The latest review form for personal independence payment (PIP), which the DWP began issuing in November 2024, seems designed to encourage claimants to give as little evidence as possible and thus risk losing or reducing their award.

The PIP Award Review or AR1 form, is sent to claimants prior to their award ending to make sure they are still getting the correct rate.

The original idea was that the form would be much shorter and easier to complete, at just 17 pages (excluding explanatory notes)compared to the 38 pages (excluding explanatory notes) of the PIP2 “How Your Disability Affects You” form used for an initial claim.

The original PIP review form focused solely on changes in your needs since you were last awarded PIP. 

In connection with each of the daily living and mobility activities, the original AR1 form asked:

  • Tell us if something has changed and approximately when.
  • Tell us how you manage this activity now, including the use of any aids you use.
  • Tell us about any changes to help you need or the help you get from another person.

The new AR1 form, however, is much more like the form you made your initial claim on.  It is 25 pages long, excluding notes.  For most activities you are now not asked if your condition has changed, but instead:

  • Can you manage this activity safely and without difficulty?
  • Do you need an aid?
  • Do you need prompting?
  • Do you need help from another person?
  • Please tell us why and when these needs began.

We have always advised members to give the same level of detailed and up-to-date evidence in a review form as they did in their original claim and not rely on simply saying “No change”.  So, from that point of view, the new AR1 form fits better with our approach to giving evidence.

However, the PIP2 form gives you a whole A4 page to describe your needs, as well as a page on which there is a more detailed explanation of what is taken into account and a sample answer.

The new AR1 PIP review form, on the other hand provides no examples and only tiny boxes in which to provide evidence.

It is by no means certain that, just because you currently have an award of PIP and your condition is unchanged - or has even deteriorated - that you will still get at least the same award.  Many readers have had to go to tribunal to get their award reinstated after losing it on review. 

And the latest official figures show that over a quarter of claimants are worse off after a review:

  • Award Increased               19%     
  • Award Maintained           55%     
  • Award Decreased             7%        
  • Award Disallowed            19%

So, our advice is never to be restricted by the boxes on a PIP review form, but instead, use as many additional sheets as is necessary to give detailed evidence about your needs.

Our 140 page members’ Guide to PIP Claims and Reviews has been fully updated to take account of the new PIP review form.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 hours ago
    I should add about the article below, it's nothing we already know but note how the Telegraph's tone is more "Labour are bad" yet when Sunak proposed doing all of this Telegraph supported it lol. 

    It gets me how disabled people are treated like some political football and I'm sick and tired of it, disabled people are not pinatas the government of the day can bash and bash. You see when you've hit rock bottom in your life you see others in a worse predicament than you and it's them I've always supported and sympathized. Expect legal challenges. 

    There are other departments to cut to save money, picking on disabled people really shows you that Labour are no different to the Tories or Reform. I hope the Left Labour backbench MP's rebel against Reeves and Starmer because ultimately they'll lose their seats if Labour continues it's downward path.
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    · 11 hours ago
    Re: The above this quote today/tonight  

    "" Downing Street is preparing billions of pounds worth of cuts to disability benefits in an attempt to calm markets over its economic plan, The Telegraph can reveal.
    No 10 and Treasury figures think significant reductions are needed in the welfare budget, including to personal independence payments (PIP).""      

    Starmer, Reeves & Kendal and the gang are most certainly NOT TO BE TRUSTED.   

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    · 11 hours ago
    No 10 plots billions in disability welfare cuts to ease debt crisis
    Reductions in welfare budget targeted amid pressure on Chancellor to prove she can hit borrowing rules
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    · 16 hours ago
    I contacted the DWP in ref to the new form. I asked them because the boxes are not big enough could I type up the answer because I have a lot to say lol. They said it would be fine, so I will be typing up each answer to each question then add more information that I feel i need to put, which involves more information ref my husband's struggles. Hope this helps. I also asked for a extension because it was dated the 13th December arrived the 21st December back by 13th January. On the form it states to allow 10 days to return that just gave me under 2 weeks to fill in the form. They agreed to the extension till the 3rd February. I had a letter today saying we have yet to receive you review form so we will extend until the 3rd February lol. Any additional information you give make sure you add your name and national insurance number to each piece of paper.
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    · 17 hours ago
    Good evening to all, I would like know if anyone has had a medical assessment with a Nurse and then a few weeks later also had a health assessment? Due to change of circumstances with my PIP claim? The first phone call review with a nurse lasted around an hour and a half, second phone call with Health advisor lasted 2 hours and 57 mins so almost 3 hours. I’m curious to know is this standard, I Feel as though the DwP have a red flag against me, because for so long they put me through the wringer. I have SPMS but am treated by them as if I’m a fraud trying to claim something there should be no question on that I am entitled. Will appreciate your feedback back. Thank you.
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    · 20 hours ago
    In July 2023 I completed my PIP2 form. As I am partially sighted, I decided to type my answers rather than use the form. I would strongly advise other claimants to do the same.  It'll give you the opportunity to detail what has changed etc.  It did take ten months to review (strangely, once I contacted my MP, things moved very quickly) and I was awarded, until 2030 (at the moment - I suspect his is going to change though) standard mobility and care.
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    · 22 hours ago
    I don’t get pip got my own problems coming soon with the uc migration in 2 months and that will probably cause years of stress anyway back to the pip I could get it for Asperger’s but I don’t bother so complicated now and all that to get 1 year then reviewed again 

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