In our last newsletter we asked you to share a Christmas greeting with your fellow readers. Many of you did so. Thank you for taking the time to pass on your good wishes and positive thoughts.

A very happy and peaceful Christmas to all members and moderators. Here's to a good new year for us all. Thank you for the support and advice given this year We are all in this together and together, we will come back in 2022. To continue the fight against the DWP and its injustices against all who are sick and disabled Merry Christmas Lisa x

Happy Christmas to all you guys and gals, please try to think as positively as possible, good luck to you all and have a lovely new year, Best wishes Stefan

To all Claimants far & wide, whatever your situation, remember we are all here for each other not just at Christmas but all year round, a Happy Christmas to you all, Angelica

A very merry Christmas to all those disabled folks who are fighting hard to win the support from the benefits system that they need and deserve, and to those who are assisting them so ably in that fight. You are Christmas stars, all of you.

Xmas greetings to all B&W members and staff. May all your forms be short, your replies swift and conclusions to your advantage. B&W helps everyone in need, keep up the good work B&;W, you‘re doing a great job. Regards Pam

Christmas greetings to my fellow claimants - especially those who are on their own, in chronic pain and/or facing their first Christmas following bereavement.

Good wishes for Christmas cheer to all B&W forum and guide users in the hopes that many of users get the results they deserve in a timely manner. I ‘ve shared B&W monthly newsletter with everyone I can in order for them to get the best result they can from claims. So many thanks are due to this site and to the moderators in giving their help to us and I wish them all an especially good Christmas and Happy New Year. Lynne Morford

Thanks to Benefits and Work extensive information I have just received my high rate care and high rate mobility renewal and it is set now for renewal around November 2031! I am so relieved and thankful after hearing of so many people having their award downgraded or taken away completely. To those that are going through renewal please, please consult the benefits and work guides they really do help to make the whole process easier! Happy Christmas and a happy healthy and stressless 2022!

Don't give up hope and trying. These guys are the best organisation to help you. Have a great Christmas if you can and a hopefully even better new year. Thanks Benefits and work for all your hard work, and being there for people when they are feeling defeated!

Benefits and work has been an invaluable source of information and help to all disabled claimants. If your struggling there is always help available to ensure the process is less scary and we ‘re better armed with information needed to complete forms in order to get successful outcomes. Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas. Caroline H

Merry Christmas and a happy New year to all at benefits and work and to all of the claimants too I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and New year I hope everyone receives everything that they wish for and are able to spend time with friends and/or family members. Best wishes and happy holidays to everyone From TJ

I'm alone 99% of the time so I'll be alone Xmas as usual. Like any day the last 2 hours I chill out, read or watch tv, sometimes going to bed early. The rest of the day I split into chunks. 1/4 doing what interests me or that I enjoy. I will cook if I want, prepare meals, read, do a little crafting, shower, research a news topic/program or person. I'll do some 'domestic duties' (can't do much really). I always fall asleep. Next thing I know my alarm has gone off the next day. Happy Christmas

Don't feel guilty about claiming what you're rightfully entitled to. Don't struggle to fill in complicated forms either. We're here to help.

Merry Christmas & best wishes for 2022

Wishing all a happy Christmas. Neva for get a smile is infectious pass a smile on ??

Hope the new year brings a better , decent , fair , credible system for all .keep pushing on through all of it , as hard as it is , we know only too well . Have a restful peaceful Christmas all of you and stay safe and as well as you can . George .

Merry Christmas and new year to everyone’s hard work through this year hopefully we can all stay safe during Christmas and once again connect with everyone in 2022

Keep well Dear Members. Christmas is just another day - enjoy it, but be kind to yourself and those you love. Thinking of you All, and the Team here that do so much good. Seasons Greetings. Sharon, in West Wales. X

well as I'm Jewish a happy belated Hannukah, but in solidarity with other faith groups hope you have a merry Christmas and happy new year with the slamming of people on benefits moving to a closure and the legacy benefit claimants receive the backdated allowance - to equality.!

Never give up, it took 2 years to go through the appeal process but it was worth it just to see the DWP reps sour face curdle. Merry Christmas pioneers ???

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone and everybody involved in this wonderful organisation. I ‘m due to have that dreaded brown letter thud in Feb, or maybe so they have said in Dec possibly due to Covid, I ‘m absolutely scared to death and my stomach churns at the thought of the process ahead. I know I ‘m not the only one out there so don ‘t feel as if you are on your own, ask for help from these exceptionally talented people Good luck everybody Andy

Keep your chin up and don't let the DWP grind you down. Have a lovely Xmas x

To quote Garrison Keillor “A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together” I hope you can all make the most of your £10 Christmas Bonus this year (which never seems to increase with inflation??) ;-)) All the best from Porridge xx

Due to the virus many of us have been alone for the past 2 years, I would like to wish everyone a good Christmas and to remember there are people worse off than us, try to be grateful for what we have.

