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- put in WRAG but Dr says unfit for ANY type of work
put in WRAG but Dr says unfit for ANY type of work
- Survivor
However, it looks like the government is going to get more demanding - people in the WRAG may now be told to engage in work experience. Only time will tell how this works out in practice.
- originaldave
i have recieved the outcome of my medical/ wfra, the DWP have decided to put me in a WRAG even though the ATOS Dr said that i was unfit for ANY type of work and that i had to have a home visit because i find it imposible to get to places that i am familar with even when accompained. The DWP have now sent me an interview to go to!!!. I havent been outside my frontdoor for over 8mths!!( which they are well aware of).
I am desperately trying to overcome my fear and anxiety but i feel they are exspecting too much from me too soon.
I would like to see the reports from the DR and the DM do you think i should appeal??
When the Dr said yuour unfit for work, did he add something like a time scale in which he thought you might become fit ? as it seems strange an Atos dr says unfit yet still put you in the work group
- kmr
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- originaldave
sorry everyone for not responding (bad day and night with pain),i have damage to my spine which affects my nerves causing difficulty with my legs and left arm which will eventually have to be operated on, the Atos DR didnt give a time scale. The DWP said that i am to be reassessed in a year,i think it was the DM that put me in the WRAG. I will find out soon as i have requested the reports, and they said that they will do the WRAG interviews over the phone with me. My Mental Health Nurse was present when i had the Atos med/wfhra where the DR said that "in her opinion i am unfit for any type of work but that the decission was down to the DWP".So my MH Nurse was surprised as i was as from this we thought that i would be placed in a support group??
playing devils advocate if the DWP DM are now putting people in wheel chairs in work group in there mind difficult legs wont get support group in the new atos hand book on this web site for members
- kmr
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