Having been told my case had to go to tribunal as the decision could not be overturned at appeal I have just had a letter saying a reconsideration has been made and the decision has been changed. All arrears will be paid. I can only think that they have either received the letter from ATOS saying the report 'was not fit for purpose' or the documentation I sent them for the tribunal has been looked at and they have decided not to continue. I am so relieved. However this maybe short lived as i'll probably have to have another medical assessment!
Having been told my case had to go to tribunal as the decision could not be overturned at appeal I have just had a letter saying a reconsideration has been made and the decision has been changed. All arrears will be paid. I can only think that they have either received the letter from ATOS saying the report 'was not fit for purpose' or the documentation I sent them for the tribunal has been looked at and they have decided not to continue. I am so relieved. However this maybe short lived as i'll probably have to have another medical assessment!
Congratulations D74, on gaining the correct assessment at reconsideration.