Hang in there. It all can come right in the end!

Benefits and Work Guides and newsletters helped me in staying strong in fighting for PIP. I won a tribunal in 2018, but it wasn't long before I had to go through it all again with some reprieve in 2020. I almost gave up, but the newsletters remind me that I should not take my refusals personally and see it as having a weak case. I got Mary Ward Legal Centre (Central London) behind me again and prepared for the 2nd Tribunal and DWP gave in, and gave me my PIP award a few months ago, instead of going through Tribunal. So my advice to everyone, is do not give up, I nearly did, but then life gets even harder when there is no PIP award which helps with the health bills and extras we need with the disabilities we all struggle with. Happy Christmas everyone and whatever stage you are at, just remember, do not give up. Hard times never last forever. Big hugs. Angel x

Wishing all other PIP recipients a really Merry Christmas , that your friends and family understand your situation and your communications with the DWP are with people you would have chosen to interact with

Stay strong and don't let grind you down, you can do it. Merry Christmas x

Happy Christmas to the Team who bring us updates and pitfalls of the dreaded PIP re paper form etc Telephone calls for other ESA support I wish you luck and happiness in the New Year . Everyone else a positive message of love strength and Christmas to you all. love Andrea

It is possible to get the benefits you are entitled to - although it can be hard work! My PIP was reduced, but a mandatory reconsideration awarded me more than my initial entitlement when I sent lots of evidence, primarily a detailed diary of my needs. Wishing you all well! JDH

You matter. Your life is not small. You make a difference. Light a candle inside your heart for yourself this year and keep on shining brightly. May you always find the light inside yourself during the darkness. You matter. Your life is not small. You make a difference Therese

May we all stay strong in solidarity with each other for justice and fairness in 2022 best wishes, Christina

We wish you a Merry Christmas ???? And a Happy New Year 2022????,In solidarity Sue Annie and family

Merry Christmas to everyone and a very Happy New year keep strong and God bless hope we have a much better year.

You are not alone. We have a 'common enemy' in the DWP. We can and will stand together. You are valued. Be safe this Christmas and always. Carolyn

You are very important, don't let anyone else try to keep you down, Jesus helps me through very difficult times, you are very precious, love Lucy xx

Best blessings to you all Happy Yule.

To all who are living difficult times and more so uncertain times, I hope you all do your best to stay positive and even though most of us are alone in one way or another please remember that you are not alone. We ‘re all in this together and if we really look we can find a way of staying positive for the future. We ‘ve come this far so we can keep fighting for our future and hang on to hope of improvements to make our lives better. I hope that you all find something over the Christmas period that makes you happy and that you enjoy the season which is traditional for spending time with loved ones and reach out to someone no matter who it is if you aren‘t feeling ok. Merry Christmas to all and I truly hope everyone has the best Christmas, we all so deserve one. Lots of love ?

Never give up or give in. You are worth the fight for what you are entitled to, and never be intimidated by a WCA be strong and stand up for your rights in 2022 and beyond . Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year , Karen Greening.

Here's wishing all the subscribers to Benefit n Works and the staff a very merry Christmas and a fabulous new year Over the Xmas period I have known and know loads of claimant feel left out or loneliness please, please do not let that affect we all have illnesses and issues but we can beat that by being positive and also loving yourself more you become happy you need to live yourself and then everyone that matters most. Finally would like to say all the local communities in your area have festive voluntary workers companions and carers, so pick up the phone find out who when and where write the not down and just in case you need to talk or need to spend time call the no and request Also if your struggling loads of foodbanks are available contact your local council and request assistance and they will register you to receive food etc Please don't feel alone there so many activities and self-help available contact your local council. Finally wishing everyone a very merry Xmas and a happy new year .All the best for 2022 let's all join hands welcome 2022 a better year to start of with Merry Xmas to you all loads of hugs and love xxx

My positive message is that, during the pandemic, I had a telephone assessment for PIP. The lady that called was extremely nice, listened and gave the impression that she trusted my answers completely. There was a positive outcome for me, I hope that in the very near future, we can all be saying the same thing

If we all remember the true meaning of Christmas share with those that have nothing care about those that are lonely invite them for Christmas but most of all be kind. Terri

Everyone have a nice Xmas time. To be drank to with wine. Hoping you all find it pleasant With many a delightful present Paul W

There are more with us than against us, together we will beat the DWP Merry Christmas to all James B

Remember, you’re not on your own, together we stand divided we fall all the best for Xmas and lets all have a better 2002 GOD BLESS from DR

A very Happy Christmas to all and May the New Year find that your claim has gone through without any unnecessary upset, it can happen for some people, it was for me but my husband’s took 8 months to sort out but argue your case and never ever give up most of us get there in the end. A very Happy Christmas to Benefits and work for all the support and help you give us the disabled

I would like to wish anybody going through that cruel assessment process, a very merry Xmas, and if you are entitled to a payment, fight them all the way. I could spend hours explaining the many battles i have had with these people, but we would still be here next Xmas. Stay strong, stay safe, as captain tom said, tomorrow will be a better day. Dennis

Happy Christmas, have the happiest one you possibly can , through the toughest and hardest times , take time for yourself and have a very special day.

