The Conservative Party published their election manifesto today It contains almost no detailed proposals in relation to welfare benefits.

Some of the claims in the document might be regarded by many people as deeply ironic, such as this one:

“. . .we will continue our efforts through the tax and benefits system to reduce poverty, including child poverty.”

It is also dispiriting to note that the authors cannot resist a reference to benefits fraud:

“. . . we will make sure those who cheat the system by committing benefit fraud are punished. There is no excuse for exploiting others who have worked hard and paid in.”

Other than that, there is virtually in the way of concrete undertakings, other than an end to the benefits freeze which has already been announced and was due to happen next year in any case:

“ . . we will do more to make sure that Universal Credit works for the most vulnerable.”

“We will also end the benefit freeze, while making sure it pays to work more hours.”

“. . . we will reduce the number of reassessments a disabled person must go through when a significant change in condition is unlikely – because you should not have to provide repeated proof of your disability in order to receive support.”

“We will publish a National Strategy for Disabled People before the end of 2020. This will look at ways to improve the benefits system, opportunities and access for disabled people in terms of housing, education, transport and jobs.”

You can download a copy of the Conservative Party manifesto from this link.


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