IB Contribution based to ESA
- sarah77
- Topic Author
Would it become means-tested straightaway?, or after a year (or do they count the years already claiming IB)
How much is it per week roughly?
When would I expect to transfer?
Many thanks
- pete17971
Please could you tell me what may happen in my situation- been claiming contribution based IB since 2005/2006, in transfer to ESA? The IB is not means tested at the moment. I think I would be in the Work-related group.
Would it become means-tested straightaway?, or after a year (or do they count the years already claiming IB)
How much is it per week roughly?
When would I expect to transfer?
Many thanks
Although there maybe some devil in the detail yet to emerge, as it stands, sometime after Match 2011 you will be migrated onto Contribution Based ESA. Unless you a placed into the Support Group (which remains non means tested) You would be able to claim ESA for upto 1 year before it in effect becomes means tested (Income Related ESA) or you could move onto Job Seekers Allowance for a maximum of 6 months.
The relevant rates are here:
- sarah77
- Topic Author
- pete17971
Hi thanks. £25.50 is that right? At the moment, it is £102.50 per week (long term higher rate with age addition I think)
Assessment rate is £65.45, then any extras are added based on wether you go into the support group or wrag.
This table perhaps explains it better:
- rowland
- originaldave
Wasn't there something about your money wouldn't be reduced through transfer to ESA from IB, but if you recieve more than the ESA amount that amount will be frozon until ESA catches up. Have read it somewhere - tho can't remember where.
that would be so and has happned in the past with other changes they call it marked time I think