say I fear for her and fear she will now not be able to afford her home f they stop this lifeline for her

Please please can someone give me some advise how to apply things to this form as a family we are struggling and this form is the last straw

I am sorry its a long post but as you can see I am struggling and so is my daughter

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7 years 2 months ago #184324 by Karl
Replied by Karl on topic ESA 50 form for daughter

Can Anyone please advise me how best to fill in the form for my daughter with regards to

Her epilepsy which she has a number of daily absences and is now having seizures
Emotionally unstable personality disorder

She has difficulty in understanding things and has to have them explained and shown repeatedly
She gets very emotional and when stressed will be fitting more
She then becomes more angry and abusive because of what she has been through with her ex partner
She self harms and will damage property sometimes

I have to manage her bills and correspondence, phone calls on her behalf
I collect her prescription and medication and remind and prompt her to take it
She doesn't communicate well with others and often gets mixed up and confused when having things explained or she is trying to explain

She could not fill in this form for herself and basically If I didn't do it she wouldn't
I fear for her that if forced of ESA she will not be able to cope and will end up back in hospital or worse

Please can anyone give me any pointers on which of the parts would apply

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7 years 2 months ago #184326 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic ESA 50 form for daughter

ESA awards are made because the claimant meets very specific criteria, these are explained in our ESA Claim guides on the following link


For example Epilepsy is covered under the Staying conscious when awake activity. The form is split into two halves; questions 1-10 deal with any physical problems that she has an questions 11-17 deal with issues that derive from her mental health problems, the two guides deal with each of these separately.

It's difficult to give detailed advice on what you have written but there do appear to be several ESA activities that she would appear to meet; again as an example; Behaving appropriately.

Work your way through the guides, the form only provides a précis of the criteria against which she is being assessed, to make a note of the activities where she might score points, then go back through and make sure you fully understand what those criteria mean, our notes in the guides explain what the DWP are looking for and how you might explain her problems. Again as an example; if she is unable to understand the need to separate washing and use an appropriate programme then you can argue that she does not in fact understand the operation of a washing machine.

If you have further questions then please reply to this post and we will do our best to help.


Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
The following user(s) said Thank You: Karl

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7 years 2 months ago #184342 by Karl
Replied by Karl on topic ESA 50 form for daughter
Thanks Gordan

I am struggling with the form I have spent days and days trying to work out which bits apply and what Is needed to say
and as for Medical Evidence I Only have limited amount to use
She has been though a very stressful and emotional time because of her relationship and the abuse she has suffered and on top of that she was then found a house for her and her son but in the meantime her ex partner took her son and then was using him to emotionally blackmail her and spent over a year going to court trying to seek return of her son. She is broken and I fear this is going to make things worse including her losing her home which we have spent the last year trying to make habitable for her and her son when she has him

I thought the section 10 and the mental health part of the form is the bit I will be best focusing on

Its hard to know which bit apply

As you say the consciousness and the behaviour part are 2 areas

there are others I think may apply but that's me not the DWP

Thanks for your advice

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7 years 2 months ago #184346 by slugsta
Replied by slugsta on topic ESA 50 form for daughter
Fill in everything you think applies, DWP will decide whether or not it is relevant.

Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
The following user(s) said Thank You: Karl

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7 years 2 months ago #184360 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic ESA 50 form for daughter

Karl wrote: Hi,

Can Anyone please advise me how best to fill in the form for my daughter with regards to

Her epilepsy which she has a number of daily absences and is now having seizures
Emotionally unstable personality disorder

She has difficulty in understanding things and has to have them explained and shown repeatedly
She gets very emotional and when stressed will be fitting more
She then becomes more angry and abusive because of what she has been through with her ex partner
She self harms and will damage property sometimes

I have to manage her bills and correspondence, phone calls on her behalf
I collect her prescription and medication and remind and prompt her to take it
She doesn't communicate well with others and often gets mixed up and confused when having things explained or she is trying to explain

She could not fill in this form for herself and basically If I didn't do it she wouldn't
I fear for her that if forced of ESA she will not be able to cope and will end up back in hospital or worse

Please can anyone give me any pointers on which of the parts would apply

The Staying Conscious activity looks at the frequency of her attacks, you should also have a look at the Substantial Risk section in the guide. She cannot qualify for the SG through the Staying Conscious activity but she may be able to do so because of the risk of harm to her or another if she was asked to do Work Related Activity, however, this may be a difficult argument if she opted to do WRA even though she was in the SG.


Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
The following user(s) said Thank You: Karl

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