Decisions for Scottish disability payments are taking longer than intended, but still do not rival the two and a half years some claimants have been waiting for a PIP decision

Child Disability Payment (CDP) and Adult Disability Payments (ADP) have replaced DLA for children and PIP respectively, in Scotland.

However, the Scottish government says that decisions are taking longer to make than they hoped.  The majority of claimants receive their decision within four months, but some claimants are waiting six months or more.

Unlike PIP, decisions on ADP are made without an assessment wherever possible.  However, this does mean there is a greater reliance on supporting evidence and it is difficulties and delays with obtaining this that is causing problems.

Social Security Scotland are introducing various measures, such as enabling GP’s to submit evidence online, to try to speed-up processing times.

Whatever the issues, Scotland still has a long way to go before they beat the delays experienced by some PIP claimants in England and Wales.  The DWP claim that the average time taken to make a decision on a new PIP claim is 16 weeks.

However, thousands of PIP claimants have waited longer than 6 months for a PIP decision, with some waiting over 30 months.  As of October 2022:

  • Number of PIP claims over 6 months old:  3,200
  • Number of PIP claims over 12 months old:  800
  • Number of PIP claims over 18 months old:  600
  • Number of PIP claims over 24 months old:  600
  • Number of PIP claims over 30 months old:  600

Did you have to wait an unreasonably long time for a benefits decision?  Let us know in the comments section below.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Put in new application for PIP In January 24th 2023, did everything online, even have a copy of the pdf application, plus reference number, have not heard anything or no communication from Social Security Scotland!  Plus trying to contact them is difficult!
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    · 1 years ago
    Having advised DWP of a Change of Circumstances, I was told I would be transferred from DLA to ADP.  Does anyone know how this goes?  Will I have more forms to complete?  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Bettina I did the same as you . I was sent forms by Social Security Scotland and completed them . They are de facto PIP forms however I received my award without jumping thru hoops . They are really decent folk !!
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    · 1 years ago
    Change of Circumstances Form sent to DWP PIP in February 2023, advised at that point I would be transferred to ADP Scotland in April so they would deal with it at that point. Transfer went successfully but I still await the outcome of my Change of Circumstances and now we are in mid December. As with most, I too continually am advised by The Scottish Social Security “you are in the correct queue awaiting to be assessed”. I sent in all the supporting Documents to PIP in February, then had to do the same to ADP. It really is becoming a complete joke.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 7 months ago
      @Brian Sent my sons review/change or circumstances form the start of Januray this year and still waiting in the que! Absolutely ridiculous as it's hindering potential help he could be getting! 
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    · 1 years ago
    Had my scottish adult disability review in June.  No response apart from acknowledgement of received review paperwork. It's quite distressing waiting as you don't know if your monthly payment will be in account or not.  Especially when you suffer cptsd and anxiety waiting without any updates becomes distressing 
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    · 1 years ago
    I contacted PIP as my health had change that was in September 22. I then had to wait to be changed over to ADP in January 23. As of today 17.07.2023 I have still not heard from them. Bearing in mind I'm due a revue before January 24 I'd say they are holding me back  ecause of this
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Applied for ADP back in 9th November 2022 and still  waiting just told with decision makers everytine I contact them 
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    · 2 years ago
    I submitted my Scottish ADP claim in July 2022, not heard anything despite calling Social security Scotland twice to be told my application was being dealt with. 8 months have passed despite me giving all relevant info re doctors, consultants etc. and sending over what I had to back my application. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I applied 1/3/22 got my decision after appeal 3/3/23
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    · 2 years ago
    Applied for PIP in Scotland in July 2022, still haven’t heard anything about when I will get an assessment or anything. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @S Call them. I waited 9month after getting a text telling me I'd have a decision in 8 weeks. When I eventually contacted them, they had already decided months before and never told me. Got knocked back. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I applied for 1st time back on the 7th November for my son who is 5  for child disability payments on the advice from my other sons hospice worker ,  I have had no letters or any information from them . Managed speak to someone on helpline after a 3 and half hour wait to be told claims are taking 6 months or longer . Yes I know it’s a knee system but I especially don’t agree with people who are trying to renew their existing claims that it is taking so long. It’s not right 😡
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    · 2 years ago
    Applied for adult disability 5 months ago and not heard anything since they collected my I'd 
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      · 1 years ago
      @trisha I received payment in may after 5 month then appealed got mobility standard but will not appeal even tho I know entitled to higher as to much stress
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      · 2 years ago
      @Chris parts sameasme
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    · 2 years ago
    Applied for PiP on October 20th 2022 received a letter for phone assessment on January 25th 2023..Completed the assessment only to receive another letter for another assessment on February 15th 2023.I waited for an hour and a half and rang Capita to ask why I had not received the phone call they said they had tried to ring but it wasn't my number that the 1st assessor rang me on...Now I have to ring Capita on Wednesday 22nd to see if I can get another assessment as it takes 5 days before they know what's avay on the system.It looks as if I gave the wrong number but they had my number from the 1st assessment which wasn't completed because of an IT Glitch apparently...You really couldn't make it up...
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi, I sent back a reassessment form over a year ago. On 6th February I finally had phone reassessment appointment. In the last two weeks I have had a relapse in my mental health ďue to dwp. I received a text to say that it could take up to another 6 weeks for them to make a decision. My mobility has deteriorated to the stage I am now in an electric wheelchair. So here's hoping I may get enhanced mobility award.
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    · 2 years ago
    Oops, I meant "special rules" of course
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    · 2 years ago
    presumably the 16 week average decision time includes the special category DS1500 claims 
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    · 2 years ago
    I also very lucky and relieved. I returned my pip review form in sept 2022 and received a decision 4 weeks later 10 year ongoing award . So there is always hope.
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    · 2 years ago
    I've been very lucky with my PIP review.
    I sent my renewal forms back in November 2022, I plucked up the courage to call a couple of weeks ago because I was worried about my ending of my car lease.
    I mentioned to the lovely call handler and she offered to put me through to a DMZ to see if they could do it any quicker than the "at least 12 months" response she gave me. 
    The DM started to say the same, but changed her mind and pulled my application from the queue. 

    She called me later that day to ask me a few questions to clarify as she said she would so my mind could be put to rest. 
    She increased my care award and kept my enhanced mobility!!

    So happy, and has stopped my daily weeping over it. (Would I have been able to cope  for the 12 months? No.) Wonderfully kind lady. She has even backdated it to October, still waiting for this to be paid, but I can't complain. 

    So sorry for anyone having to go through the terror of the delays to PIP & ADP. 
    And I hope my experience gives some comfort and guidance 
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    · 2 years ago
    PIP assessment May 2021, spent over 90mins on 3 way phone call with the assessor and advocate. They returned assessment with no change to entitlement. All that was discussed was completely ignored. Appeal put in July 2021, when checked on status of the appeal they said it was never received even though was sent by recorded delivery and signed for. Further paperwork for appeal sent in and still no reply. 
    This has now been ongoing for about 20 months. I am struggling more so than ever with depression, physical and mobility issues as well as having to cope with the ever increasing food bills. 
    Will this living nightmare of the DWP ever end for any of us?
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    · 2 years ago
    I had a five year fight to get pip, the Secretary of State awarded me my pip. However it was not backdated and I received the same amount as someone who had been trying for 3months, when I tried to get it sorted out the DWP said it was not their responsibility as it was the decision of the Secretary of State!!
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    · 2 years ago
    They’ve had my renewal forms for a year. And as they haven’t been able to sort them I’ve been given an extra year of benefit. I hope if I get the higher amount they back date it!!

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