The Public Accounts Committee has released a report stating that personal independence payment (PIP) and disability living allowance (DLA) claimants were underpaid by £1.62 billion last year, making disabled people the most underpaid group of claimants.  The main reason for underpayments is claimants not reporting a change of circumstances, partly due to a lack of trust in the DWP, but also because one third of calls that do get made go unanswered.

The PAC’s criticism of the DWP in its report, “DWP Customer Service and Accounts 2023-24”, is wide ranging and damning.

The committee points out that employment and support allowance (ESA) claimants wait an average of nearly 30 minutes for the DWP to answer the phone, whilst universal credit (UC) claimants wait an average of less than three minutes.

Meanwhile the PAC found that 34% of calls to the PIP enquiry line go unanswered.  And as many of our readers can attest, even callers that are “answered” never get anywhere near to speaking to a human being.

 The PAC was also unimpressed that whilst 96% of new state pension claims are processed within the target time of 10 days, only 52% of PIP claims were processed within the much longer target time of 75 days.

The committee argued that “DWP does not understand well enough the experience of vulnerable customers and customers with additional or complex needs.”  It found that whilst the department is using AI to try to detect vulnerable customers who contact them by letter, it has no system for identifying vulnerable customers who phone.

In addition, the PAC was concerned about the use of AI to identify potential benefits fraud, because of the possibility of bias within the system.  It noted that while the DWP says it has carried out a “fairness impact assessment” which raised no concerns, it refuses to publish the report.

The committee said that benefits claimants received £4.2 billion less than they were entitled to in 2023-24, up from £3.5 billion the year before.  £1.1 billion was due to official error, but £3.1 billion was due to “unfulfilled eligibility”.  This is where a claimant fails to provide accurate information about their circumstances and so receives less than they are entitled to.

The main reason for unfulfilled eligibility underpayments is claimants failing to report a deterioration in their condition or an increase in their needs. Many claimants attempt to report a change of circumstances by telephone, but the committee noted that only 66% of calls that even make it as far as a queue are actually answered.

The DWP’s excuse is that the same people who answer calls also process benefits and that “local leaders had to make daily decisions about what resource they allocated to answering calls and what resource they devoted to processing claims.”

As a result, the PAC found that underpayments for DLA and PIP were the highest of any benefits, with 11.1% of DLA claimants missing out on £750 million and 4% of PIP claimants missing out on £870 million.

The DWP admitted that most underpayments stemmed from people with health conditions not informing them and that it is important that claimants trust that they will be treated fairly if they do report a change.

You can read the full “DWP Customer Service and Accounts 2023-24” report from the PAC here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 27 days ago
    I was getting standard PIP for daily living and only 2 points for mobility. I decided to do a change of circumstances as my conditions have worsened. After a grueling of over 2 hours speaking to an assessor who hadn't read my notes, a few days later I received their letter: Enhanced daily living but still only 2 points for mobility. I rarely go out as can't walk down or up stairs. I was going to ask for a reconsideration but quite honestly I'm scared they'll take away what I'm now getting. I have an MSK appointment this week, which I told them about and I said I would send them the outcome. They didn't wait for this. 
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    · 27 days ago
    My  mobility conditions have got worse plus I have a breathing conditions now which also effects my mobility to walk and do things but I haven't contacted them as I'm scared they will take away what I have. My mobility is standard,  and enhanced daily living 
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      · 26 days ago
      @Heather Kaye Heather I’m the same like you and Ann my circumstances changed dramatically I was due my renewal i told them of all the changes,broken right arm which was permanent due to the NHS negligence taking pot off after 3 days saying it would mend on its own which it didn’t,they refused to operate which led to my arm deforming drastically to a point I could hardly use it at all having a knock  on effect with walking driving shopping and all other day to day activities. I was house bound also 8 other major changes and not once did they acknowledge these changes. Mental Heath wasn’t acknowledge nothing was. They went off my previous reward which wasn’t current. I phoned to say I wanted a reconsideration but they scared me by saying you know the current award can be taken off you you know telling me to really think about it before making my mind up. I never went ahead because I feared I’d loose my current award.
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      · 27 days ago
      @Ann I feel for you Anne.I am in the exact same position.The fear that I will lose what I have now prevents me contacting them.

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    · 27 days ago
    The Dwp contract out the work to Maximus UK who are part of a multimillion share holders American company. They have gov contracts and the aim is to cut costs and save money.
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    · 27 days ago
    We recently moved house, nothing unusual, for all other benefits you can report a change of address online, but not PIP. You are required to phone,  I waited for an hour and 45 minutes for someone to pick up and then I was only ‘allowed’ to change address for one of my sons, I had to call again regarding the other ! 
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      · 27 days ago
      @Claire Lawson had to move couple of years ago and sent a change of address form to them and sent two separate letters just in case .       pip was stoped so i sent email but was told to phone up .     phoned and was told yes we got your letters but had to have it confirmed by you.    also he asked  "did you make on it ?"    no i didnt , had to borrow to finance the purchase.
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    · 1 months ago
    looks like the DWP are "taking the mickey"!
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    · 1 months ago
    The irony. 

