The chancellor confirmed in the October budget that working age benefits will be uprated by 1.7% from April 2025, in line with the September 2024 consumer Price Index.

Below are the official uprated amounts for some of the benefits of most relevance to our readers

You can download the uprated amounts for all  DWP benefits from this link

You can download the uprated amounts for HMRC tax credits and child benefit from this link.

Attendance allowance

higher rate from 108.55  to 110.40

lower rate from 72.65 to 73.90

Carers Allowance

From 81.90 to 83.30

Disability Living Allowance

Care Component
Highest from 108.55 to 110.40

Middle from 72.65 to 73.90

Lowest from 28.70 to 29.20

Mobility Component
Higher from 75.75 to 77.05

Lower from 28.70 to 29.20

ESA components

work-related activity from 35.95 to 36.55

support from 47.70 to 48.50

Personal Independence Payment

Daily living component
Enhanced from 108.55  to 110.40

Standard from 72.65 to 73.90

Mobility component
Enhanced from 75.75 to 77.05

Standard from 28.70 to 29.20

Universal credit

Limited Capability for Work amount from 156.11 to 158.76

Limited Capability for Work and Work-Related Activity amount from 416.19 to 423.27



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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    The rising  rates are ridiculous. How is anyone  expected to  manage 
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    · 2 months ago
    I can't believe that an extra £1. 25 rise on my pip each week is going to help me considering the cost of food and having to pay for someone to care for me on a daily basis because I don't fit the criteria with my mental and physical health issues, it's a absolute insult. I think someone from the government should be put in our position with the money we get and see if they can survive, without they nice million pound home and there millions of pounds they get paid through tax payer's money. I used to work hard and work long hours to support my family and pay stupid amount of tax until I got problems with my legs so I had to give up work and now with what money we get I struggle to support my family and everyone I know on benefits ect and even people who work they all struggle to support there families. The benefits increase needs to be more. 
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    · 2 months ago
    All up by 1.02% while the AI responds that the CPI for the year is up 2.7%. We're actually getting less, not more.
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    · 4 months ago
    Universal Cerdit is mentioned here, but no mention of New-Style JSA, is that going up or not?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 months ago
    My pip has been cut down so much now I'm on the standard now, how am I ment to pay bills and feed and clothe my daughter, as I don't get any help from her dad as he doesn't buy her anything, plus child benefit isn't enough as Ive got milk and nappies and bits to get her and I can't, please can anyone give me some advice 
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      · 3 months ago
      @P  child element is £66
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      · 3 months ago
      @Sammy Have you claimed your healthy start vouchers for your little one (children under 4) 
      and vitamins. Sorry I do not seem to be able to copy the weblink.

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      · 4 months ago
      @Sammy Pip isn't for children! Are you on universal credit? There is a child element on that 
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    · 4 months ago
    When ESA joins universal credit..How much money can people have in their accounts
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    · 4 months ago
    A whole year of the increase won't cover the rent increase my landlord has given me, again.
    It doesn't even touch the weekly increases by the supermarkets or fuel costs.

    Labour is just Tories wearing red since Starmer lied his way in.
    Reeves and Kendal have the same agenda as the Tories, 'cull the sick, disabled and vulnerable.'

