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Advice for PIP claim

2 years 1 month ago #276421 by ScottishSarah
Advice for PIP claim was created by ScottishSarah
Hi Everyone,

Just joined this week. I have been claiming DLA and now PIP for almost 20 years. When I applied in my early 20’s I was awarded the lower care component and then when it transferred to PIP I was invited for a face to face and awarded the standard rate which is currently £61.85 a week. This was September 2018.

I’ve always felt I should have been awarded the mobility component but was told as I was able to walk to my assessment centre from the train station I didn’t qualify.

I’ve read the resources on this site and it’s given me real hope that isn’t strictly true, I think they have made assumptions and applied the rules incorrectly.

I live in Scotland so I am aware it is due to transfer from DWP to Social Security Scotland before Summer 2025. I really think I should reapply now as I truly think some of the decisions they made are poor. Plus as I get older my pain and mobility is getting worse. I recently requested a copy of my file from them they only sent me the PA4 form though, I will need to request the rest by the looks of things.

For instance, under history of conditions the nurse has written “she attends a private orthotic specialist every 3 months to help with her back and neck pain. They help her with the pain that she gets from the way she walks.” At the time of the assessment I had submitted accident at work forms and other supporting evidence that shows that I trip and fall regularly - sometimes within 2 or 3 steps so well under 20 metres rule. Later on in the assessment under moving around, the nurse states I walked 31 metres and 24 stairs and I walked from the station which was approx 300 metres and states “based on this it would be appropriate to suggest that she would be able to stand and move more than 200 metres repeatedly and reliably” I did explain to the nurse I trip every day (not necessarily on every walk but it happens regularly enough that there is always a risk that it will happen and that I will fall hard and hurt myself). The evidence I submitted included an accident at work where I had only stood up from my chair to go to the printer and before I even got out of my cubicle area I tripped and (2 steps mx) fell landing on my front and face - while I was approximately 6 months pregnant - my line manager had to drive me to the hospital to have my unborn baby monitored before being released a few hours later. I explained these type of falls are not uncommon. I have fallen on the street multiple times where either family or friend has to pick me up or if on my own strangers have had to help me. As my conditions affects my right hand side i tend to fall onto my good side - must be my body ways of trying to protect itself - but then means i have no ability to pick myself up if im cradling my good side and i do not have any strength in my right side to bear weight on it. THey don’t seem to have taken real consideration of the constant pain I am in because of my walking even though they acknowledge that in the history section. My condition means that my right side has not developed as it should and my right leg is shorter than my left. So my hips are not parallel and I have a curvature of the spine (not noticeable while wearing clothes - which is relevant as the nurse states in her assessment that not curve is noticeable) - This is in my medical records as I recall being seen by an anaesthetist during pregnancy who advised due to my curved spine it would be more difficult to insert a epidural and so they suggested I should have it before contractions got too much as if I am moving in pain they may struggle to administer it later on.

I wonder if they have assumed as my osteopath appointments are very 3 months that means my pain is only there every 3 months? However the pain created in my back - lower back and neck is there every day - I’m pretty sure I explained that at the time. Due to affordability I only see my specialist every 3 months, it’s getting to point though I probably really should seem them more often though as the pain is unbearable most days. Feeling stiff sore and with shooting pains in my Coxys area.

I’m also frustrated at the taking nutrition section, I didn’t get any points as apparently even though I cannot hold a knife and chop my food - the nurse suggests that i could do this with one hand and with a fork instead of a knife. It is apparently “appropriate to assume that cooked food are softer and tougher foods are not taken into consideration” That seems really wrong and inappropriate so as a disabled person I’ve just to not eat tougher foods like any kind of meat really unless minced…surely thats not right?

Then for Washing and bathing, i explained I couldn’t get in the bath by myself - however I was awarded points for use of an aid and she writes “that I can get in with holding on to the basin….but I can’t as my basin is too far away from bath and I couldn’t possibly reach” I had been living in the same house for 4 years. She does write I choose showers because I can’t get into the bath often.

For dressing and undressing again only got points for using aids and appliances even though she states I have not pinch grip and reduced general grip however the nurse states “struggles it’s buttons and zips and doesn’t have the grip to do this but then contradicts her self that I can dress my top half - how?? I think stated at the time I generally choose stretchy/ pullover clothes to avoid having to deal with buttons and zips - which I need my husband or daughter to help me with.

Sorry the above is a bit of a rant - didn’t get a copy of the PA4 document as part of my decision letter - at the time I was 10 weeks post party m - in a sleep deprived haze and dealing with a particular bad flare of my ulcerative colitis and so when I got the results that the standard of daily living was being awarded it didn’t cross my mind that I should appeal. KI did try to apply for a blue badge via my local council with my award but they also refused as I didn’t have enough points….

So now for the real question and reason for posting this first question - I scored no points for moving around and planning a journey - I’ve explained above I think the moving around one is definitely incorrect I don’t think they recognise or believe the amount of pain that I am in every day and real risk of falling and hurting myself or others (I’ve fallen going up the stairs with my baby - again will have medical evidence as i took my then 3 month old to A&E to get him checked over).

However the planning the journey section again I scored 0 however while the nurse states I drive and would visit my family and go to work or go to local shops, they haven’t acknowledged when I tried to explained that i have real anxiety when going to unfamiliar places as I NEED TO KNOW where every toilet is on route in case I need to make a very quick stop. Due the number of occasions where I haven’t made it to a destination without experiencing incontinence - I need a passenger that can 1 help direct to the nearest restroom but also be able to go into the shops on my behalf to purchase new clothes if required. Going to my parents, or local cafe that is 10 minutes away that I am familiar with to me is very unrealistic evidence about my ability to plan. Difficult I suppose is that I don’t have a mental health diagnosis as generally I don’t suffer anxieties - I just avoid doing unfamiliar journeys so that i don’t experience that, but sometimes I need to go places. Would that be enough to score points under the planning a journey section???

Thanks for reading to the bottom, hopefully it all makes sense???


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2 years 1 month ago #276425 by greekqueen
Replied by greekqueen on topic Advice for PIP claim
Hi ScottishSarah, I would phone the Social security Scotland number on 08001822222 to get advice on what to do.

All current claims were moved from the DWP to the Scottish system in the summer of last year.

You can't claim PIP and the Scottish equivalent at the same time so you will have been moved onto the Scottish system.

They should be able to assist you further on whether to make a new claim or not.

Good luck


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