The DWP has refused to follow a recommendation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) to contact over 100,000 ESA claimants who are owed compensation totalling many millions for DWP errors.  However, one claimant has been awarded £7,500 in compensation and we explain below how you can begin a claim if you were affected.

The issue relates to mistakes made by the DWP which began over a decade ago.

In 2011 the DWP began transferring claimants from incapacity benefit to employment and support allowance (ESA).  However, in many thousands of cases the DWP only assessed claimants for contribution based ESA and failed to check whether they should also have been awarded income-based ESA.

Eventually, after many complaints and awards to claimants who had missed out, the DWP reluctantly launched a LEAP exercise to identify claimants who had been victims of their error. 

This resulted in 118,000 claimants getting backdated awards of ESA, in many cases amounting to thousands of pounds.  Others also got awards outside of the LEAP scheme.

However, these claimants were not told that they might also be entitled to special payments because they had missed out on other benefits or undergone hardship as a result of the DWP’s maladministration.

Indeed, the DWP specifically told claimants that they could not complain to the Independent Case Examiner and did not tell them about the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO).

However, one claimant – known as Ms U – had advice from a welfare rights worker. As a result, she did complain the PHSO after the DWP refused to pay her compensation in addition to £19, 832 in backdated ESA.

The PHSO found that Ms U had suffered considerable hardship and her health had suffered as a result of the DWP’s failures.  She had also missed out on free prescriptions, warm home discount payments and other help such as paying for a washing machine.

The PHSO recommended that the DWP pay Ms U £7,500 as compensation and also pay interest on the back payment of ESA.

The DWP paid Ms U, but refused to follow another recommendation of the PHSO.

This was that they contact claimants both within the LEAP exercise and outside it who had been given ESA arrears due to their maladministration, look into their circumstances and award them any appropriate compensation.

Instead the DWP argued that:  “should a claimant feel that they should receive compensation due to their individual circumstances, they can contact the Department and set out their reasons. All requests received will be considered on a case by case basis.”

The DWP know very well that almost none of the affected claimants will ever discover that they might be entitled to compensation and thus they will never know to ask for it.

In a recently released letter dated 10 May 2022, the PHSO said that they were “extremely disappointed” with the DWP’s decision not to follow their recommendations.

Unfortunately the PHSO has no power to force the DWP to do so.

We know that only a small proportion of Benefits and Work readers will have been affected by this issue. 

But if you are one of them, we have a downloadable letter, complete with instructions, that you can use to begin the process of applying for compensation. 

It comes with no guarantees that it will work, but waiting for the DWP to act seems to guarantee that you will not get a penny of what you may be owed.

If you are not personally affected but know someone who may be, please send them a link to this article.

And if you regularly post in a forum or belong to a group that might include affected people, again please give them a link to this page.

Who is affected

Affected claimants are those who were transferred from incapacity benefit to ESA, a process that began as far back as 2011, and who later received a lump sum payment of arrears because the DWP had failed to award you income-based ESA as well as contribution-based ESA.

Many claimants who received such a lump sum will have missed out on passporting to other benefits, such as free prescriptions and warm home discount payments.

What you can do

If you think you were affected you can write to the office which administers, or used to administer, your claim for ESA to ask for compensation.

We have created a simple, downloadable letter which you can use as the basis for your own.

We have kept this letter as simple as possible, with instructions for you in italics.  If you know the dates of any award of back-dated ESA or the amounts that you may have missed out on then by all means add them.  But, at this point, the most important thing is to begin your claim. 

