nah wrote: Hello. Sorry I didn't make myself clear in my original message.
1. As I also suffer from social phobia, what are the consequences of attending the Tribunal ? (I will be attending with a supportive friend and will travel by taxi to the Tribunal.) Will the Tribunal question the fact that although I suffer social phobia I was in fact able to attend the Tribunal? How would I answer the question?
2. If I do not attend the Tribunal will I lose the appeal automatically?
Thank you.
I can not hide the fact that assumptions will be made with regard to your Social Phobiia if you attend the Tribunal even with a companion.
As to how you should answer the question, all you can do is explain how you have managed to get there, does the use of a taxi make a difference? Does the support of a companion make a difference? Is it the combination of the two? Are there other factors hat are relevant?
Failing to attend will not necessarily result in your claim being rejected, as an alternative to having an Oral hearing, you can request a Paper one, which will be held without you being there. You should onlty request this is you are sure that all of the evidence that you want the Tribunal to review has been submitted
and received, as you will not receive notice of the hearing, just the result. I have to warn you that statistically, the success rate for a Paper hearing is about 25% of that for an Oral one.
Failing to attend on the day, may result in the hearing being adjourned, the court may wish to hear your answers to their questions, and therefore may give you another opportunity to attend. Failing to attend again, should not prejudice your claim, but may none the less alienate the panel.