There do not appear to be any disability or incapacity benefit related provisions in the King's Speech. 

The government can still introduce benefits legislation in the coming year that is not included in the speech, but the absence of any such content does suggest that it is not one of the main priorities for the first year of the current Labour administration.



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    A · 1 months ago
    "The Secretary of State will set out bold plans to tackle economic activity by enabling local leaders to tailor schemes to get people back into work – and to prioritise good, rewarding, well paid work." Liz Kendall. 

    Why are such good, rewarding, and well paid work not offered to those on jobseekers allowance who are searching for jobs, and all those millions of people who are currently working on the miserable minimum wage?

    Liz Kendall is the epitome of a dishonest and cruel.
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    Listen up · 1 months ago
    Well we know we still her disabled people wait a waste of time and money from the dwp and what a headache from both parties in government but you got to keep fright never give up anything 
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    Will · 1 months ago
    She’s not exactly painting a reassuring picture “the DWP focuses too much on benefits” - Everyone, make sure you’ve filled out the green paper for the proposed PIP changes, tell them how utterly ridiculous they are. 
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Will I believe that the green paper was already decided, and asking claimants to write their review to their questions is just some smokescreen.  Just to say oh right the people agree with the DWP that they all want vouchers etc.
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    Bud · 1 months ago
    Where’s Stephen Timms in all of this? 
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      Holly · 1 months ago
      @Bud Stephen timmins has took sides with kendal he was on gb news most of them have changed course since labour have got in. It's like a conservative goverment run by Tony blair
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Bud Have a guess lol, hiding like a wet lettuce.
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      weiser · 1 months ago
      @Bud Bud hopefully he will be coming back soon to save the day 
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    Stoko · 1 months ago
    If Kendall's performance on BBC and GMB this morning is anything to go by, then it's  very worrying 
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    JJ · 1 months ago
    DWP in need of ‘fundamental reform’, says Liz Kendall
    Liz Kendall, the Work and Pensions Secretary, is speaking in Barnsley this afternoon to set out her plans to overhaul the Department for Work and Pensions.

    Ms Kendall said the department was in need of “fundamental reform” to make it focus more on work than on welfare.

    She said that having a job can bring people “dignity and self-respect” and also a “sense of purpose”. 
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      Angel · 1 months ago
      @JJ She doesn’t realise people are physically Ill and mentally as well. Does she think we all are like her not disabled…
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      Claire · 1 months ago
      @JJ She should try having my RA for a week,unable to move for pain.It’s always those fit and well thinking they know best.For the millionth time lots of people are too sick and disabled to contemplate work,and you can’t magically think it away.Funny how my GP suddenly invited me to a Wednesday social group at the surgery,with the “social prescriber “.
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    Cheeky · 1 months ago
    Will this all be mandatory for all or will it depend on what's being claimed at the time, it's still very unclear what these changes mean for current claimants and what will be required of them! Doesn't actually mention any reforms of the actual benefits that are available now, unless she plans on abolishing the lot and replacing it with something new but harsher and we all have to go through another load of mandatory skills, medical, assessments to get anything! I get the feeling from this the Support Group/LCWRA will be abolished and we will be at the mercy of a new version of a work coach! When they mention the long term sick or disabled it's always seems to be associated with a negative like "economically inactive" (in other words lazy work shy load of good for nothings) not the fact that a lot of people can not work due to long term illness or disability and need supporting and not kicking when already down, we are economically inactive by no fault of our own. I hate to scare monger I think what she has planned for welfare reform is not going to be pretty for any of us sadly! She is not the saviour that sick and disabled people were looking for! 
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      Rainbow · 1 months ago
      @Jane Absolutely this, and until the autumn it's not even a White paper yet.
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      Jane · 1 months ago
      @Cheeky It's a white paper, putting it into practice is a very different thing. They have to recruit within the DWP, provide more health services, espec mental health, move premises to share with the NHS...
      At one point they wanted everyone on UC by 2014, they are now talking 2026-28. And I'm sure they will be going for the easy cases first - probably all the disabled people who do want to work, then the under 26 year old who've never been seen in secondary care.
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      Cara · 1 months ago
      @Cheeky I think you're right Cheeky God help us all. 
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      Harry · 1 months ago
      @TheDogmother In my area, and I'm not going to give my area Jolty and Paul,organisations such as the council etc are promoting cooking sessions  gardening clubs,walk and talk and believe it or not, Choir groups to aid mental health and become healthier.
      Not my propaganda or words;theirs.

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      Harry · 1 months ago
      @Paul Nice try Paul and Jolty
      I definately know different; suffice to say I will certainly get fully prepared as I've been at this a very 
      long time.

      I wonder if this post gets posted ???
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      Harry · 1 months ago
      @mrfibro I'll try replying again for some unknown reason I get my comment blocked ???

