422,200 PIP claimants should be protected from losing their benefit if they fail to return a PIP2 form.

Last month we learnt that 42,000 claimants lost their PIP award in 2021 because they failed to return their AR1 PIP review PIP form. 

We also revealed that claimants with serious mental health or cognitive conditions who have difficulty communicating or engaging with the PIP process, have their files ‘watermarked’ as Additional Support (AS), although they are not classed as vulnerable. 

These claimants should be asked to attend a PIP assessment even if they fail to return their form.

Now the DWP has published figures showing that the total number of current PIP recipients with an AS marker is 422,200.

If you or your client is refused PIP due to failure to return a form, it would be worth checking whether you have an AS marker on your file.

You can read the full statistics here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I’ve had no confirmation they have recieved a application for pip
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    · 1 years ago
     I have had issues with dwp saying forms not returned which causes you instant panic and anxiety to say the least.
    I have found that if you need to return forms that it is best to phone them a few days after you have returned form and ask if they have received the form.
    If they say no I will leave it a few days and try again until I get a definite answer or you need to send a replacement. If you have to send them a replacement ask for them to note it on file and increase return deadline.
    I understand how bad and frustrating it is trying to get through on the phone to them. It is awful and it will probably upset you. It is better than sending form and hoping or worse trusting them to deal with it.

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    · 2 years ago
    I never received original review form (postal strike?) the first I knew about it I had a letter stating if form wasn't received by such a date then payment would stop - I rang and was told another form would be put in the post (payments stopped a week later and so did carers allowance), another week passed no form, rang again and was told another form had not been sent as one had already been sent weeks ago which I failed to return - I said I never got it and they said you will have to start a new claim then as DWP policy is no form returned then payment cease and award closed, asked to speak to a supervisor and they agreed to send another form but only because I had been given wrong info, was also told once form received then PIP and carers allowance would be reinstated until such time review was processed, so form received and returned, PIP payment took several weeks to be reinstated, carers wasn't - rang PIP line and was told once again I had been given wrong info and would need to speak to carers dept (even though PIP got it stopped to start with), it took nearly 7 months of phonecalls, letters, to get it reinstated.....I missed out on getting my 50% car tax reduction last year because of this, but once award was given it is until 2028.......
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    · 2 years ago
    I received my first PIP renewal form today, 15th March. It's dated 27th February and they want it back by 21st March! I am now panicking because that's 6 days away, and includes a weekend. Even if I can get it done tomorrow (probably at work), and send it recorded, it's unlikely to be there on time. It does not give me enough time to gather and copy any new relevant information. There is a phone number to ring but I somehow doubt I'll get through...
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    · 2 years ago
    I can tell you now, that about half of those punished for not having sent in the review forms, will have actually returned their forms on time. What happens is this. You return your forms, and you can guarantee within six weeks a letter from the dwp saying they have not recieved them, will drop through your letter box? They have been playing this trick for years. Always make sure you return the forms (Registered post), and (get a receipt) Yes it costs to send it back this way, but it is worth it in the end because it proves that you have returned them . I was on my way down to theatre for a heart procedure one year, and they sent me a email saying my papers were missing. As i came round from my operation, i checked my phone, a message said its ok, we have found them. The ironic thing was, the bloke in the bed next to me, worked for pip. He said i heard you explaining to another patient what had happened and thought i better not say anything, incase you pull all my tubes out. He wasn't far off the mark.  
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    · 2 years ago
    Always send any forms by Special Delivery, although they use fake signatures because you get a ticket from Royal Mail they can't deny receiving it
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    · 2 years ago
    When you have a cognitive problem, filing in a document 10's of pages long, collecting all the evidence and sending it off is a major, major task.   

    I once got my PIP suspended because it arrived "late".  It send it back near the deadline and it had arrived in the pre processing centre on time.  However, because of their backlog and logging the claim  on the computer systems, the deadline had passed and they cancelled my claim.  One letter from my MP and it was reinstated rapidly.   Sadly many people will not challenge the decision and assume it is there fault and lose out permanently.
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    · 2 years ago
    I was on enhanced rate for daily component for COPD and depression and anxiety but put in for change of circumstances as I've been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and as a result had my whole claim stopped with 0 points! Now I'm struggling to get help to appeal I'm falling into debt with bills as £400 a month for all outgoings simply doesn't cover it. Very depressed indeed.
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    · 2 years ago
    I would have thought all recipients of PIP should be tagged as vulnerable by virtue of the fact they are receiving PIP.  They obviously have either physical or mental health/cognitive issues.

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    · 2 years ago
    How does one go about, finding out if one has got, or has not got an (AS) MARKER  on their file/s (PIP) & or (ESA) <<  if esa is applicable.

    Would be worth claimants while, to find out. And why doesn't the DWP simply send out a statement saying you have an (AS) ATTACHED  to your case file ?  Or is it they don't want you to know that you need real additional support ?

    Thanks in advance.

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