After a long struggle I have finally been able to get hold of my doctors notes after changing doctors from moving. I was turned down for PIP initially, however I believe they didn't have access to my doctors notes. I have elaborated on my questions for my mandatory reconsideration (after help from yourselves from my last two topics posted in here) and advised my doctors notes were to follow.
I now have the the last ten years worth of notes.
How would one suggest I supply them as there's pasts I don't want PIP to see. Should i simply print them all off and go over those parts in a permanent marker and then post with a covering letter?
I would not send all your doctors record over to PIP, you need to go through them and choose the documents relevant to your condition(s) that will help with your claim.
What I usually do when I receive a bundle of patients records is go through them, put to one side correspondance that I believe will be helpful, once I have been through the bundle the correspondence I want to send, I will copy the documents and include them as supporting documents, make sure that you put your National Insurance number on each page + name and address and page number, we recommend "page X of Y" so that it is easy to see if pages are missing. Make sure you clearly mark on the form the page of the supporting document you are referring to.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
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