The evidence that the DWP is a department in meltdown is growing rapidly, with the news that mandatory reconsiderations for personal independence payment (PIP) are now taking almost twice as long as they did a year ago.

In reply to a written question on whether  the DWP “plans to take steps to reduce the clearance time for mandatory reconsiderations of Personal Independence Payment decisions.” DWP disability minister Stephen Timms answered:

“We recognise that the most recent data shows an increase in Mandatory Reconsideration clearance times, from 37 calendar days in December 2023 to 71 calendar days in July 2024. To address this, we are recruiting Mandatory Reconsideration Decision Makers and have made overtime available to increase productivity.”

What effect these steps will have, with the DWP under pressure from so many other quarters remains to be seen.

For example, earlier this year we revealed that it could take up to ten years to clear the current PIP review backlog, with reviews taking on average 290 days to complete.

There was also the disclosure in May of this year that only 1 in 25 child DLA claims is decided on time.  In 2016-17 96.8% of child DLA claims were processed within the target time of 40 working days.  By 2023-24, this had fallen to just 3.5%.  

For PIP, the percentage has fallen from 85.1% processed within the timescale of 75 working days in 2016-17 down to 51.7% in 2023-24.

We also know that only a limited number of work capability reassessments are taking place, having stopped completely during Covid.

And the carer’s allowance overpayment scandal is largely down to the fact that there are not enough staff to respond to alerts from HMRC about potential overpayments, with 50% never investigated.

The fact that the DWP are pushing ahead with issuing managed migration notices to 800,000 employment and support allowance (ESA) claimants by December 2025, whilst unable to cope with their existing workload, seems foolhardy in the extreme.

As Citizens Advice, who deliver the managed migration Help To Claim support service for the DWP have pointed outbecause the ESA migration timetable has been accelerated so quickly, we’re concerned that DWP doesn’t have the capacity to deliver this support adequately and at scale — for example, whether DWP has enough staff to carry out all the home visits required.”

There is an “enhanced support journey (ESJ)” available to vulnerable claimants who fail to make a claim for universal credit. But as Citizens Advice also explain, “because the ESJ isn’t a legal process, there aren’t formal mechanisms to hold the DWP accountable if people fall through the net.”

So, for the DWP, managed migration at breakneck speed may be a fairly risk free process.  For the most vulnerable claimants, sadly it is not.

There is the flood of managed migrations from ESA to UC which won’t end before December 2025.  And there is the likely change to the work capability assessment due to be announced soon.  Plus there are wholesale changes to the role of jobcentres, which will be unveiled in a forthcoming white paper.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    They are just rushing to get this process done by end of year and don't care about the vulnerable and that they might need additional help and support through this process. They need to slow down and deal with one problem at a time like all the backlog of PIP claimants.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    Has benefits and work seen the new PIP review forms that ‘fight back’ group on Facebook have been talking about? Apparently 32 page forms? 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Sparklykoi No, I dont see any pictures on there other than for staff members, and they have a website which si very expensive to join for VIP forum access.  B&W help is much more affordable.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Sparklykoi Just read about that.
      Something else sneaked in under the radar. Absolutely fuming. 
      How do they get away with it. 
      As if we don't struggle enough with forms. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    They are squeezing us in every possible way.  I didn't get a warm home discount this year, despite being entitled to it the last few years.  The reason - my home is too energy efficient!  What a joke. 

    They haven't put up the savings and capital allowance in years, they've frozen the LHA again, despite us being in a rental crisis.  They're moving us on to UC, had my migration notice the other week, yet there is no severe disability premium on UC, despite it being money we're supposed to need to live on!!  Sure we get a transitional payment, but we all know what that means - no more increases while inflation pushes everything up past us.  

    They are screwing us over in every possible way, it is sickening and awful. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Alex You’re absolutely spot on here - and despite the fact I got my warm home discount - reason being I live with family, my friend who lives in a council house, above unheated garages and with improper insulation who’s just been moved to UC - a blank no. I’ve just had to pay it to him myself out of what pitiful savings I’ve got, because of the recent cold snap and now I can’t buy food this month, and neither can he. 

