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- RachelPotter

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- kathy1
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- originaldave
Thank you very much for your great help and information,,IB tribunal success today. Did not have a representative as local council does not allow Welfare rights worker to attend due to cut backs,My husband accompanied me, The chairperson felt they only needed to ask me two questions that had not been covered properly at ATOS medical and were satisfied with my answers,They apologised for me having to attend the tribunal and gave me the answer in less than five minutes. Another success for ME and Fibromyalgia chronic sufferer.Thanks again and to all genuine sufferers DO NOT GIVE UP you have nothing to fear
well done, and interesting post you say "and to all genuine sufferers" are you saying some are faking it ?

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- Ranald
We know that the dishonest are a small minority but it would be very naive to imagine all claimants are honest.
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- originaldave
Of course some unscrupulous people are trying it on, that is not in doubt is it?
We know that the dishonest are a small minority but it would be very naive to imagine all claimants are honest.
I am sure there must be some, but to put it in a post like that seems strange to me... also the moment you get on a soap box making any claims like that your open to attack. I don't know the poster from Adam, but if that sort of post was repeated on an ME group where people know more about each other... it could upset someone not getting ESA DLA or IB and as someone said on here yesterday ... they had been reported to the DWP.. there are some nasty people in the world. its not good to poke them with sticks, nor is it right I think for us to be the judge of who is sick and not.
I think that sort of comment on some forums might get the trolls going ... its not really our place or job to decide who is sick or not, atos employ drs and look how hard they find the job

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