Benefits and Work has heard from a number of members in recent weeks who have been subject to a second PIP assessment before a decision is made on their claim because there was a problem with the first report.

One member had a two hour assessment on Christmas Eve. Then, in January they were contacted by Capita and told that the assessment was incomplete and that they would be sending someone else round to finish it.

Capita refused to say what information was missing and would not provide a copy of the report until it was complete.

Our member told us:

“This has left me feeling very anxious. All they would say is that they needed further information as the last assessment was incomplete. I'm confused. I feel that they want to trip me up even though I was completely truthful about my conditions in the last assessment.”

In another case our member had almost completed their assessment when it was suddenly stopped and our member was told they would have to return for a complete new assessment. The only reason they were given was that the assessment should have been done by a physiotherapist instead of a nurse.

One member took their son for a PIP assessment which lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes. However, our member was then told that the assessor had not filed the report so they would have to return for a new assessment.

The new assessor took 1 hour and 30 minutes. The assessor claimed that she had the original report on screen and would take information from that, but she did not actually do so. As a result our member did not give some of the information that had been covered in the first report.

Our member said:

“I was too worried at the time to complain but I did contact my MP.”

Another member was contacted after their assessment in December and told that she would have to attend a second assessment in February before a decision on her claim could be made. When our member asked why:

“I was told it was to do a more robust assessment and that if I didn’t attend they would refuse my claim.”

Our member is very anxious about the repeat assessment:

“I am in total meltdown mode and if the first one is anything to go by I’m dreading the next one. I was so stressed and anxious I could barely control myself but did manage to answer all the questions they asked.”

One member’s 16 year old child is about to be moved from DLA to PIP. They had an assessment in December but have now been asked to attend a second one before a decision is made.

Our member commented:

“So I guess we just go to the 2nd assessment and do it all again then? Just what a overly anxious child wants eh!!”

One of our members had their PIP assessment in December as part of the process of moving from an indefinite DLA award. However, in January they were contacted by Capita who said that the DWP had requested further information and they would have to have a further assessment. Capita have not said what further information is needed or why it can’t be collected by phone.

Our member says:

“I am sick with worry I was already suffering with even more anxiety than usual due to going through this process.”

The PIP assessment process is enormously stressful for many claimants. To have to go through it twice with no adequate explanation as to why seems unfair and unreasonable. At the very least, claimants should receive a letter of apology and an explanation of why a telephone conversation would not be sufficient to put matters right.

Please consider complaining to your MP if this happens to you.

We’d be interested to hear from anyone else who has been forced to attend two assessments, please comment below.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 months ago
    Hi i had a phone assessment 5 days ago, it lasted 2.5 hrs, i was a total wreck during and after it. My partner phoned after 48hrs and was told the assessor had gone off o  the sick or just left. A day later they phoned me back to do another assessment by phone as there was i sufficient evidence feom the first assessment 
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    · 9 months ago
    I am my son's appointee and I had pip phone assessment which was so intense and I gave all info there is , but just now two days after I have a call saying they need more evidence and information and doing a second assessment tomorrow! 
    My son is in the middle of GCSEs ATM so our anxiety is high enough without this! Does it mean he won't get pip if I give no extra info,?
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    · 10 months ago
    I had a telephone assessment 5 weeks ago.  Capita rang me Friday to arrange another telephone assessment. So stressful.  They said they needed more information however, I sent plenty of evidence. Absolute  shambles.
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    · 1 years ago
    Capita cancelled my husbands 1st phone appointment, his second took over 2 hours and now they've asked for a third.
    All the time he is having to take time from work which he fears might jeopardise  his employment
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    · 1 years ago
    Yes I had an assessment in Dec which was mentally draining when asked if I felt depressed and suicidal and I did cry and now need to do another assessment? I answered all the questions and gave all my appointments and procedures and was totally relieved when it was over as I was so nervous . 😓  not looking forward to it all again tbh 
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    · 1 years ago
    I'm now on my 3rd assessment, already had phone and video 😪 thy want more information? 
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    · 1 years ago
    My wife had a 6 hour long PIP assessment by telephone in August 2023 for her mental health issues; this was extremely distressing for her (at one point one of the assessors was so worried they wanted to send an ambulance to the house).
    Unbelievably she has been told she needs a second, video assessment in January 2024!!! 
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    · 1 years ago
    Currently going my first review had my first assessment in September the report was awful so bad I've made a complaint via the normal ways they acknowledged the complaint but lost the paper work of the complaint so by the time I had a mandatory Reconsideration the complaint hadn't been investigated as it was lost so I complained agin this time not so nice over the phone.