      I genuinely hoped the months where we struggle between heating and eating were over, apparently not. What with that, rising prices of food and of course “shrinkflation” the only option for a compassionate government would be to INCREASE support. 

      And yet I keep seeing articles about “cutting benefits won’t stop the problem” because these people seem to have some insider data - it looks like they’re going to tighten the eligibility a lot (to push out the claims for anxiety/depression - a decision made by someone who’s clearly never experienced how life shattering either condition can be) 

      If you need help you need help - this system that we’ve paid into should be there to support us, instead I’ve just had my PIP renewed for 3 years after waiting for well over a year for that letter. My friend is still under review, they usually drag him to a medical despite the fact he cannot leave the house. 

      The DWP is not fit for work, and hiring emergency “decision makers” is like putting your hand over a leaking pipe. Might work, but not for long.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Alex That's why I call the managed migraton a "managed Robbery".   I've lost my warm home discount too.
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    · 2 months ago
     @Matt Where did that come from - 'time limit PIP more stringently'? What, euthanise the permanently disabled? 'You've got 3 years fun time to get over that cystic fibrosis then it's say bye bye'? Yep, yep, I believe it.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Matt Goes hand in hand.

      Particularly as they are already underfunded - I use my PIP for services I'm technically entitled to free adult social care. It's my choice because I have PIP and extra amount in UC for disability.  I just use it for health costs.

      If the PIP money is reduced, I would have to bang at adult social cares door.

      All they are doing is claiming they are providing more support to get into work. They won't because it's not there - then because employers can't manage people, disabled still more likely to be unemployed. Plus those who are totally unable to work even with 'reasonable adjustments'.

      Long-term sick now called 'worklessness', aka 'worthlessness' - scrounging.

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      · 2 months ago
      @Matt Social care is just as important.
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      · 2 months ago
      @rtbcpart2 I haven't seen this, but it could be an idea to save money, which will be the main aim of any reforms. 

      On another very depressing note, most disabled people (not just the elderly) are reliant on adult social care. Labour are proposing another commission which is not likely to report until 2028 just before the next General Election. Effectively Reeves' has blocked any proposals for increased funding for social care.  And whilst this is for benefits and work, social care is almost as important.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    An interesting historical perspective.

    I remember vividly the financial crash of 2008. Labour were in power. Alistair Darling, the then Chancellor, warned that if Labour were returned to power in 2010 he would have had to cut public spending quite substantially.  This Labour Government appears to be following the same tack, especially where it comes to welfare.  One thought that has crossed my mind is that, according to some sources, real wages have not increased since 2008.  This is hardly an incentive to go to work and may explain (partly) why the disability benefits bill has increased so much. Universal Credit - on its own with its claimant commitments - is not enough to live on.  Therefore, I do think the Green Paper that is coming out in the Spring (I am surprised it is not a White Paper, ie Government policy rather than a consultation paper) will be driven by reducing the disability benefit bill. One of the other proposals may be also to time limit PIP more stringently.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Matt They have already said many times that they want to cut 3 billion off the welfare bill, so this Green Paper is absolutely driven by savings rather than helpful reform. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Matt And we’ve all forgotten the gov handling of Covid and its effect on health.  NHS is floundering. Disability is on the rise; in some cases through lack of treatment.  This is where funding needs to go - not to another bloated  tech company flogging a redundant system to gullible ministers.  
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    · 2 months ago
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    · 2 months ago
    It is well passed time that the UK Government,regardless of "colour" were taken to the ECHR over the way disabled people are treated by them. They are in breach of their own legislation regarding discrimination.
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      · 1 months ago
      @david g April 24:

      'Yet again the UK government has been found in breach of Disabled people’s human rights.

