Macmillan Cancer Support is asking Benefits and Work readers to support a new campaign, #PayPIPNow.  The charity is calling for the Government to reduce PIP waiting times to 12 weeks, so that PIP claimants, including people living with cancer, get the financial support when they need it the most.

The current average waiting time for PIP for people making a new claim is 20 weeks. That means if you were to apply on 14th September 2022 you could be waiting until 1st February 2023 to receive a payment. This is a shortfall of £3140 for those eligible for the highest rate of the benefit.

While delayed payments will be backdated, the immediate financial impact of cancer means people are facing significant financial difficulty up until this point.

Now with the spiralling cost of living adding a further strain, ensuring everyone has access to the financial support they are entitled to has never been more important. At a time when their health should be their number one priority, too many people are telling Macmillan that money is their biggest worry.

Macmillan told us:

“It is unacceptable that people with cancer are facing these distressingly long waits to receive the financial support they’re entitled to. That’s why we’re calling for the Government to take action to reduce PIP waiting times as a matter of urgency.

 “If you are living with cancer and have experienced a wait of over 12 weeks at the start of your claim and would like to be involved in shaping and running the campaign by taking part in a focus group, please get in touch with the Campaigns Team at Macmillan Cancer Support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

“We will be launching a campaign with a petition, targeting the new Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, in due course. “

We’ll keep readers posted about the progress of the campaign.

Meanwhile, regardless of what your health condition is, please comment below and let us know about your experience of waiting for a decision to be made on your PIP claim.


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    · 11 months ago
    Hi I have been diagnosed with chronic Lymphomatic leukaemia,  and applied for pip as I am finding it difficult to continue working due to chronic fatigue. After waiting a long time for pip to get back to me, I was told that my claim had been denied as I had not given them enough information, I'm sorry but I had given them all the information I had to hand.  I'm a new patient.