    If we don't answer our phones when the DWP calls, we get our benefits sanctioned.
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    · 1 months ago
    I am sorry but I have no faith in Stephen Timms, never hear a word out of him, he will no doubt do as he is asked, I am beginning to lose heart, and wonder if any of it is worth bothering with anymore that will suit the governments agenda but frankly have had enough.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 25 days ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler Timms is unqualified in ANY nedical area, has NO qualifications in support to applicants, and was an ex telecoms desk jockey before being co-erced into a role he's utterly incompetent at
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler EV that is the whole point of their excersize .. TO kill you off .. start fighting back .. local Labour mp look out .. here comes ev .. and we'll all tell them girl .. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler Timms is hiding in Starmers pockets like a wet lettuce..
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    · 1 months ago
    Just read in the independent that the DWP proposals can be expected shortly because plans to cut the welfare budget must be supplied to the independent office for budget responsibility in the next two weeks.

    We are not going to wait too long before seeing the true colour of this government.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 27 days ago
      @Henry Heating on second homes expenses allowance, subsidise meals and bars in house the parliament.

      And the pay going up to almost £94,000 they’ve accepted a 2 1/2 thousand pound pay increase disgraceful and then they get money for the office as well
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      · 1 months ago
      @Henry They spend more on one meal than benefit claimants get to live on in a week.  It's truly sickening. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Henry Each Department has its own Budget the DWP have spent theirs.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Steve Yes. Just think of the worst, then triple it. These corrupt govts needs to look closer to home to save money too . 
      What sort of human can gladly grab expenses like heating bills on second homes whilst letting people freeze to death.
      I hope there's massive objections to their inhumane tactics and it takes years to get through, if ever.
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    · 1 months ago
    I can't even bring myself to put a PIP claim in because just the thought of making the initial phone call stresses me out.  So they are saving a ton off of me.
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      · 26 days ago
      @Anon I have not heard of this app called Relay ? I will look into it , as I have deep anxiety speaking on the phone to anyone. Thank you 

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      · 27 days ago
      @Anon yes the cab are great.     I was given bad advice only once by a cab  bloke who had worked there for years and he advised i forget contacting the dwp over the letter they'd sent me.
        i thought it was wrong but went along with it at first as he had worked there for ages but I went back the next day to the drop in and saw anothjer cab person and she said " no no no , were did yoiu get that from !"   I told her i had been here yesterday and was told by one of her colleagues.   She rang up the dwp and it was sorted out for me in about 15 mins.
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      · 1 months ago
      @bc3 This is understandable and saddening. I had a Citizen's Advice Adviser make the call for me - it was a three way call. I answered any questions the CA adviser was unable to answer for me. It really helped ease my anxiety having someone speak on my behalf. A further option is to use the Relay App (I prefer this, as you communicate via a relay adviser, and have the option of typing your answers).
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      · 1 months ago
      @bc3 Dear bc 3.  Me too.  I am now mobilising on crutches.  My mobility has deteriorated so very much.  I only claim low mobility.  Although I get high care.  I should get a higher rate of mobility but cannot face any assessments.  I manage, although I spend a fortune on black cabs.  Even though I have a taxi card, I need more than the allowance on the scheme.  I hail a cab in the street at least twice a week because I am in so much pain and cannot walk very far.  These rides are not part of the taxi card scheme and I pay full price.  So yes I agree they are saving lots by my not claiming. 
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    · 1 months ago
    In all of this, it has to be remembered that if state provision of social security can be made worthless, it opens up a multibillion pound private insurance industry, one well capable of rewarding those who've helped it come into being. Societies, civilisations, come and go. We witness the end of this particular Rome. All that's left now is the looting, and this is what we see happening here.
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    · 1 months ago
    So are we going to get the money back from the dwp shouldn't be allowed to get away with it i have stayed on the phone for hours at a time only to be cut off this time they should be held accountable sadly I can't see it happening 4.2 billion can they explain 
    Don't think so 

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    · 1 months ago
    No one stands besides us nowadays, the government, the media or the public opinions.

    But I still have a hope in Sir Stephen Timms. He is the only person in this government who has a sympathy for disabled people.
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      · 26 days ago
      @Sevenbees That is due to the constant language used by the media and media Of fraudsters malingerers Or taking the mickey While others state how easy is is to claim All giving bad optics to the general public about those with disability/sickness Remember they love to use divide to conquer 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Sevenbees Yeah right an Anaconda has more empathy to its prey than Timms has to claimants.
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      · 1 months ago
      @James Eventually might be too late for some of us!
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      · 1 months ago
      @Sevenbees Timms is just a mere puppet and mouthpiece. He has NO authority whatsoever and will do as he's told.
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      · 1 months ago
      @bert Don’t think his afraid of them but he knows the truth 
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