If you don’t receive a reply, do as the letter says and make a formal complaint as well as contacting your MP’s office and asking them to pursue the matter

Download the letter in rich text format 

Download the letter as a .pdf 

You can read the PHSO’s original findings on the case of Ms U here

You can read the correspondence between the PHSO and the DWP here


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    A visiting officer came to my house July 2015 he told me that I was on wrong benefit to apply for ESA & my money is same amount ( income support &SDA ) took me until 23rd October to apply….I had 2 phone calls telling me am not getting this benefit ….received my decision telling me I am not getting ESA … November 19/05/15 I called the office to ask why…the guy I spoke to gave me nothing but abuse even told him I had Addison disease and the stress I was under is life threatening…he laughed told me am getting zero £ & zero pennies and on 25/11/15 my money stopped… June 16 I got assessment rate… I waited 58 weeks then I had my medical.. then I got put in support group.. and that’s was due to Macmillan supporting me Peter hasn’t been through anything like that …. The stress of dealing with that person ended up putting me in hospital … tried to report this plus put a mandatory reconsideration but got nothing back…
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I was denied an appeal because it was an outdated claim (complained in 2019). They asked me why I never complained /appealed at the time (2014). I replied I was having ECT Treatment & was in no fit state of mind to fill out forms. But even before that, I'd had no advice on the new benefits system. I didn't know what I could or could not do as regards my benefit rights.  They were forcing me to attend meeting's with work coaches & forced me into part time work or risk losing my benefits. I had only just left hospital. As a result my mental health suffered even further & had to quit the job.
    The job centre just need to reach their quotas regardless of what they put ppl through!
    There's no justice for folk like us!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I was transferred to esa from incapacity benefit can’t recall getting any lump sum. I’m now on state pension for the last 3 years am I eligible to apply 
    Also I have a disabled daughter who was transferred from severe disability to esa can’t recall her getting any lump sum!! I am her appointee, is she eligible 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Joyce Tinsley The lump sum payment was only for those who were wrongly placed on Contribution Based ESA after transferring from Incapacity Benefit. Have you worked at all prior to the move to ESA? If you haven't you should have qualified for Income Related ESA. I would suggest contacting Citizens Advice Bureau and seeing what they have to say. Same would also apply to your disabled daughter if she hasn't worked.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I thought that there was a legal president about this, as my son had been on the wrong benefit for years. I was advised by a Benefits person who was employed by Social services and she told me that there had been a court case and that the law on this was now changed. My son who is severaly disabled had been on Incapcity benefit was automatically transfered over. When I came to his prescrptions, I was told he had to pay because he wasn't on contribution income support. I imeaditly phoned the DWP to say that I thought he was on the wrong benefit, they told me no, he was on the right one. Itold them that he was having to pay for presciptions and that he shouldn't have to. I phoned on numerous occasions telling them he was on wrong benefit!! Eventually the lady that helped me gave me a template of a letter to send, quoting the change of law. He was immeaditly put on the correct benefit and was paid all of the back paid money, going back over 20 years!!!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I was changed over from Severe Disablement Allowance to Contributions Based ESA +the severe disability premium. When my son moved in with me to care for me I lost the severe disability premium but it never got reinstated when he died.

    I don't remember all the ins and outs of the benefits as they were back then due to cognitive dysfunction. Would it be worth me enquiring about this compensation? 
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    · 2 years ago
    I have been a member of Benefits and Works for many years and this is the first time I am writing a comment in response to the situation I am facing where I am in receipt of both Contribution-based and Income -based Income and support allowance, however did not receive the first payment in respect of the £600 
    I submitted a request for the DWP to look at their decision as to why the payment was not made, and received a reply via what looks like a computer generated letter, not signed or correspondence address stating they will not pay the £326.00 Cost of living payment because
    - You do not qualify for Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

    I tried to get to the bottom of their decision by ringing the DWP and the job centre, after 3 hours no one knew where the letter came from or what address to send my request for a mandatory reconsideration to, and further more after the 3 hours I was told by a member of staff to write to the Justice Department at the Home office.