      @mrfibro Sadly all of them mrfibro some of those on the verge of retirement and are on  LCWRA have been sent work capability assessment review forms 

      these are the heinous tactics the DWP use

      See link below

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      Cara · 1 months ago
      @TheDogmother Did your hear liz mention joint pains etc with which shes familiar meaning she has joint pain but is still working 
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      Harry · 1 months ago
      @mrfibro Sadly all of them mrfibro some of those on the verge of retirement and are on  LCWRA have been sent work capability assessment review forms 
      these are the heinous tactics the DWP use 
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    Chenners · 1 months ago
    When can we expect an official response anyone know ?
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    Listen up · 1 months ago
    On Tuesday the 23/06/2024 the work and pensions liz Kendall will have her say about benefits so we better hold on see what happens next about pip esa other benefits we wait and see thanks
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    Rik · 1 months ago
    Because this is being dealt with under the next Budget.
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    JJ · 1 months ago
    What I believe is that there will be more tiers within PIP, more categories, levels of severity which will create different levels of entitlement. It's only an opinion.

    As for Universal Credit LCW/LCWRA there might be another tier/category also, something between LCW/LCWRA possibly.

    I mentioned this on Scope, until it happens, until things change, until things are set in stone do not add another burden on the burdens you already face your lives. 
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      Alex · 1 months ago
      @Rik This is what upsets me about UK politics - people have a very short memory.  They get screwed over time and time again, yet keep voting in Labour and Tories.  It's like the turkey voting for Christmas. 

      We could have had real change, but nobody seems to want to get out of this awful 2 party system. 
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      Rik · 1 months ago
      @JJ PIP folded into UC. The new WCA making it harder to qualify for higher rate of UC (LCWRA); and even harder to qualify for any PIP. And more frequent assessments would be my guess on what is to come.  Those old enough to remember know Labour is no friend to the disabled community. Remember when Blair told Frank Field to "think the unthinkable"!
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    Frances · 1 months ago
    CarolA, Wibblum, the Canary article shows at least that there are advocates for the disabled. As for replying to the consultation because the government won't see our comments here - why can't they? Surely their attention can be drawn to this site, by B&W, maybe? Fine if you can do the consultation, but it's too hard for some, and what people say on this site is not manipulated by questions in the consultation.
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      CaroA · 1 months ago
      @Frances Thanks Francis I've sent a link to the previous news item to my MP so I hope somebody in government may get to see this site 🤞 
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    Vic · 1 months ago
    The Daily Express running negative  story on people on disabled benefits for the 2nd day running .
    It was Tory Mel Stride yesterday pointing the finger that Labour could undo all his hard work .
    Today Labours Alan Milburn going on about getting inactive people back into work .
    Does that include ill/disabled people who are to unwell to work.
    Think we will be stitched up ,we are just an easy target. 
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    wibblum · 1 months ago
    The government aren't reading this comments page - the only way for claimants to have any say on this consultation is by taking part in it.
    Even if you can't answer every question, answer the ones that you can.

    It ends at midnight.
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      M shirker · 1 months ago
      @mrfibro @mrfibro   the wheel of doom
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Scrounger I cant see Labour wanting to re-invent the wheel.  They will simply just tinker around the circumference.
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @TheDogmother Yes the forum is for us to vent.
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      TheDogmother · 1 months ago
      @A I think,well,I hope, as many of us as possible have filled this consultation paper in.
      I also think perhaps this forum is a sounding board for frustrations felt by us all.

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      Scrounger · 1 months ago
      @wibblum I think Kendall is keeping it open out of principle, not necessarily to carry it forward. I think Labour will want to implement their own welfare policies, not Tory ones. 
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    diceman24 · 1 months ago
    hello everyone ive just filled out the green paper form. looking closely at questions hope im well wrong but looks like to me dwp plus goverment are going to push  to use vouchers so that claiments can pay with them to  local authority{care} and NHS services? just hoping god is on our side and leave pip benefit has it is has paid in bank to us 
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    Rangey · 1 months ago
    Im also disabled but i agrea on bringing in means tested for state pension at end of the day its a benefit so why should people with thousands or even millions get state pension and also if you decide to live abroad once retired your state pension should also stop and any other benifets you are on,WHY you might say well when you spend your money almost everthing you spend it on including your weekly shop is taxed so going abroad you dont give the government anything back,so if it was done this way then all the money the government would save along with all the extra tax off those that stay in the uk would be able to go towards things like pip,pensions exceptra,thats my view anyway
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      MJ · 1 months ago
      @Rangey The state pension if you paid in should be open to everyone even though it sticks in my throat that a millionaire receives it. A bit like Winter payments  Maybe they should have a campaign like that where people can give it back, refuse it.
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Rangey I agree.
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      Aw · 1 months ago
      @Rangey Don't worry, Brexit has ensured that no-one in the future will be able to retire in the EU, unless they're really rich. Enjoy being stuck here. A lifetime of national insurance contributions entitles everyone a state pension no matter where they live when they retire. If they also get a private pension that is counted as income and gets taxed. What you're talking about is the loss of VAT, which is rightly claimed by the country that the goods are sold in.
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    Nev bartos · 1 months ago
    When will we be put out of our misery with an answer either way ? 
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    diceman24 · 1 months ago
    i personally think if this  labour goverment pushes disabled people to much to find jobs and who  are genuine diagnosed with progressive conditons under the The Equality Act 2010  there will be alot of supreme court cases coming up and labour losing them. 
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