Most people use the Benefits and Work site to help with claims or appeals for themselves or someone they are a carer for.

But, in the last newsletter, we published feedback from members explaining how they have used the knowledge gained from our guides and training to help a number of other people:

“Over the years, I helped 4 other people apply for PIP or a higher rate of PIP. Everyone was successful and I am grateful for the guide which I used to help my friends.

“I have been a member for many years as it has helped with my daughter’s claim. I helped my friend do her identical twins . . .”

“. . . using your excellent website and your guides I have been successful in helping 5 individuals achieve the enhanced rates of PIP after making fresh claims and on appeal.”

It set us to wondering how many members use their increased understanding to help other people.

Helping others with their benefits is a brave but brilliant thing to do and it can make a dramatic and permanent difference to someone’s entire life.

We would obviously advise people to always get professional support if they possibly can, when dealing with issues such as overpayments or better-off calculations.

But often the help that people need is with much more basic issues, such as what t write in a PIP2 form, how to prepare for an assessment or the steps involved in lodging an appeal.

These are things that many of our members have become very knowledgeable about through managing their own claims using the Benefits and Work resources.

Sometimes the help needed may be as simple as making someone aware that they might be eligible for PIP and showing them how to find out more.

In other cases it might involve many hours helping someone prepare for an appeal and giving them the courage to persevere.

We’d love to hear from you if you’ve been able to make a difference to other people’s lives in this way.  Please share your story in the comments section below – you may even inspire others to do the same.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 months ago
    We subscribed & used your fantastic guides 8 years ago, without which we would have struggled with the ambivelent  and downright confusing PIP questions! My husband had receieved the 'mobility' allowance for many years, but PIP was an unknown horror story.  After the 'Assessor' made a home visit, hubby received enhanced on both parts, what a relief! I then used the knowdege to help a relative & friend to the same conclusion, longe term PIP!
    The only concern I have now is that my husband is 76, will we keep this award or migrate to something else? we both receive State Pension & in mycase a work pension, I do not claim carer's allowance due to savings.  Will my husband continue with the award or re apply?
    I also have friend whose daughter has PIP due to various mental health issues, I have of course recommended this guidance site.  People need this site for help & morale, we are not alone although once the brown envelope arrives it seems as if we are!!!
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    · 11 months ago
     I was a volunteer with Citizens Advice for five and a half years, and one of my jobs was to complete disability benefit forms for claimants who came to us for help. Our PIP, ESA, AA and DLA training was underpinned by guidance from the Benefits and Work website, and that resource was absolutely invaluable to the role. B and W is a terrific source of advice and I would never hesitate to recommend you guys to anyone I meet who is struggling to negotiate the benefits system. 
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    · 11 months ago
    I have used the guides to help myself, my mum and my friend.  They are invaluable.
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    · 11 months ago
    I have used the guides to help myself, my estranged husband and my son.  I have also suggested to friends who were struggling to deal with PIP or UC to join the site so they can access the guides.  In one case I paid the subscription for one friend so she had access to the help.  In all cases they have found the help invaluable and positive.  Even today a friend in Wales has needed help for a PIP review.  I find what you do is amazing and such a fantastic resource I remain a member to support the work you do so well.
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    · 11 months ago
    I’ve used your guidance for several claims and mandatory reconsiderations for:
    - own PIP and ESA
    - son’s PIP 
    - 2 grandchildren’s DLA
    - a friend’s son’s DLA 
    - 2 friend’s carers’ allowance claims

    All successful and only done with your help. 

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    · 11 months ago
    Most of us who use Benefits and Work do so out of desperation in trying to understand the MI5 entrance exam forms that are otherwise known as DWP Claim Forms. I jest, as it is not funny really, I lke many people have struggled to understand these deliberaly mis- worded, and not what you think it means sentances.

    It was a good few years ago now when I quite by accident discovered B&W and what I can only discribe in the early days as Faceless Angels sent to help all of us in need of common sense answers to trip-wire questions.
    I still struggle to make sense of some of B&W information, but I would rather be with it and without it.

    I have helped a few people to get PIP, ESA, and even Appeals, however I have not had the pleasure of deaing with Universal Credit. 

    I see it as my duty to pass on the Gospel that is B&W, and help others when I can, although this can be stressful as I sometimes feel the weight of expectation on my shoulders to try, and my own conditions also prevent me from helping myself, let alone others at times, 
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    · 11 months ago
    So many people I come across find benefit application forms to be very intimidating and the whole process of claiming benefits to be hugely stressful so I feel duty bound to offer advice which has helped many people. The various guides and newsletter are a great resource to learn from. Knowledge is power after all. So yes keep up the great work of updating the various guides to different benefits and I will keep on passing on advice based on them. CAB is often overwhelmed and so many people I come across feel lost and alone in dealing with the evil organization that is the Department for War on the Poor.
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    · 11 months ago
    Yes, I have used your brilliant guides over many years to help family members, when I have applied on their behalf, for PIP. Currently using the guides for another family member's application. Also have passed on your website and guides info to their friend too. Thankyou! 
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    · 11 months ago
    I have recommended this site to several people, one whos' son with complex needs all backed up by child services and medical reports was denied DLA for him. I told her to use this site and she was able to get full awards for her son. I have constantly kept up my membership as they keep changing the rules, through this site I was able to change my sons' award to the correct level and even secured a back payment for the error in the DWP reports. It has helped me gain my own correct award, the help and advice is invaluable to all of us who use this site and pass it on to others in need and I thank the stars that it was started up and for all the people who work so hard to keep it running and the hard work to write the guides and share information. To all who work and run this site YOU ARE AMAZING.
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    · 11 months ago
    I have been using your guides to help other people for years as I worked with the local authority as a family support worker, I'm now 57 and lost my job after working 30 years and had to apply for ESA and PIP for myself,I have to admit your guides are absolutely amazing , everything is explained in detail and information clear to follow. I was awarded the support element of ESA and also the higher rate of PIP and told that I do not need to make an updated claim until 2030 . 