      Yesterday the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities published a report, after looking at the UK government’s progress since 2016. This was when the same committee found that austerity and welfare policies were leading to grave and systematic violations of Disabled People’s Human Rights. The UN Committee did not see any progress in addressing those violations, moreover, it documented evidence of retrogression'
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    · 2 months ago
    It’s getting more and more clearer with this presence government that they not managing the DWP at all, and it’s because they don’t want share their plans publicly is because the fundamentally fact is they want the system to collapse so, they can comment publicly that it’s uneconomical to manage and to fund the system entirely, because the previous government mismanage the DWP. And there’s nothing this government that wants to achieve for most needed people of society and it’s SHOCKING from a Labour government who are a bunch of liars…
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    · 2 months ago
    We're not getting any plans - this is just a reiteration of the proposals we all knew about already. In other words they're telling us a bit more nothing. 
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    · 2 months ago
    From yesterday’s i Newspaper, we are getting the Tory plans in full: “Government sources push back on plans to means-test PIP but haven't ruled it out. Possible changes include tiered payments, adjusted eligibility criteria, revamped assessments, and switching to vouchers or one-off payments to pay for certain equipment or services in their home.”
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Old Mother It's clear Labour have a very similar, arguably worse, ideological view on welfare. And the cost of implementing such plans doesn't matter. I assume they will use the already in place card/voucher system used by asylum seekers, which I'm sure will come with a nice big IT contract for the usual corporations. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Rik It sounds chaotic. And expensive.  I thought they wanted to cut costs ? 
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    · 2 months ago
    Hell Ashf, what a nightmare. Best of luck and let us know how you get on. I suspect there are thousands facing this sh*t storm. Hope you can relax a bit.
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    · 2 months ago
    One thing they also asked on the UC application  if I was in care as a child I am 60 yrs old what the hell does that have to do with a change of benefit 
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    · 2 months ago
    I had a miragtion notice and was totally confused as I don't get means tested esa but new style esa. Tge notice they said was for the housing benefits I claim so the help to claim line cab did a conference call with them and they did the application for me and my partner. We where told that they will call us in 2 days to arrange a time to come visit us at home to complete the process but they never called so back to the can and they called them back and asked them to escalate this to a case manager we where then told that they will call the next day and you have guessed it no call came weekend passed and on the Monday morning a tx came to my partners phone telling him to go to the job centre the following morning so once again we called and was told don't go cause they are sending a email to tell them it needs to be a visit. That afternoon it was eating away at me that we have been told wrong so called back again  with the cab they said that no visit had been requested that they where going to do a phone call with me the next day even though I have e speech issues and don't use tge phone and that my partner would need to go in or the claim will be closed I was not happy very scared about what the he'll was going on. My partner went to the job centre and my sister came to sit with me he told them about what was going on and they said they are not booking visits at the moment as they are full for at least 8 weeks i was beyond worried. They called and the man agreed to speak with my sister to continue the call then he said all was OK and that there was nothing left for us to do. My partner came home and said they told him that they will pass file to case manager and they will be in touch in the future the problem is one hand does not know what tge other hand is doing and UC helpline has people that can barely speak English and all give different advice when my sister asked them to explain what they had just said they couldn't and the foam on the last call said I have done my job and sent email to job centre what else do you want if they stop your claim appeal or put in new claim the cab was listening to this and even got her manager to listen to it they have said we need to log a complaint asbthe info.ation is not consistent and the attitude of the advisor on the UC line is unacceptable so next week a complaint is going in this is an horrendous process and then to top it off waiting on blue badge to be told they will only take my new review paper work as proof of benefits but dwp said could take up to a year so at home I stay as a prisoner 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Ashf They just don't care how all this messing people around can really damage people's mental health, waiting for an important call that never comes would on its own drive me crazy
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      · 2 months ago
      @Ashf Hi Ashf
      Sorry you're having this it's horrendous.
      Just a suggestion involve you're MP too; ask him to do a full investigation into this matter.
      I know that not all MP's are sympathetic hopefully though yours might be.

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    · 2 months ago
    Big backlog with MR's. 
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    · 2 months ago
    @Anon You most certainly can, and should, ask for a MR. From what you say it seems you are still being paid something, so that won't change during your dispute with dwp. Try to enjoy Christmas then get some advice and defend your case. If you win you'll get a nice lump sum back payment. 