Wishing all claimants and carers a very Happy Christmas and the best of luck and health for the New Year. Let ‘s hope that 2022 is a good prosperous one for all of us. Kind regards to all and stay safe. PW

Merry Xmas, don't let them grind you down.

'Fight the good fight with all thy might' comes to my mind regarding PIP claims If you feel overwhelmed or stuck, see Citizens Advice or Age UK. Don't give up...

I would like to wish each and every person out there a merry Christmas and a great Big thanks to the staff for keeping us all up to date with everything that’s going on so everyone please be safe and if your alone please remember there is always someone you can turn to.

merry Christmas everyone ! never give up the fight

To everyone needing support, however far along the road you are, and especially to those with mental health issues, please know that you are not alone! I, and many others, are all in this together. Keep your chins up and remember that Christmas is only one day. Kindest regards to you all, Melanie.

I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New year in theses very difficult times Nigel

Merry Christmas to YOU ALL. Always look on the bright side and better times are coming 2022 xx Marie

a merry Christmas to you all, and lets hope for a better new year, for all of us, we are in this together ,good over evil.....god bless x

I just wanted to share a quote that's helped me through some dark times: All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well (Julian of Norwich 1343 - c1416)

Happy Christmas to one and all and do not let the DWP grind you down. Keep Positive.

As we approach what hopefully is a Covid restriction free Christmas let us be thankful for our friends and family who we can share things with. For those few days let us forget the struggles of daily life and do our best to celebrate what has been a horrible ongoing two years of restrictions and lockdowns which have hindered disabled people more than any other group of people. You will get the rewards you are entitled too eventually and with benefits and work let us be thankful they are one of the few on our side. Peter

Christmas time is a time for happy thoughts and cheer, but sadly lots of people don ‘t get to enjoy those happy things, so whilst I wish everyone a great season, please Do think of others less fortunate, if we all just think of 1 person/family each, we will Make an enormous difference Happy new year in advance

To everyone - wishing you a stress-free, covid'-free 2022. If you are lucky, a benefit-free renewal year but if not you know where to come for the very best info and assistance..... Just here!!! Zizzyrabbit xx

To everyone fighting an unjust system, and struggling on a day to day basis, be brave, be positive and above all have a wonderful Christmas and keep fighting!! Xxx

EVERYTHING in Life will have to change. Be of Good Courage and we WILL WIN this fight Blessed Love ? Happy Christmas Season Hasina Zuberi

Never give up and get what ‘s rightfully yours . Be positive and always (try to look on the bright side) Christmas can be a lonely time for some but it’s only one day and soon over , look forward instead of back and let ‘s all hope 2022 is a wonderful covid free year (eventually ) and everyone gets what they deserve . Merry Christmas ??

A merry Xmas with kind regards

Be in hope and light for change will come. You are not alone, you are not alone, you are not alone. Blessings to you and all of you out there. Take courage. Please take to you all my very, very best wishes for today with loving prayers xxxx Lynne

Benefits and work team you are like our guardian angels watching over the vulnerable May the true Spirit of Christmas be with everyone at this time of year thank you Helena

Happy Christmas to all and go into new year with positive thoughts and a fighting spirit and maybe all disable folk will get what they rightly deserve thank you so much to Benefit and Work for the amazing work you do for us, God Bless all. Kate

May the winter be short and may 2022 be kind to you. Petrocelli [Especially for those for whom the very mention of the 'C' word is painful]!

To all at B and W and all members , I wish you all a very merry Christmas, and hope everyone has a peaceful and prosperous nee year

You ‘ve got this and you matter. There is hope and light on the other side of this time. Blessed Be.

Christmas Blessings to All - my message is: Don't Give Up - there is so much more help out there than you might think. Keep Buggering On! We Disabled have power in numbers. Let's look out for each other in 2022! In Terra Pax D.G. from Christine Pryce

Merry Christmas everyone, we're all fighting the most unfair system ever. I wouldn't have survived this agony without this essential website and all its advice. Essential I repeat. This is one of the most challenging and heartbreaking experiences I personally ever go through. The damage to our health is undescribable. Thank you so much for your help and Merry Christmas to you all. ???

At the least a peaceful Christmas to all. Christ chose a stable for his arrival so we know whose side he is on and it's not the rich or the corrupt, it's ours:) Best, Denby


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