    The whole experience has proved to be very stressful and I am still at a loss as to how to resolve this issue

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      · 2 years ago
      @Pamela Richardson Such Brutal tactics being used by every Benefit Department of the DWP departments. I myself have missed out on a lot of incorrect payments that span back a good few years. I have given up now. Doing exactly what the DWP wanted for all the claimants to do. Hate to admit I’m a defeatist.. Sad but true. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Pamela Richardson you could ask for a subject access request for your records and thereby find out what you have actually been awarded.  Apparently you can have an underlying entitlement to IR ESA if your income level on CB ESA drops below what the law says you need to live on. If this happens then the IR ESA is paid.  This usually occurs when you are in receipt of any PIP award which then entitles you to Severe Disability Payment.  Its pretty confusing so do not expect call centre employees to be able to help. It started when I filled in a Lost Cost Of Living Payment form on the govt website.  Someone from ESA called me to tell me that I was on CB ESA - however I explained that I was in receipt of PIP standard living which entitled me to SDP which would then entitle me to IR ESA.  Luckily he was very helpful and took the time to explain everything and also contacted ESA to ask them to check my claim.  ESA then rang me again and filled in a form which entitled me to SDP as I am on PIP, live alone, no-one claims Carers Allowance for me - this then entitled me to IR ESA. It took a few days and I still have not received the COL payment but this should be paid out to me soon.  Hope this helps.
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    · 2 years ago
    As previous members here have asked, can anyone shed some light on an address we send this complaint letter to please? 
    Also can anyone confirm this?  I currently am in receipt of C-B ESA migrated from IB, my partner due to the energy crisis has no alternative than to close the business he's had for 45yrs, he's due to get his state pension in November. Am I right that if we have a shortfall in our joint income I have to make a joint claim for UC? Last years accounts show a deficit of £11k+, so all we had coming in was my ESA and DLA only should we have claimed UC, can it be backed dated? ( if backdated it can help with our current arrears and our severe financial situation at the moment) Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks in advance🙏
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      · 2 years ago
      @JLC Hi, it’s in the first paragraph under the sub-heading What You Can Do
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    · 2 years ago
    So confusing 
    Dwp are a right shower of s*it
    Anyone hear anything else about the court case for the
    £20 uplift case 
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi does anyone have the address for this compliant please I’ve looked online all day for it to be sent In writing they’re not giving info up lightly. Does anyone have this or found it? Thanks. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Wee H I sent mine to the usual DWP ESA Post handling site yesterday. From what I understand it all gets put on your file and handled just the same anyways? Will update if I get any tangible response or award.
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      · 2 years ago
      @L miller Hi there did you find out the address to send letter to i had no info there either :(
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    · 2 years ago
    Hello i was transfer from  Incapacity benefit to ESa   Contribution based  had the back pay from help Citzen Advise when Dwp owed me that i have worked  should i be ESA income related does anyone know plz ??
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    · 2 years ago
    My husband was on incapacity benefits from 1990 till 2011 then it changed to esa he got refused this he still gets high mobility and middle care but no other income now for 12 years as they said he could work in office handing leaflets out
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    · 2 years ago
    Can I send the letter by Email? An what's the address specifically? Darren
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    · 2 years ago
    What really annoyed me is that a married couple both can't get esa only one of you can claim, yet we both have different needs and are both entitled to esa not just one of us.
    This is a form of discrimination on both our disabilities and mental health. The system just isn't fair and has plunged us into debt as I stated we both have separate needs. So while the dwp are cutting 400 plus from us a month we are struggling 
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi. I have also been switched from severe disablement allowance to ESA in 2014 to contribution-based employment and support allowance. I have my original letter. Incapacity and ESA is classed under the same category. I have never heard of these claims. I live in Northern Ireland. Do you know if I can make similar claim for compensation? There has been several allowances like warm home scheme that I was unable to claim.
     Many Thanks

