Thank you so much for your thoughtful and helpful message. I phoned the PIP team this morning and was told that I would receive the PA4 in 1 - 2 weeks. Although I know that the DWP was wrong to not award me any points for physical help, and this makes me angry, I won't be doing a MR because I did still receive enough points to get the Enhanced Rate for both components. I realise that I should fight the DWP, because it is appalling that they have ignored the medical evidence which proves my need for physical assistance, but I'm extremely ill so I cannot face it. Thanks again for your kind advice.
Hi Faith, 'a week or two' is cheeky and or slack, please don't be tricked into missing your MR deadline by this keep-you-waiting-tactic. If they want to they can get them to you in 48 hours. So I suspect they do not want to. Denby