In a sign of continuing chaos, the DWP has gone back on its undertaking to automatically extend PIP awards by 12 months when a review is due, the welfare rights workers site Rightsnet has reported.

Back in September, we reported that the DWP had officially confirmed that PIP claims awaiting a review would be automatically extended by ‘up to 12 months’ and that, from 31 October, claimants would receive a letter confirming their continued entitlement.  The news was announced in the DWP’s official stakeholders bulletin Touchbase.

However, Rightsnet has now revealed that in a further email to stakeholders the DWP has now said that the scheme will not be up and running until ‘early to mid-December’.

The DWP did say that “'Anyone needing a statement before this can contact the helpline 0800 1214 433 and we will issue a certification of entitlement for proof of their PIP award. Otherwise, claimants do not need to contact us unless their circumstances change.”

The announcement is further evidence of the DWP’s inability to manage its current workload and casts even more doubt on the likelihood of it being capable of safely managing the forced transfer of 2.6 million legacy benefits claimants to universal credit by the end of 2024.


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    · 1 years ago
    I have been on dla then pip since 2011 after being ill health pensioned off from my job for a long term illness that was debilitating, 2019 I completed my renewal and received no points took to appeal and I was awarded enhanced mobility and standard care awarded until nov 21 , I haven’t heard anything since yes still receiving full payment but nervous as I haven’t received any information I don’t know what is going to happen 
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    · 1 years ago
    I sent mine back in November as it was up for renewal and I have deteriorated and should be entitled to mobility ! I got the same letter then appointments after appointments they obviously needed more evidence for my claim i could be missing out on money I'm entitled to this is crazy ! 
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    · 1 years ago
    I can't remember when my first pip award was given. However they gave a 9 month extension until 10/09/2023. They suspended reviews due to the Covid- 19 outbreak. November 2022 they sent me a review form, I did not hear anything besides constant DWP text messages now and again. However I just received a letter recently that they have extended my pip up to 12 months, this doesn't help me as a blue badge holder as mine expires November this year. I need the full 3 years, this just raises my anxiety and I start to overthink. I would prefer if it was extended for 2 years as it's less stressful. I just feel more stress and anxiety when it comes to the DWP, which makes my aches + pains worse :(
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    · 1 years ago
    Mine is due to expire in July this year (23) they sent me forms in December asking if anything had changed, did I need more help etc, all I've heard is I text on April 3rd (23) saying...

    We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can. You may still need an assessment with a health professional. Your PIP will continue to be paid until we review your claim. You only need to contact us if your circumstances change.

    My blue badge is going to run out soon, I'm full of anxiety worrying about it all... Should I ring them up or????
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    · 2 years ago
    Update from my posts in January 2023:

    I eventually plucked up the courage to ring DWP to ask if my review form (sent in late Oct 2021) had been assessed yet, as I urgently needed to get in touch with the Motability scheme if at all possible (as I needed at least 12 months remaining PIP to lease an adapted car). They said they needed more information.

    I had little extra documentary evidence due to the Pandemic, (just phone reviews from the Medics after Echocardiograms & x-rays etc) so I was grateful to be put on the list for a telephone assessment, as this was quicker than waiting for a face-to-face appointment. 

    This took place last week. Even though I was on the phone for 1 hour 38 minutes I could not get across all that I wanted to..."we'll come back to that later"...but we never did.. Probably my mistake as I should have insisted that I said everything that I thought relevant, but I was bombarded with questions off an obvious check list. The Assessor was extremely nice, but I couldn't explain fully how my problems affect me day to day. Some questions were impossible to give a straight answer to (due to my complex health issues).

    Today I had a long-awaited hospital appointment, started some new extra meds, & have another appointment with a Consultant in the near future. 

    I'm going to ring DWP tomorrow to update them, but I'm fearful that my existing award will still be reduced due to lack of evidence available on the day of my telephone assessment. 

    It is now 17 months since I sent my review form in, & a lot has changed with my health (unfortunately not for the better), but I now have to wait a further 6-8 weeks for their decision. Then a possible MR or appeal (as I had to do in 2019 when I first belatedly applied for PIP, after "putting it off" for years until i could no longer manage to cope).

    I'm not going to suddenly get better, however much I would love to turn back the clock! I am getting gradually worse, no surprise there.

    I'll be 60 in summer & my life revolves around much pain & anxiety, significantly compounded by the added stress & uncertainty of waiting for 17 months for my review to be considered. (Especially when a late return of the form could lead to my money being stopped, actually I had less than 2 weeks to complete it, very rushed with no time for copies. Postal delays gave me only half the time, used Recorded Delivery on return to prove I had met the deadline). 