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    · 4 months ago
    I'm speechless - can't they put themselves in our shoes and see if they could manage! 
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    · 4 months ago
    I think I will book a holiday next year with the 49p a week rise I will be getting! What a joke!! All politicians are the same.... In it for theirselves.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Rosie** If the rise is based on inflation, then they can’t change that, it is what it is. A piffling increase but now inflation is down quite low, payment rises will also be minimal. The only ones who seem to profit are supermarkets where the prices never seem to drop!
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    · 4 months ago
    How can they cap local housing allowance at the rates they are. I for one cannot afford my rent now and I'm paying well under market value. If my landlord sells up or decides to go up to the market value for rents in my area, that's me and my children out on the street! Councils can no longer help because of the huge demand. I mean, the LHA for my area is £700 for a 3 bedroom house, yet the market value of rents is between £1200 and £1500 for a 3 bed house. How the hell do they expect people who cannot work to pay their bills when practically all their benefits are going towards the gap in housing allowance, it's ridiculous! How can they justify this. The benefits themselves are no where near the cost of living either. I wish I could go back to work but I can't, no matter how I look at it, I cannot do this. But I feel I'm being treated like I chose this for myself, after working since age 16 to 40, having a professional job after working night and day to get my degree, working placements and working a part time job on top of this and this is how I get treated when I can no longer work through no fault of my own. I'm miffed to say the least!!
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      · 3 months ago
      @Angela The current defence for not uprating the LHA appears to be, quite literally, "the Tories only did it once in 14yrs". Rents have gone up exponentially since LHA's were raised during COVID, it's madness that the DWP under either government hasn't further addressed this.
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    · 4 months ago
    Recently I applied for PIP having had DLA stopped at point of migration of this benefit. I have mobility issues due to progressive condition. I realised the mobility component will not be available to me once I reach 66 yrs, (a few months time). I was awarded 6 points Daily Living and 10 points mobility (standard rate) for 10 years. I have mixed views about the award but decided not to mandatory review as I might loose the award given. Should I be worried?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Marthamay It’s a shame you didn’t challenge it, that’s what they bank on, I’ve always looked at it if they’ve awarded you a specific rate that’s for a specific reason at the time you applied so they’ve already agreed you’re entitled to something which would make it hard for them to lower or take off you if you appealed because they would have to prove that in a short period since you applied and appealed you’ve suddenly miraculously got better.  People think you’ve only got 1 month to appeal but if you’ve got good reason for delaying your appeal (you were unwell or waiting some medical evidence to prove your case) then you have 12 months to appeal.  I personally know a few people who appealed and won just before it was due to go to tribunal and I don’t know anyone who  has had their award lowered because of an appeal.  Go for it, gather more evidence and ask for a copy of your original form.  My best advice is to watch out when you phone them up they try to get you to do an MR over the phone, things they say are can I ask you a few questions, before you know it they have talked you into doing a phone MR don’t fall for that just apologise and say I’m sorry I can’t answer any questions, I’m doing a paper based MR.  Try and find one of those CIC companies (not for profit) to help you with your MR most of them are brilliant and they don’t charge much to help you, but they’ll do all the work and having their name behind you often helps.  Hope you appeal and good luck.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Marthamay The mobility component will still be available to you once you reach state retirement age if you are already in receipt of it.
      Its not available to anyone not receiving mobility component if they apply after they reach state retirement age.  
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    · 4 months ago
    Frankly I always saw *Labour*as being there for the working class..and the under dog ..or those at a disadvantage..I do not see this now..I believe infact..the previous government was much more aware within their balancing of finances.
    There is little help available there no cost of living payable for 24/25?

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      · 4 months ago
      @Lee They fooled everyone. They're all the same. Look after those that have money and sod those that don't. It's absolutely disgraceful.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Lee Hmm - I don't know about that Lee. Principally speaking, those on the left tend to be more progressive in thought and action, but during an economic crisis, I think most parties end up swinging back toward the centre and then even lean to the right at times.

      As far as "cost of living" - only Warm House Discount and the miserly £10 Xmas bung from the DWP.

      If you are experiencing hardship financially you can apply to your local council:

      "The Household Support Fund is targeted at the most vulnerable households and is typically used to help them with the cost of essentials like groceries, toiletries, and energy bills."


      They might grant you a few hundred pounds, depending on circumstance/needs.

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      · 4 months ago
      @Jonno If Labour seek to go through with the Tories' changes then this would be moot unless legal challenges took place which would hold water given the DWP's disclosure that the proposed changes was about cuts rather than helping claimants into work. 
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    · 4 months ago
    I just don't understand how they can increase it by such a small amount.  Rents are continually going up at an unprecedented rate, and apparently LHA rates are frozen from this year onwards?  They're not even mentioned in this article, yet rent is the biggest cost in many people's budget. 

    Has there been any news about this?
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      · 2 months ago
      @shadowpony The income pensioners have is tiny compared to what non pensioners have.  Even with the triple lock the increase in pensions is miserly.  . 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Alex Look at the tripple lock is going up by 4% for pensioners. there is no economic reason why this should be. it is unsustainable, 2.5% base rate of increase each year,  earnings or inflation, whichever is highest ,and this is baked into law, so the govt can't swerve it. it's also non means tested. the government can flex the  uprating of working age beneifits which isn't baked into law, so they can flex this. they've done it before in the Osborne years. tripple lock went up for four years wheras working age beneifits were frozen excluding disability beneifits such as pip which rose with inflation. the saving was made that way. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @boris1 I think we aught to think about a vote of no confidence or what ever we can do to get them out. Labour are supposed to be a working man’s party and help people have a better life. 
      To freeze the rent is crazy my daughter is a made homeless cos her rent went up 100 she had a couple of DHPs then she was put in temp accommodation which cost 1860 a month and her rent before was 600. 

      This government  need to be voted out 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Azmodaeus Yes I am aware of that but Liebour are currently in power and therefor its their potential benefit reforms we have to live with.
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      · 4 months ago
      @Alex This will likely lead to further pressure on social housing, councils are already stretched to the max re temporary accommodation, so an increase in street homelessness seems almost inevitable. 

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