    Even if you were happy, and it was relevant to how your condition affects you, you'd have to be happy more than 50% of days, repeatedly.... and in a reasonable time. What nonsense. Ffs, we can't EVER be happy now?! Get some help and take them all the way to tribunal if you have to. Good luck.
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    · 2 months ago
    I had £144 removed from my disability benefits because I sounded 'happy' on the phone during my phone interview. No, I am not joking and yes, it's actually written down on the paperwork. I couldn't believe it when I read it but I have no choice to just accept it as I have bills to pay so I can't ask for a MR.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Anon Of course you can ask for an MR. 

      You will still be paid, albeit the lower amount, but if your origional claim is reinstated, you will receive back pay.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Anon This very same thing happened to me for exactly the same reason. How dare they. I am going to appeal as many times as I have to.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Anon The excuses they use to not pay benefits are getting more pathetic.  Did your phone interview have owt or nowt to do with migration to UC or was it for a reassessment? I too would encourage you to go for a MR. Although depending on circumstances, you may be able to go straight to the appeal stage and bypass the MR.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Anon I'd still go for an MR.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Anon That's awful and absolutely ludicrous.  But don't you still get paid if you ask for a MR and while you wait for a re-assessment? I always thought that was the case.
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    · 2 months ago
    I had my migration notice Blackpool south will be going onto it 01st march 2025 yes their was tears and sleepless nights im esa wrag on a old claim too think of me with those commitments and meetings and phone calls next year will give an update in march:
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      · 2 months ago
      @James h Make sure they are aware you are support group so that you will automatically be placed in LCWRA for UC and you shouldn’t have work commitments or a new assessment. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @axab43 axab43 No dates my deadline was 12th march but got holiday booked last week in February so leaving it till last minute that’s why I decided 01st march will give a new update then I’m esa wrag but am preparing myself for a new claim incase everything turns into a shambles during the migration 
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      · 2 months ago
      @James h Are there dates then when migration notices are issued for each area?  I haven't seen this.
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    · 2 months ago
    Does anyone know the time scale these changes might take to go through.  Ie if the Green paper is going to be presented in "spring", are there any guesses as to how long green papers and the proposals made take to go through Government to the implementation stage?  It might help if there is some idea of time.  I get pension in about four years, so won't escape all of it probably but it would help to know how long it will all take
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      · 2 months ago
      @Jobsworth Zero Today Sadly, I don't think there will be. For anyone on social media, you may have seen the coordinated campaign of "anon" accounts posting misinformation and outright lies about the Motability scheme and PIP on Charismas Eve. Dark forces are at work; by the time they've finished they will have the wider public thinking we cannot afford disabled people.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Jobsworth Zero Today Thank you!
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      · 2 months ago
      @diceman24 Thank you.
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      · 2 months ago
      @DJMH15 thank you!  Can I ask what co-pilot is?
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      · 2 months ago
      @diceman24 Where do you get this "new claims" from may I ask? 
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    · 2 months ago
    My PIP review I did back in April still hasn't come back with a decision and my PIP runs out next month Jan 2025. Absolute shambles. Yet they are also trying to migrate people over to UC early when they can't even cope with these backlogs. Laughable if it wasn't so serious. 
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      · 2 months ago
      @MJ Hi try not to worry,even though its due to run out they are likely to extend it for 12 months.good luck
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    · 2 months ago
    I have been officially informed that my PIP review will take at least 12 months to complete ( this is not a new application but an annual review due to my award date ending). This delay is due to the current backlog of new applications and reviews.
    I believe this is also due to the ending of legacy benefits which are all due to end in 2025, 3 years earlier than previously announced and the constant time wasting of a government that has absolutely no idea what it is doing, just cocking things up as usual. The DWP staff is being swamped in the process with no government direct help to gain control of this situation, we are in the 21st century AI, computers, the internet and the DWP still runs on paper, how very quaint.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Ann Paper.  Well they are just reassessing me for ESA.  Reason: they have shredded all past documents regarding my ESA award.  
      I think, they just "conveniently" like the shredded documents, so there is no evidence to be found against them, of lies and systemic malpractice.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Ann Someone said to me purposely so, but can't imagine why that could be 🤔 ?
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