    Hopefully I'll hear something before 18 months have passed, whatever the outcome. 

    My very best wishes to you all,


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    · 2 years ago
    I was sent a letter back in 2021, saying that due to COVID, they were extending my PIP to June 2023. Around the middle of August 2022, they sent me the PIP review paperwork to complete, and I sent it back to them September 2023 - I actually rang them to confirm they had received it, due to the postal strikes. Why they wanted the paperwork completed and returned nearly 9 months prior to the expiry date is beyond me. I have a heart condition that is only going to deteriorate, and have now developed neuro issues, and I've heard nothing from them since I spoke to them last September - no text, no phone call, no letter - zilch. My pal has been waiting on her renewal since November 2021, and received a letter last year to say they had extended her PIP for another 12 months Just how far behind is the DWP with the whole PIP review and renew? 
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    · 2 years ago
    Thats false because they are doing exactly that right now for me, so where do you get your facts from?
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    · 2 years ago
    My pip review, Pip runs out on January 2022 and got extended for 12 months, In April 2022 got a review form I send it back, and got two text messages for 12 months they still looking not sure what they looking for 😂, on 28th Feb got a text message from independent Assessment Service, not sure what will happen next, I guess more waiting 

    Hello from Independent Assessment Services. We conduct Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments for the Department for Work and Pensions DWP. This is for information purposes only, to let you know that we are managing your PIP assessment. We will look at the available evidence and will contact you with an appointment if we need to have a consultation with you. 

    Good Luck everyone
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    · 2 years ago
    Sent my sons review form  off in August last year and heard nothing either . His runs out in August this year. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @DMS Hi I just got one saying the same extended until February 2025 they may or may not have to extend it again, I was due for review this February/march. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @DMS Just had my pip letter to say payments extended till sep 2024 i sent my review form back of in nov 2022 like you pauline its says they may or may not complete renewal before that date
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Pauline Hi Pauline,Sent renewal Sept 22, Due to run out May 23 Today had letter to say Payments extended to May 24, They may or may not complete renewal before that date.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Pauline I sent my review in May 22 still waiting just got text’s saying that they are working on it!
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      · 1 years ago
      @Pauline It will just continue until they look at it
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi could anybody on here tell me how long is a pip review form taking as sent mine back in August last year no heard anything from them no letter no text 
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    · 2 years ago
    My pip runs out in oct 2023, should I of had a form for renewal to fill in ? Reading all these comments I’m worrying now
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      · 2 years ago
      @Tee Mine runs out in Sept 2023 and I had my pip review form last month to complete. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Filled my pip renewal June 2022 just had a tex saying they are dealing with it,,my pip runs out in april 2023
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    · 2 years ago
    I sent my form back feb 22 disabled bus badge ran out oct and blue badge jan23 still havent had any letter or news I phoned got told its going to take a few months but it's nearly a year now  so frustrating 
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi could anyone on here tell me how long are pip review forms are taking I sent mine back on the 8th of August not heard from them no text or letter 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Tracy Been waiting since sept 22. Mine just got extended 12 months until April 24
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      · 2 years ago
      @Richard Have you heard anything on you're pips yet? As your post is a couple of months old. I am also waiting since August last year.
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    · 2 years ago
    My pip review was sent in and received on 25 January 2022 . Two texts to say I might need assessment. My husband rang up and told extension till December 2023 .  On a plus got letter so I am able to get my badge for parking . It would have helped if they have sent information so I could have got it before . It’s going to be nearly two years by 2023 December why did they review my claim and put me through this nightmare. Not just me I add thousands of people 
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    · 2 years ago
    Since I sent my review form in 14 months ago in Oct/Nov 2021, I've had 3 texts (May, August & November this year) all saying:

    "We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can. You may still need an assessment with a health professional. Your PIP will continue to be paid until we review your claim. You only need to contact us if your circumstances change."

    I am currently on Enhanced rates for both Daily Living & Mobility, although my award actually had an end date for 3 weeks ago ie 7th December 2022, even though I was required to return my review form 13 months in advance by 4th November 2021!

    To date, 30th Dec 2022, I have not had any notification of an extension whatsoever. 

    In Autumn I had to apply & complete a separate renewal form & in-house assessment with my local Council for my Blue Badge, (which allowed me to be awarded a new 3 year Blue Badge which is independent of my PIP status), & I would recommend that others try this route with their Council.