    My daughter has been getting carers for me as my health deteriorated and I needed someone at home , she is 22 now but last year I encouraged her to look for a part time job to help socialise , she called the carers and told them about it but they said it was fine , she then only worked for 2 weeks because the employer messed her about , she told the DWP the amount she was paid and was told that it didn't effect her carers allowance but then in October last year her carers allowance suddenly stopped after DWP wrote and said she had been paid more than she should have ,she called them countless times explaining she had called them to let them know so why did they not take back some of the money she had been over paid , long story short going backwards n forwards it took her 6 months to finally get back CA and they backdated it.

    I have also helped my sister in law apply for UC and won her a higher award after my brother passed away and she was left with mental / emotional health issues , it's hard to apply for depression than a physical disability as mental health is harder to explain,  but your guides helped and she was awarded a higher rate.

    I cannot stress how important it is for anyone completing and of the DWP forms to have your guides as guidance.  They have been invaluable in helping to make claims but more importantly show how a person's health impacts on thier daily lives. I've recommended them to all my family and friends and one of my dear friends who was turned down many times for PIP finally got her award 2 months ago. 

    Thank you VERY much for your continued support , advice , guidance and information. 

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    · 11 months ago
    I am always recommending Benefits and Work to different groups, usually families of children or adults people with autism or other special needs.  I have also supported a few people to help them complete the ESA, PIP and Universal Credit applications referring to your guides.  I am pleased to say that their applications have been successful
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    · 11 months ago
    This was probably more than a decade ago, but I did suggest Benefits and Work to an online community I was a part of. A member of the community with severe disabilities was told his DLA would be stopped completely as he was (at the time) not a British citizen (he was French). The guides did help me to educate the online community abut the benefits system, as many members had no understanding. I then told them about Benefits and Work (B&W) and how you helped me.

    Another member of said community, a solicitor by trade, then purchased a B&W professional membership and told me that B&W was an 'incredible resource, full of extremely detailed information that helped him immensely'. And I agree with him. The claimant, with the solicitor's and your guidance successfully claimed PIP with enhanced awards for both Daily & Mobility components. The work you do is amazing and I am so grateful to you all for the guides.

    So, I would like to extend my gratitude on their behalf and myself personally. You are genuinely making a difference to so many people.
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    · 11 months ago
    Though I am now a pensioner on indefinite PIP, I keep up my membership, in order to:
    .keep on top of info to share with those who need it
    .forward my B&W email/tweet to those who I think need to know about B&W, for themselves or others,  and how valuable a membership is
    .forward email/tweet to those who don’t need it for themselves, but who I think could treat a membership fee as a donation to disability rights because B&W are by far the leading fighter for such rights.
    .because I owe B&W so much.  Even though I could manoeuvre my way through the muck of the system, it gave me tips and confidence to get the best results by avoiding, DWP’s disgusting trip ups and illegalities
    .I owe it those brave souls who run B&W. Much better souls than me, to work hard while dealing with their own conditions, to help the rest of us.  
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      · 11 months ago
      @ShirleyG I’ll be a pensioner in a few years and I’m currently on PIP. Can I just ask you if you still have to have PIP reviews?
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    · 11 months ago
    Yes. PIP and AA. Both at community centre and through trade union support network.
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    · 11 months ago
    Yes, I have helped several family members to get PIP. My daughter who has dyspraxia and adhd, my granddaughter who is autistic 
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    · 11 months ago
    Yes I have helped several people get pip. However, I always get them to pay for the membership in case the guidelines have changed. I then help them to understand it and apply it. So far success for all those helped. 
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    · 11 months ago
    I recently helped a friend of mine appeal a pip decision, she was terrified but I told her, we can do this and this is how, I then took her through your guide.  Despite having been told by her advocate NOT to send in further evidence I encouraged her to do so, sending photos, letters, medical notes, anything to help her prove her case.  10 days before her appeal was due to be heard she had a phone call from DWP telling her that as a direct result of her further evidence they had overturned her decision, given her back pay and assured her she would receive only a 'light touch' review in 10 years time.  We couldn't have done it without your help and guidance.  Thank you so much.
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    · 11 months ago
    I used your guides to help my sister fight for PIP. We had to go to first tier tribunal where she was awarded both components at enhanced rate.
    Since then she has gone on to help others with the same neurological long term condition. One person was unaware of the need to request mandatory reconsideration using the correct form and having done so her daily living component was reinstated.  Another person thought they were too late to request a MR but my sister helped them to write and explain the exceptional circumstances and they were awarded benefits with a year back payment. My sister continues to encourage others to fight for their entitlement at the peer support groups that she attends.
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    · 11 months ago
    Having failed in a first attempt to claim PIP on behalf of my wife, I downloaded the Benefits and Work guide and was successful in 2019.

    Following that, I advised a friend who suffers from a similar condition and she was able to claim PIP at the higher rate.

    When my mum was applying for Attendance Allowance as she cares for my dad, we found that the  PIP guidance was largely applicable to AA as well. Her claim was successful!

    Last year, my wife's PIP was up for renewal and was initially stopped. We successfully appealed, largely thanks to the encouragement we found in B&W to challenge their decision.

    And right now, I'm helping a friend write a fresh PIP claim, having been unsuccessful on her own last year.

    The knowledge I gained from B&W is a gift that keeps on giving! I'm happy to have become my friend's mini Citizens' Advice Bureau. At a time when the government is doing its damnedest to withhold people's entitlements, B&W is helping me play an active part in the resistance. 

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