Income support to IB
- bro58
hi gordon,
can i just tag something onto this thread please?
i too am on income support, i have never had a medical and have never been asked to attend one, in 1986 i was registered as blind, i had my UB40 taken off me, told not to go there again (suited me fine!), i got a pension book, i think it was called supplementary benefit in those days later to be called income support, to cut a long story short at some point i am sure i too will get the dreaded letter, so am i right in thinking from what you put in your reply to the OP that those being transferred generally are transferred to ESA WITHOUT a medical? if this is so then thats encouraging, i have heard so much about ATOS thats not good.
Hi S52,
As part of the ESA Work Capability Assessment(WCA), a transferee/claimant may or may not be required to attend a face to face medical assessment.
It is not possible to predict whether a face to face will take place. It may depend on how much information the DWP hold on you, regarding your medical conditions/limitations.
The more information and supporting evidence that can be included with the ESA50 questionnaire, (When it is your time to be assessed) the more chance that you will be given an award of ESA without the need for a face to face.
It may help if you read the information from the following links :
The Transfer Process
When will I be transferred?
What will I be transferred to?
You could have a look at the interactive Pdf ESA50 here :
Use Of The Interactive PDF Version Of The ESA50 Questionnaire
See download link at the bottom of the page from the above link.
And see how it ties in with our ESA Claims guides here :
ESA Guides
There is a whole section of links regarding ESA and the transfer process in our FAQ's, which can be accessed from this link :
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- stuart52
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