    Confusingly, in yesterday's post was a leaflet (PIP22-11) inviting me to get in touch with Motability...

    "The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) has sent this on behalf of the Motability Scheme. The DWP has not shared your details with the Motability Scheme."  

    Just one rather large problem here - I need an award of at least 12 months of PIP (Enhanced Mobility) to even start the application process!!

    I would really like to apply, as although I love my own private car (8 year old diesel Ford Fiesta), I am finding the manual transmission increasingly painful to use & the boot space can only accommodate the chassis of my portable mobility scooter, the scooter seat has to go on the back seat of the car which makes it awkward to access for me. It also has a low driving position so getting in & out of my car is slow & difficult. 

    But how can I apply with no new PIP award?! I can't risk losing my existing private car even if I get a temporary 12 month PIP extension, personally I think you need a minimum of 3 years to enter into this scheme...what if I have to go to appeal in the coming months? So much uncertainty. I definitely couldn't afford to finance the purchase of another private car if I entered into a leasing contract with Motability for just 12 months.

    Should I ring the DWP to enquire about my current review status? The prospect of telephoning the DWP fills me with terror, not least if it initiates random phone calls (which are not by appointment) which will send me into panic mode...why on Earth don't they have a Webchat facility, or at least an email form for enquiries for existing review claims which have expired?

    I wish all of you a peaceful & happy New Year, take care & keep on smiling where we can!
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      · 2 years ago
      @Lilakitten Spent an hour & 20 minutes on hold to DWP this afternoon, got cut off halfway through my call, the young man said my PIP doesn't run out until next year, I said I've not had any notification of this, then we got cut off! 

      I tried ringing to make a new claim, thought it might be quicker to start again, was told this is not possible as my review is still pending, but to ring the enquiry line again in January 2023 (next week) as I cannot start a new claim as my existing claim is on help whatsoever to me in my position in limbo for 14 months... what else can I do?! This is ridiculous!!

       Cannot apply for the Motability Scheme even though DWP sent me the letter yesterday, cannot even apply for a loan to replace my floorboards & joists which are collapsing...I'd better ring a builder (if I can find one) so I can continue to live in my home without fear of falling through the floor, get a bank loan if I can...I have nothing in writing to prove my status so I'll have to go cap in hand to my bank..

      Happy New Year Rishi!!

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    · 2 years ago
    I alreadys got one year extension on my pip last year done all paperwork and now it's getting changed over to Glasgow City Council and il have to go through all the form stuff again not right at all because it's changing over to Councils in Scotland now 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Robert horton Robert Horton, no you won't have to go through all that form stuff again because DWP will transfer your forms over to Social Security Scotland. You will be getting ADP from Social Security Scotland not Glasgow City Council. You will still get a review from SSS if you were due a review from DWP. It was because you were due a review from DWP that triggered your transfer to SSS to avoid the DWP strict assessment.
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    · 2 years ago
    My PIP ends this month! Still no word on assessment/extension/renewal yet, and it's just giving my extreme anxiety, because I'm just left in uncertainty about what's going on!!
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      · 2 years ago
      @Paddy There will have extended it an extra year because of back logs 
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    · 2 years ago
    sent my renewal off 10th august this year,help filling it in off my local carers centre,was on high mobllity and high rate care,a week ago a text saying still not done,sorry for delay,had odd private number on my mobile used to shake if i missed a call.narly mugging my postman,then today yes a white envelope extended to november 2025,high mobility and high care,i put with the form a short letter off my doctor i think this helped, relieved its over for a while thanks for all your tips
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      · 2 years ago
      @Richard I’ve received no letter either nothing at all and I sent the review back in September 2022 heard nothing to say they received it 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Richard I sent mine back in September 2022 as supposed to run out in march 2023 still not heard nothing even tho my circumstances have worsened 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Richard I sent my review form back early November of 22. Mine runs out Beginning of July 23. I’ve had 2 texts saying we have your form and are dealing,last text fri 10th March. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @wendy Hi sent mine back on the 8th of August don’t run out to December 23 have not heard from them no letter no text nothing at all
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    · 2 years ago
    I have been waiting for a review since July ‘21 & have had the obligatory 3 month extension continued. The last one expired on 26th Oct & when I called for a statement of entitlement it has been extended for 1 year. This doesn’t help as I’m waiting everyday in trepidation of a letter coming  through the door. My anxiety is constant, wondering if I’m going to be called for an assessment. It’s not fair.

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