    Now it's been investigated they have agreed the assessor was bad very bad and the report is bad missing information medical evidence history and proof has been completely ignored and all my problems where basically omitted and down played 
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    · 1 years ago
    I had one on behalf of my daughter who I care for was a review assessment now I have to do another one in ten days with another nurse I have no idea why alot of stress 
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    · 1 years ago
    Yes this is currently happening to me, had a 2 hour assessment a few weeks to be told I need another, no explanation. However dwp said I don't need one and capita saying dwp have requested it! What the hell is going on I don't know 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi I applied for PIP end of January. After years of trying to battle my anxiety and paranoia myself through counselling and trying to hold down a job, and constantly having breakdowns and long periods of relying on family and my husband for money I finally bit the bullet. I had a telephone assessment on March 20th but CAPITA rang yesturday stating I need to do another assessment as they need more evidence and I need to elaborate more on my condition? I've never heard of this happening on an inital PIP application. Should I be worried?
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    · 2 years ago
    I had 1st assessment on 14th of July 2022 and I've just had a phone call at 18.47 today 26th of July to have another assignment on 28th of July why a second I thought it was only 1 I was on phone over hour 1st time now I have to go through it again and no reason why
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      · 1 years ago
      @Michelle Im going through the same thing. what did they ask you on the 2nd one??
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    · 2 years ago
    I had a telephone assessment 11th April that I wasn't expecting lasted 33 mins got a text this morning telling me that I have a video call 4th may I'm hopeless with technology my anxiety went through the roof with the phone call it's just building up now waiting for the video call 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Diane wilson Hi what was the outcome do you know why they does this,this is what is currently happening with me 
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    · 3 years ago
    I had to do 2 full assessments, 1st one on 19th January the 2nd one was on the 10th March, no explaining why just got told I had to do a 2nds full assessment even though they 2nd assessor had the 2st report "up on her screen" apparently.  10 days later 20th March I was rejected for pip renewal claiming my "deteriorating condition" as they called it on my last pip claim, was better and she's decided I can infact  do all the things I've explained I I can't or struggle with.....and she's used both reports to negatively affect my claim only using information that suits their need to reject me, no idea where to get help from and it's really affecting my me tal and physical health now 
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    · 3 years ago
    Got my daughters 2nd telephone assessment DLA 2 PIP . 1.5h for the first one and told this could take unto 45-1h because they need more information. I sent in 88 pages of extra information. the stress for me is out of control and I feel like they are dangling a carrot infant of my nose. I don't have any other information I have given you my all. worst of all when filling out the form I had pneumonia and now I have covid so Im sourer stressed out and unwell. need this to end. fingers crossed. 🤞🤞
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    · 3 years ago
    Hi all I had my PIP telephone assesment on Friday 7th March this year, I have now had a call to do a 2nd telephone assesment on first of April,  they said there are a couple of questions they need to ask and that was all they said. I'm really anxious and worried about this. What does it mean? Does it mean my claim has failed? Any help appreciated. Thanks.t
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      · 1 years ago
      @Janet Hi, I came on to google if others having the same problem. I have had my assessment call lasted 2hrs, fornight later same oerson askin same questions sayim they needed more info, I now to date have had 4 fornightly calls from same person asking same questions even though I have substantial paperwork proof an hve already been on PIP for yrs. I renewed last June and since end Feb have had these fornightly calls. Im now going to phone to complain after easter break as stress is really making my conditions worse. I think they tryin to trip us genuine sick ppl up to save money. The questions they asked were pointless. Like can I talk to ppl. Not once has my illness affected speech ot hearing. Asked if postman came to door could I open door and say hello and sign for mail! Like what has that to do with any illness. Even wheelchair bound ppl can open a door. 
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    · 3 years ago
    Hi am having to have another assessment, no reason given they asked me many questions and repeated them in a different ways later, I suffer bad anxiety and depression and the first one drained me, now having to go through it all again, my anxiety started over 47 years ago when I was an 18 year old soldier I foolishly agreed to have nerve agents tested on me , after I was terrified and still am up to this day, I retire next year and they put me through this when it was the government who unlawfully got soldiers to test nerve agents etc, it is disgusting as I have never claimed any disability benefits and I'm now 65, 3-4 years of mental health counselling as my life has been hell and am waiting to see a psychiatrist as my mental health counsellor believes I have PTSD and certainly depression and anxiety. The can poke their benefit if I get any more interigations.

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