The DWP claims to have applied a ‘fix’ to the problem of employment and support allowance (ESA)  claimants who are migrated to universal credit (UC)  being unlawfully asked to provide fit notes.

ESA claimants should not be required to produce fit notes when they are subject to managed migrated to UC and ESA claimants in the support group should not be required to undertake any work-related activities.  This is because an ESA claimant’s work capability status travels with them when they are migrated.

But, as regular readers will be aware, there have been many instances of work coaches demanding fit notes as well as trying to impose work-related requirements on former support group members during claimant commitment meetings.

On 16 October Neil Couling, the head of the DWP’s UC team admitted on X  that the DWP were getting it wrong and that a “tactical fix” would soon be applied, followed by a full system fix.

On 27 November, again via X, Couling stated:

“So we deployed the new feature (fix) on Monday to allocate people, who declare as formerly in receipt of ESA, to the correct conditionality group (after a check they were on ESA). It’s a “fix forward” so cases were already in the system they will need the manual correction.”

This should mean that ESA claimants who made their claim for UC from Monday 25 November onwards will not be asked for a fit note and will be placed in the LCW or LCWRA group of UC, as appropriate.

Judging by the very small number of readers we have heard from who have received their managed migration notice over the last month, the ramping up of ESA claims to 63,000 a month by February has yet to begin.

Instead, it seems that the DWP is still in the “test and learn” phase, as it tries to ensure that the department is not deluged with problems and bad publicity when it begins to try to meet the entirely unnecessary deadline of sending all income-related ESA claimants a migration notice by the end of December 2025.

We’ll be watching carefully to see if this particular fix has actually worked,, please share your experience with other readers here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    I did my claim this week, and on the part were you put details about income I think it was there was an option to say if you're claiming ESA SG, and when I clicked on that a message came up saying that I didn't need to provide sick notes. However - I will be putting a message on the journal making it clear as well just in case, and I would encourage everyone to do the same judging by the responses on here.
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    · 1 months ago
    Not fixed! I was asked to provide fit notes pending a new health assessment today.
    I left a note in my journal stating the applicable regulations regarding managed migration. So let's see what happens next.
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    · 1 months ago
    Unfortunately this issue has not been fixed at  all. I got a migration notice 11th November 2024 and applied for UC on on 11th of January as my deadline isn’t until 12th of February.

    When I filled in the UC form it clearly states are you in receipt of esa? I clicked yes, next page says you are no longer required to submit fit notes and attend for work commitment appointments.

    Now I’m being fed rubbish from ESA saying they aren’t aware of regulation 19 which I believe is a lie and I have to supply fit notes. I pointed out that demanding I do so is illegal and unlawful as all my fit notes etc follows me from ESA to UC. By pointing this out, the agent became very rude and defensive saying if I want to complain I can or write to my local MP.

    The DWP are going against their own rules and regulations and essentially breaking the law and getting away with it.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Anonymous Complain about the worker and ask for a new one 
      Say its affecting ur health 
      And u are going to seek legal advice against it and make a claim for damages
      They listen when u speak legalese

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    · 2 months ago
    I just got the UC Migration notice.

    I'm in IR ESA SG. Does this still apply:
    Regulation 19 applies to me because I am transitioning from the ESA support group to LCWRA under Universal Credit, which means I do not need to provide a fit note or undergo an assessment.

    Or would it be better to write this:
    Regulation 19 of the Universal Credit (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2014 determines when a claimant may be considered to have limited capability for work (LCW) or limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA). This regulation applies when a claimant was previously entitled to the support or work-related activity component of old style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

    Should I mention Regulation 44 as I read you should? What should I write?

    I've been staying away from this since November and now worrying a lot. Thanks to all that respond.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Lee When mentioning regulations 
      Its best to show evidence of it too or they can be rude
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    · 2 months ago
    Make sure you know for definite if your getting cbesa or income related esa. I was originally on cbesa then it changed to full income related esa after I received some income related entitlement. I was still thinking my benefit was part cbesa with income related top up, but it is all income related. As advised I have claimed uc before my deadline date.
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    · 2 months ago
    I'm not sure this is as straightforward as I would like.  I filled in the migration form on December 23rd, and had a telephone interview about my limited self-employment today.  Which is fine.  But the person on the phone said I hadn't had a WCA since 2019, and that it was only valid for 18 months.  This isn't true.  I had a reassessment two years ago, but can I find the letter?  Of course not.  He said I might have to have a WCA now.  What's more, on the universal credit page, I've now got a form showing asking me to report changes to my health.  But I haven't got any health changes, and have never indicated that I do.  Oddly, though, I have nothing in my email box asking me to fill in the form.  The last email from UC was confirmation that I had completed the interview this afternoon.   I am beginning to get very concerned that I'm going to have to do another WCA, and my UC won't be with the right amount of money until I do.  Any suggestions?  Surely, whether I had a WCA two years ago or five years ago, if I'm in the support group, I should be put straight in the LCWRA group no matter what?
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    · 2 months ago
    Migrated over to UC from ESA also had to provide fit note from GP in Nov 2024 for UC. I have lost over £500 per month so am worse off this month, awarded just £200 does not cover my rent.  GP very unhappy being asked to provide fit note to UC.  Also have to now attend preparation for work in December. Do not understand how this was worked out.
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    · 2 months ago
    can anybody  help  me please. I'm on esa and still haven't received  my migration  letter Friday 13th  December 24 the date today.also I have never  had a British  passport  and I've lost my birth certificate. not got driving licence  as not allowed  by law as I'm bipolar  should I visit  the jobcentre  myself to get my universal credit started
    Lisa ward
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      · 2 months ago
      @Lisa Thompson The website gives a list of things that can be used as ID. Just type into Google, what counts as id for UC claim.
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    · 2 months ago
    We were on ESA and completed a  mandatory migration on the 13th November. My husband was recieving contributions only and has  been requested to provide a fit note at the last minute, despite being told we would not need to do so. The request was also put in the journal section, not the to-do section so we may not have Seen it. Luckily we did. They've since moved it To the to do list. 
    Should we make a complaint?
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    · 3 months ago
    We've gone through the mandatory migration last week. Whilst it's unnecessary complicated( even the advisor we dealt with admitted that). 

