MPs on the commons work and pensions committee have called for claimants to be paid an assessment rate of PIP if the DWP takes too long to carry out an assessment.

The suggestion was one of a large number put forward in the committee’s report ‘Health assessments for benefits’ which was published this month and which received contributions from thousands of Benefits and Work members last year.

The committee argued that assessment providers should have time limits for carrying out assessments written into their contracts and that there should be penalties for failing to meet them.

In addition, once the time limit is missed, an affected claimant should be paid an assessment rate until their claim is decided. Where a claim is successful, the payments would be deducted from the back pay. Where a claim was not allowed, no repayment would need to be made.

Among many other recommendations, the committee suggested that:

  • Claimants should be able to choose whether to have a face-to-face, telephone or video assessment.
  • All assessments should be recorded by default, with claimants being able to opt out if they choose. This is a move that all the assessment providers agree with, only the DWP stands against it.
  • The deadline for returning ESA50, UC50 and PIP2 forms should be extended to two months.
  • More weight should be given to evidence provided by carers and family members in relation to benefits claims.
  • Young people in receipt of DLA should not be required to claim PIP until they are 18.
  • The DWP should publish anonymized data every year on all instances of death or serious harm associated with health assessments and set out what steps it has taken to prevent them happening again.

Committee Chair Sir Stephen Timms MP said:

“We surveyed eight and a half thousand people as part of our inquiry and found a profound lack of trust in the system as a consistent theme.

 Many will welcome abolition of the Work Capability Assessment. The Government’s process improvements, and recognition that the system causes undue stress and hardship, are steps in the right direction.

 However, waiting years for changes won’t cut it when quicker wins are available: flexibility of choice on assessment by phone or face-to-face; recording assessments by default; extending deadlines to reduce stress; and sending claimants their reports. All this will give much-needed transparency to a process that so few trust yet affects their lives so fundamentally.

 All efforts must be made for unnecessary limbo and stress for claimants to be put to an end.”

You can download a copy of the report from this page.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Just a warning here for us disabled.
    I had a call with PIP and told them I wanted to claim PIP from DLA. I was told the changeover would happen soon. Later, because I live in Europe I was required to have a medical, a farce, according to the French doctor who examined me. Then, apparently the medical report didn't arrive, even though the French doctor told me the date he had sent it so I was assessed accordingly, having 'refused' a medical!
    On and on it dragged until eventually, after a long complaints process a received a letter giving me the date of the original phone call, that had, until then, NOT happened, and also the following phrase; 'we had difficulty in obtaining the medical report!' The same report they NEVER received!
    Much later I manged to get a Health Service Ombudsman's appeal and guess what?
    A reviewer with a very foreign-sounding name told me there was nothing in the complaint; she clearly didn't grasp what the sentence had meant and that was it!
    No further avenues of redress although she told me I could ask for a review by her manager.
    I did, but it took them so long to get around to it that when they did I had a letter saying they no longer did them and I had missed the cut-off!!
    So to anyone who thinks an intelligent Ombudsman will review their appeals; don't believe it!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Ken. H Ken,

      sorry to hear about your ordeal.  I'd had thought the doctor who gave you a medical abroad, would had sent of his/ her report via some for of recorded delivery.

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    · 1 years ago
    what I don't get is that if they pay people an assessment figure, and the claimant is not entitled to PIP they walk away scot free, yet if you are entitled then you have this deducted?? where is the logic in that?

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    · 1 years ago
    Really hope they stop assessments for mental health/depression.....
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      · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro HI,
      I'm expecting big chnges in 2026, so I am mentally preparing for it, I think a lot of people will be forced into some work, to keep their benefits, but as usual a lot may be exploited?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler HI,
      I'm hoping Labour make things slightly better, best to try not to think about it too much and distract with tv/music; that's what I do, 
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      · 1 years ago
      @jason lee jason lee,

      that wont happen.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @jason lee Jason they won't stop assessments for anything,  they will keep them going and I expect make them more rigourous to ensure people don't qualify, or get as little as possible, I must say I am beginning to lose the will to live with it all.
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    · 1 years ago
    The dwp are aware some claiments just gv in after stress it took me 10 years to get a stight carry on its bloody shocking and they do not reply to Letters !!
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    · 1 years ago
    I've been waiting since October 22 which was when they received my forms. I have only received 2 texts telling me that I may have too  have another full assessment before a decision is made. Since then my health has deteriorated and they don't care.
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    · 1 years ago
    I had a telephone assessment and the assessor was rude and didn't put down the answers I gave her correctly so I was declined Pip, this was from an initial claim I submitted on the 21st of January 2022 I appealed and was declined again porchlight helped me apply for a tribunal last summer and only yesterday I received my tribunal date of may 22nd, my health has deteriorated and have been living in abstract poverty with a lung disease,  bipolar mental health condition and ostio arthritis for nearly 2 years and recently tried killing myself and spent a week in hospital. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Nice in theory, but probably never going to happen in reality, plus the abolishment of the WCA for UC and ESA is not a clear cut as this report makes it out to be, doesn’t mention that the assessment will be changed to the PIP assessment and if you fail that completely you get no disability top up payment on UC and open to all sorts of possible work conditionality, applied by a Work Coach who in all likelihood doesn’t have a clue about severe disabilities and sickness. Unless the rules for the new future disability system haven’t been clearly set out in full yet and we just have the bear bones of system that sounds tyrannical in nature. How many times does a hapless Government need to change the welfare state and get it so wrong, and wants the very people who it effects mostly to trust it, I will never ever trust the DWP with anything, it’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing!
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      · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro Yes Labour won't be much better, I want assessments to end, I'm hoping for 10 year light touch award in 2 years, retirement def takes the pressure off, I'm looking forward to retirement, but don't want to wish my life away; but DSS makes you think that way...
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      · 1 years ago
      @Cheekyfeet Hi cheekyfeet,

      your absolutely right in what you have written.  And @ the next GE, even if the Tories get hammered @ the poles, Labour wont be any different, or those wet lettuce Lib dems.  Thankfully i'll be retired in 2 years, so I will be rid of this inhumane system towards sick, ill, disabled people.
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    · 1 years ago
    This sounds positive, lets hope it becomes reality.
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