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    · 2 years ago
    I help advise people on claiming welfare and disability benefits.  I regularly come across people whose mental health is seriously impacted by the very long wait times to deal with PIP claims, especially the waits for a health assessment.  It's made worse by the fact that the wait time is unknown - nobody can give a timetable for your claim.  The uncertaintly is very difficvult for many people to handle.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Dick Hi Dick, thank you for sharing this. Macmillan will be launching the campaign on 6th October, so keep an eye out for the petition and other ways to support it. Many thanks.
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    · 2 years ago
    I was denied the payment and i have cancer i had radiotherapy that has not worked this is the S. N. P. FOR YOU THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER THIS SYSTEM AND A DOCTOR WAS INVOLVED AS THEY DO NOT BELIEVE YOU IT IS A SHAMBLES ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS CHECK WITH THE SURGEONS but that is to hard you have to be there dogs body as well just scum simple.  
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    · 2 years ago
    I do not have cancer but totally sympathise for this cause given the complete lack of understanding for my mental health issues and the utter despair I feel when trying to confront/question/rectify the mistakes and wrongdoings the DWP so cruelly and astonishingly make? It is a tragedy indeed. I will do whatever I can to fight the ridiculous DWP decisions and government rulings whilst I can summon up the fight. But , they are wearing me down?
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    · 2 years ago
    i was originally awarded PIP mobility over 3 years ago , did a recon & had care awarded. did my review in Jan 2021 - described how my health conditions have worsened since the original claim with increase in meds. in june 2021 was awarded care but took mob away after a telephone assessment . did a 28 page reconsideration in July 2021 but not accepted so now Sept 2022 am still waiting for a tribunal date (couldnt attend the original one set for March 2022 as couldnt get time off work ). in the last 6 months of waiting they are now asking for medical records & latest communication asked questions i'd answered in the reconsideration such as whether i agreed the assessor's notes of the phone call to be accurate ! they have caused me a great deal of anxiety & stress (currently signed off work ) because they are querying my mental capacity & fitness to drive , whether DVLA should take my licence from me and whether my insurance company are happy to insure me to drive despite 35 years and no accidents. i live in a rural community , very little public transport (none in the direction in which i work over 20 miles away) & am appointee and carer for my disabled 24 yr old son.  it's particularly stressful as if i were allowed to attend the original date none of this "starting over again " would have been needed. it's almost as if they're trying to scare me from pursuing the appeal. CAB  no longer help with this due to it's complexities - dont know if i can go on with this. my mental health was mildly anxious but now i dont sleep or eat for fear of losing my car , and all because i said i panicked when planning a route to an unknown destination ... the next time i get a review , i'll be writing NO CHANGE  all over it . 
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi everyone
    I applied for PIP in September 2021 (second time around, last time in 2018).
    My assessment was done in December 2021, after a four months wait.
    I got a letter in March 2022 saying I was not awarded any points.
    I appealed and won and the decison was overturned in June 2022. 
    That was 10 months wait between application and decision and a payout.
    Far too long to wait.
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    · 2 years ago
    Hi all , my experience of claiming pup has been a struggle. Was awarded in 2014 high rate in both elements ,18 months in had my assessment ,which then led to them stopping pip . Even though my conditions were the same + addition new condition. Wrote to appeal decision ,to not hear anything for 9 months until I rang them . enquiring.I was told my appeal letter was on the system but on wrong file , whatever that means . Was told a manager would ring me next day to discuss ,when they did told me couldn't find letter ,then when explained what I was told ,they suddenly found it to say they still stood by they're decision. . I didn't have it in me to fight the system at the time .So reapplied to be denied ,this time I took it to tribunal though. The process of the tribunal hearing took 18 months for me to get a date  ,I was awarded both living & mobility . However because my tribunal took so long to process I had reapplied for pip 8 months before tribunal date .So judge could only award pip up until new claim was put in . However she said for me to contact DWP about new claim adding on award that I should have it extended to new claim ,if DWP gave me any problems to go back to court . So had been fighting this issue with them since Nov 19 up until June 21 again ,as they denied me again after telephone assessment ,so I requested all assessor's reports ,had an appeal letter wrote up again, threatened them with tribunal again and what they were doing was impacting my health greatly . After 2 months of appeal letter got a phone call stating decision had been changed in my favour.  Sadly it has impacted my health even now been put through all of this . I dread any communication from DWP . 
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    · 2 years ago
    I waited over a year and had to go to tribunal to get my Pip award, applied in April 2021 refused, mandatory reconsideration refused me, but tribunal ruled in my favour June 2022 It was backdated but the stress and negative effect on my health caused me a very miserable time 
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    · 2 years ago
    My husband waited 6months, they post dated the award! he received the first full payment one year after his diagnoses and 9months after application 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Lynn Hi Lynn, thank you for sharing your husband's experience with us. Do you think he'd be interested in speaking to Macmillan, the charity I work for, about it? If you or he would like to speak to us, please email me (Alice) on . Thank you so much.
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    · 2 years ago
    Had breast cancer three years ago had mastectomy waiting for reconstruction had radiotherapy that damaged skin also have sle lupus diabetic arthritis depression and anxiety and few more illness u try to claim pip for anxiety and depression but got turn down mandatory reconsideration got turn down but my own doc was one that lied so dwp said got court next week hoping to win but dwp don't help try for lupus try when had mastectomy and radiotherapy was always turn down does not to me good for my anxiety and depression don't like to many ppl see thing not there hear thing not there but still no help me just hoping win next week have CBT talk therapy now with nurse at Penn hospital but my anger got worser since the cancer diagnosis three years ago but three year cancer free always a worry that gonna come back or get it somewhere else 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Eugenie Eugenie I'm sorry, this sounds like an awful experience. If you'd like to speak to us about it, please email me (Alice) on . Thank you so much.
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    · 2 years ago
    My husband was diagnosed with cancer in November 2021, he was already recieving the lowest rate of PIP for CKD and we were encouraged to inform PIP of the new diagnosis, his PIP payments were immediately frozen and he was put through a new assessment process. He was assessed with 0 points at the new assessment, despite being on kidney dialysis and being unable to speak due to the cancer, this decision was upheld at mandatory reconsideration. We took it to appeal, and the decision was overturned, but his PIP was not paid for 6 months, and this caused significant financial hardship during a very challenging time.
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      · 2 years ago
      @KAM Hi there I’m on the lowest pip I now have cancer and attending the Royal Marsden Hospital also had a full knee cap removed 3 weeks before I was diagnosed with the cancer sadly this knee operation has not workedand the pain is dreadful  but. there is no way I would apply for the higher rate of pip I can’t bring my self To get involved with them my car is 18 years old  and costing me more money than it’s worth  to keep it and me on the road, , I am terrified the pip would be frozen then refused I’m a pensioner , 
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      · 2 years ago
      @KAM This is so wrong for you to have to go through.Dwp are awful putting pressure and worry on people with illnesses. Ive had similsr issues with them its dreadful what they are doing to ill people 
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      · 2 years ago
      @KAM I'm so sorry to hear that, KAM. We'd really appreciate speaking to you or your husband about his experience. If you'd like to speak to us, please email me (Alice) on . Thank you so much.
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    · 2 years ago
    Application lodged February. Declined May, reconsideration requested promptly, declined a second time in July. Appeal lodged immediately. DWP given notice by SSCTS then kept waiting a month past deadline. I’m now waiting on DWP providing me with their justification for turning my application down, and for tribunal to set a date/venue. 
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    · 2 years ago
    My claim ended in August last year and was extended until December 2021, when I was told to make a fresh claim as previously won at tribunal.
     I'm still waiting after having had to go through tribunal again and being offered an award of standard mobility and living by DWP. a fresh claim
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    · 2 years ago
    It is just so very damaging to mental health for the whole family. Especially when two of our adult daughter's conditions are genetic and can only be managed, never cured, and like most things deteriorate with age, yet DWP keep reviewing after only two years. 
    You've hardly got the result of the last review before the award runs out again with these discriminatory waits. 
    So you're never free of stress, especially as costs of living rise so the scarcely-increased PIP is critical to survival, not even a reasonable quality of life.

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