    I was transferred from the ESA support group into the UC equivalent without being asked to provide a fitnote
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      · 2 months ago
      @Chris It's good to hear some success stories.  I've just received my notice and literally feel sick, but have completed the forms with the guide and some help, so fingers crossed I'll be ok. 
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    · 3 months ago
    A group of people who are continually overlooked are those that have had to migrate from Disabled Persons Working Tax Credit to UC. My daughter had to migrate in March this year, having ‘ graduated’ through ESA Work Related group through to Permitted Work to Disabled Persons Working Tax credit 9 years ago, and has held her 20 hour employment with the same company all that time. Now she is asked to provide a FIT Note and undergo a WCA!! Its like snakes and ladders. 

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    · 3 months ago
    My experience is that I've been on old-style contribution-based ESA in the Support Group for years, but only qualified for and claimed UC earlier this year. I was over the savings limit before, so wasn't getting anything means-tested. I was told to provide a fit note twice, while at the same time continuing to receive my ESA and also an extra UC amount due to my LCWRA. When my last fit note was about to expire I applied for a new one. While waiting for the GP to issue it, I told UC it was on the way, but got a message stating I didn't need to provide sick notes because I already had LCWRA status based on my ESA award. I did ask them to double check this and they confirmed I didn't need to. 
    Before I supplied them with the first sick note, I went round in circles with UC for weeks, trying to argue that there was absolutely no legal basis for their demands for a sick note, because I was already on ESA, but got nowhere and ended up supplying them anyway so I could get my UC. I knew they must be wrong, because it would be impossible to have two parallel fitness for work assessment systems running for the same claimant. I asked them hypothetically what they would do if one assessment system found a person in my position to have LCWRA and the other system deemed them fit to work, to illustrate why it simply wouldn't be feasible. The people I spoke to either didn't understand the question or knew I had a point but weren't allowed to admit it. 
    I knew they were wrong, and was only going along with supplying sick notes so I could get UC. At least they seem to have sorted it now. 
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    · 3 months ago
    I have migrated today and can confirm that it stated on the application that a fit note will not be requested when migrating from ESA to UC.
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    · 3 months ago
    I was 'forced' to begin my ESA TO UC migration, all went well except i wasnt moved to UC in replacement of my ESA, instead i was moved to the New Style ESA (No longer income related). Im still in LCWRA group. So i receive new style esa and uc replacing the other benefits.

    I was told im due an ESA review in a year but i was informed they are over 3yrs behind with reviews.
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    · 3 months ago
    Can anyone help please. I was receiving contribution based ESA support and housing benefit. I got a migration notice and applied for UC. The UC put me in the support as well after arguing. I have now got another appointment telling me that I am claiming new style ESA. I keep telling them that since I am already on CB esa which is not migrating, no change in circumstances why am I being put to claim new style esa. They won’t listen and told me if I don’t have the interview I will have sunctions. I am so worried and don’t know what to do. My appointment is next week. Anyone know the exact regulations for this so I can check? Please help…Thank you 
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      · 3 months ago
      @nikosuk Hi, CB is replaced by New Style ESA. Income related is paid within UC so can be split payments but UC then deducf the CB (New style ESA) from the UC amount. It’s very confusing.
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    · 3 months ago
    I had a Esa review form back in January this year  still not heard back. When you phone , recording is for them to get in touch,  get payments still. I had 2 weeks to get it back due to Christmas post,  and waiting for nearly a year to hear back. My conditions have worsened.  Sent load of evidence. 

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      · 3 months ago
      @Andi And you've been waiting for their letter calling you in for a reassessment every day since January! That's stressful.
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    · 3 months ago

    Channel 4 just gave Fraser Nelson a show about disability and benefits. For shame

    A new Channel 4 Dispatches documentary claiming one of the biggest challenges to the Labour Party government is people on long term DWP sickness benefits will air on Monday 2 December. However, the man heading it up is none other than
     ToryBoy psuedo-academic Fraser Nelson 

    Let us spell this out. Channel 4 got the former editor of the rightwing benefit claimant-bashing Spectator to host its documentary on so-called economic inactivity. Did we mention, that would be Fraser Nelson who has also penned hit pieces for the Torygraph? Yep, yet another right-wing shitrag punching down on chronically ill and disabled people for a past-time:

    Sadly, as most disabled benefit recipients are fully aware, expect more of this type of nasty right wing journalism over the next year 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Harry More rubbish my advice to anyone is avoid it. It's just to attack people to create bad feeling. It's the system that's badly administered not the people lawfully using it. Won't be wasting my electric or life watching this. 
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    · 3 months ago
    Call me cynical about the "fix" but mentioning regulations 19 and 44 in the journal is probably still a wise idea. 
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    · 3 months ago
    I get Income related ESA and Housing Benefit. I recently had my migration to Universal Credit notice on 14 Nov 2024. Anyone know when this group was due to migrate? I heard it was 2028? It does look like the ramping up has begun? 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Undies The fact that you received your migration notice more than two weeks ago should suffice to answer your question.

      However, it's scheduled from September 2024 with the aim of contacting everyone in this group by December 2025.

      Hope this helps.
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    · 3 months ago
    That article is 3 years out of date
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