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      · 2 years ago
      @Steph Hi Steph, yes can can make the same claim in Northern Ireland in relation to compensation.
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    · 2 years ago
    When my husband was transferred to ESA from IB, his claim which included a joint Income Support element dropped by £10 per week, we never questioned it with the DWP because at the time we were both stressed with the process and not in a good place both mentally and physically. 
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    · 2 years ago
    I was moved from Incapacity Benefit to contribution based esa. I never knew anything about this. My partner has now stopped work to care for me.. we get UC PIP and Contribution ESA. Is this still right.
    Should we have received anything and should I still be on Contribution based or moved to income related??
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    · 2 years ago
    Downloaded the letter as PDF .  However you cannot edit it, so I can't insert my name and address !
    Am I being thick or something, surely you are not supposed to Copy out the whole thing .
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Greg i scanned the letter then opened it in a word document where i could edit it and then added name address ect.  I sent my letter more than a month ago I have heard nothing going to give them a ring and also sending a copy to my mp of the letter 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Thomas Sorry Thomas who do I address the letter to as when I asked was told it didn't apply to me they probably owe me about 20k
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      · 2 years ago
      @Thomas I was moved from incapacity benefit to ESA but for years I was only paid basic esa no severe disability or support group money until my flat mate claimed pip then I realised I was entitled to the same as I have been on full Dla for 11 years 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Greg Hi download the letter in rich text format, then you can open it in microsoft word then enable editing then you are good to go, hope this helps. 
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    · 2 years ago
    i got no idea which one i should get i am on the Contributory ESA now i don't know how you get put on income-related ESA i did work for 16 years i thought that is why you get one and not the other if you have work 
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      · 2 years ago
      @ robert As I understand it, you would be put on contributions-based ESA (C-B ESA) if you had made National Insurance (NI) contributions in the previous tax year (so something you would have done when working), or put on income-related ESA (I-R ESA) if you hadn't made any NI contributions.

      In theory, those of us on C-B ESA are entitled to earn money on top of our benefit (used to be ca £120 pm, I think; no idea what it is now).  Also, when we claimed for C-B ESA, any savings we might have had was not assessed.  (So it's possible - though not my experience - that anyone on C-B ESA could have thousands of pounds in their bank account.)

      Taking on additional work is simply not feasible for most of us, so C-B ESA provides our total income.  This potential to have, or earn, extra income leaves us without entitlement to the additional payments now made to those on I-R ESA.

      You/we should have been entitled to migrate over to I-R ESA after being in receipt of C-B ESA for a year or two (once the previous tax year showed we had made no NI contributions in that tax year).  But we weren't advised we could do this, nor that there were benefits to receiving I-R ESA.  

      As both are now legacy benefits (ie benefits you can no longer make a new claim for) we can't transfer over.  The only alternative is to make a claim for Universal Credit (UC) - but many of us feel the stress of trying to do that is not worth taking the chance, and are simply waiting for when we are migrated over to UC by the DWP as it rolls out in our respective areas.
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    · 2 years ago
    I just cannot be bothered with it. Getting enough of abuse from my neighbours. I can only communicate with messages. I don't answer the door because it's always being kicked, I cannot see the mail because my request for large print wasn't loud enough and I don't use a phone because of the death threats.
    The authorities are not interested because I just get 'no reply' emails!!!
    I just have to live with it.
    Sorry, for trauma dumping, something else I have been accused of recently.
    I am at my wits end.
    I have complex issues which are physical and psychological.
    I wish I was dead!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @greyrider Just read this, now in September.  Feel concerned for you.  Please contact Turn2Us or a disability rights organisation to advocate for you.  Perhaps it is not safe for you where you are living and you could apply if you wish for a transfer somewhere new? A letter from your MP could back up your claim and put you nearer the top of the queue even if you don't have enough points in the system.  I helped a lady and her grandson to get an urgent transfer as they were being abused by alcoholic/drug addicted members of their family who attacked the door in their flat. The MP got involved and bingo! A lovely new flat with a balcony, in a different part of town.  So an MP can provide enormous clout. I pray that things improve for you and that you get the support you need to build a better life. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Which department do we post this letter too. Ty

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