67% of new ESA claimants were placed in the support group, according to the latest DWP statistics.

The figures for the quarter to September 2022 show that the number of completed ESA work capability assessments (WCAs) with a DWP decision was 25,400, a 7% decrease from the previous quarter to June 2022. 

Of these, the number of initial assessments was 22,000 and the number of repeat assessments was 3,400.

As a result of the assessments:

  • 67% were placed in the Support Group
  • 12% were placed in the Work Related Activity Group
  • 21% were found Fit for Work

The chances of being found fit for work on reassessment were very slim, at just 2%

It took an average of 126 working days for an initial decision on an ESA claim, a very small reduction from 128 working days in June 2022

The number of monthly registered mandatory reconsiderations relating to an ESA WCA decision stayed low, standing at 300 in the month to January 2023

Of these, 57% were successful for the claimant

You can read the full statistics here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    So sad what this country's come too.. I've worked from 15yrs old to to 55yrs and became very ill and was dississed from the NHS on medical retirement. Now they government want me to work,.. I will died at my 1st day of work in the work place.
    That's what they want, you all to die before you reach pension age. 
    This country will soon be another China, put a step wrong your taken from society fro ever
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    · 2 years ago
    Any increase in people being placed in the support group is good. It has always been very difficult to get in the support with the assessors actively pushing people in to Work related activity group. 
    Being thrown in that means less support that becomes means tested after 12 months. There is also and increase risk of rapid reassessment and of sanctions.
    In my opinion any one with health issue affecting there ability to work is ill enough to be placed on the support group. The 2 layer system is very unfair.
    However I suspect that the proposed stopping of the WCA and using the pip assessment as a passport benefit will make it even harder to qualify for the support group if it still even exists. They have not decided to stop the WCA assessment to be kind or fairer. The only intent can be to force more people off benefits to God knows what future.
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    · 2 years ago
    Doesn't matter because Hunt and Stride are trying to force long term sick and disabled;whether they are the support group, back to work in the budget on Wednesday.
    So please get prepared for the hassle and significant stress you will receive very soon from this heinous government.
    Also very sadly more deaths will arise from these despicable measures 
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      · 2 years ago
      @MrFibro Hi,
      All parties face the same realities that the country is in debt up to its eyeballs. However I’m certain labour would prioritise the poorest  and sickest first. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Harry Hi Harry,

      I agree, but even if Labour had power @ the next coming GE, they wont be any different.  And I would think Lib Dems would not be any different either.  Political parties, and most people dislike sick/ ill/ disabled people not working, even if they contributed most of their lives in the workplace. 

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