i asked a very good freind ,to write out the forms, and the 10 pages off amendments for me, after i had typed them out in word, (its easyer to alter , to change it, when it dosnt read right, than when u try to write it out)he then signed that he had filled it out for me.. i think i ow him a large bottle ofdf whisky !
I feel that if you write it yourself it is better than typing as assumptions can be made. If it takes three days so be it, your own words and how you are affected. People can be very judgemental on typed, articulate information Remember the form is for you to explain how your disability affects you and do not try to FIT your disability to the form.
TypingYour replies on computer has a lot of advantages. + You can do a rough draft then rework/revise how you've explained things + So there's less pressure as you're filling in your answers + And you can add those last-minute afterthoughts easily + You can fit more information into the given space + It's easier for DWP, ATOS, Tribunals to read what you've written + You automatically get a copy for yourself with no extra effort
The only disadvantage is that assumptions about your abilities can be made if you don't explain how you managed to get the typing done.
So in my book it's an outright win for typing as long as you explain how you overcame the obstacles involved.