At the end of this month I have a DLA appeal tribunal hearing. I would really like to have a welfare advice worker there with me. The CAB said they thought I could represent myself. The first Age UK worker left (it has taken almost a year to get a hearing date) and the second is going on holiday that week and says they have no one else who can attend with me. Other local agencies give advice but don't attend....
I am willing to hire an experienced support worker to come with me to the hearing. Can anyone recommend someone? I live in central London.
In April I went to support a neighbour in an ESA appeal and was shocked at how little information the tribunal took into account. Using Benefits and Work advice, I prepared a page and a half statement outlining the facts that the medical examiner had overlooked, and nothing, nothing that I wrote was taken into account. The panel didn't let me read the statement, but took it from me and said they would take it into account.
That's why I feel I need an experienced person with me.