Can you help us to inspire people to claim PIP for themselves or, perhaps more importantly, to help other people claim PIP?

Many years ago, not long after the turn of the century, we wrote a guide to claiming DLA. As part of that process we asked claimants what difference getting DLA had made to their life.

We got answers like these:

‘Since getting DLA my confidence has definitely improved’.

‘DLA pays for me visiting the hairdresser once every six weeks and has made me “rich” enough to be generous, i.e. the odd bunches of flowers for friends’.

‘Getting DLA makes it easier for me to travel a lot more, because I can go by taxi’.

‘DLA has got me to Turkey, France, Wales, Scotland, London, etc. In other words – a new life’.

‘Before I got DLA I didn’t have enough to live on, so it has made an enormous difference to my life. I now feel more independent too and life has become less of a struggle’.

‘Since getting DLA I feel more dignified being able to pay for help’.

We’re currently working on an online training course for would-be moderators for the site.

It will be a hard slog completing the training and we realised it would help if people doing the training had a vivid picture of the difference they could make to other people’s lives, if they help them with a successful claim or appeal.

So, we’d be really grateful if you could tell us in a sentence or two what getting PIP means to you.

You can add a comment below this article or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will change your name, if you give one, and we will not disclose your email address to anyone.

But please give us your quote on the understanding that you are also giving us the right to edit it (only to correct spelling or shorten a quote) and to reproduce it on the site or in any other documents we produce, such as guides to claiming PIP or training guides.


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