The DWP have released the latest quarterly statistics for the work capability assessment (WCA) for employment and support allowance (ESA) and for universal credit (UC)

The format and details for the statistics vary between the benefits, but perhaps the most important figures are the percentage being found to have limited capability for work-related activity (LCWRA) or limited capability for work (LCW) on initial assessment:

For ESA, 67% were placed in the support group (LCWRA), 14% were placed in the work-related activity (LCW) group and 19% were found fit for work.

For UC, 64% were found to have LCWRA and 16% LCW, leaving 20% fit for work.

ESA statistics in detail

In the latest quarter to June 2024, there were 36,000 completed ESA WCAs, a 4% decrease from the previous quarter to March 2024.

Of the total number of ESA WCAs completed in the quarter to June 2024, 57% were initial WCAs (21,000) and 43% were repeats (16,000).

In the quarter to June 2024, the percentage of DWP decisions for initial WCAs falling into each outcome category was:

67% of outcomes for Support Group, up from 66% in quarter ending March 2024

14% of outcomes were for Work Related Activity Group, similar to last quarter ending March 2024

19% of outcomes were found Fit for Work, down from 20% in quarter ending March 2024

You can read the full ESA WCA statistics here

UC statistics in detail

At September 2024, 32% of people on UC were on UC Health – up 2 percentage points from September 2023

In the quarter to August 2024,

  • 25% of UC WCA decisions were repeat decisions
  • 75% were Initial UC WCA decisions.

Of the repeat decisions, 63% were LCWRA and 27% were LCW.

For initial decisions in the quarter to August 2024, 64% were LCWRA and 16% LCW.

Of all WCA decisions in the period January 2022 to August 2024:

  • at least 69% are recorded as having mental and behavioural disorders although this may not be their primary medical condition. The proportion recorded as having mental and behavioural disorders is lower (53%) for claimants found capable for work, and higher for claimants found to have limited capability for work (90%)
  • 47% are recorded with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. This proportion is higher (59%) for claimants found capable for work.

You can read the full UC WCA statistics here


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    · 3 months ago
    I have MH /autism and probably ADHD. I also have degenerative prolapsed discs. However I did get pip for 3 years in November. But I’m on legacy ESA and I’m living in fear of UC. But the Labour Party and tories want to target MH and muscular skeletal and are  manipulating the media regarding autism. And back problems. I live on my own and I fear we are going to get pushed into homelessness. I get psychosis or suicidal at times and they (drs) finally excepted after 24 years of calling my depression as low mood that it is now depression. I’m also listed due to being sectioned as schizophreniform psychosis or disorder. That’s a result of being kept in fight and flight over years and years of changes. If I end up homeless I’ll end up on the street left to rot. I think that is the end game. Kill a good few thousand off each year then rob our pensions. Two weeks ago my back went in Tescos and I had to ask someone that worked there to help me put my stuff in my trolley. Luckily the disc went back into place but when it doesn’t I’m in agony and scared to move. One of those called disability confident work schemes were suggesting full time shelf filling in Tescos. I’m 55 , I also have oa IBS and a recurrent skin issue that’s remitting atm I just want to be left in peace. I’d love to work but I burnt all my bridges trying to get MH support for my not yet diagnosed autism. We are working on either a care company coming out to help me or a PA from direct payments. It’s fluctuating between the two. I’m managing things at the moment but I don’t know the future. Autistics end up mentally ill when everything is in flux for years. 
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    · 3 months ago
    It is sickening the pressure that people especially with mental health problems are being put through.  Thank you Benefits and Work for all the work you do.
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    · 3 months ago
    As usual, it appears all governments are the same.
    Thinking about the welfare bill and public opinion.
    The DWP have always had problems in recognising mental health issues in assessing claims.
    No change then, just when we thought maybe there would be change with a Labour government.

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