The DWP is continuing to use any time-wasting option available to avoid publishing details of the responses to the Modernising Support Green Paper., The document proposed radical changes to PIP, including the use of vouchers and changes to the eligibility criteria.

As we pointed out last month, when Labour won the election on 4 July, contrary to many people’s expectations, they left the Conservative government’s green paper survey open for responses until it’s official closing date on 22 July.

The Labour government went on to “review the responses” according to Stephen Timms, DWP minister for disability, but chose not to publish a response of their own.

So Benefits and Work made a Freedom of Information request for “any documents relating to an analysis, breakdown or other summary of the responses received to this consultation”.

But our request was refused on the grounds of “a lack of clarity”.

We requested that the DWP review the decision, because our request was perfectly clear. This is the first stage in the process of challenging a refusal, before appealing to the Information Commissioner’s Office and then to a tribunal.

On 9 December, we received a response from the DWP stating:

“Thank you for your Internal Review request which was received on 8th November. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

“Whilst we endeavour to respond to Internal Reviews within twenty days, on this occasion we need more time to consider your request. Following the Information Commissioner's Office guidance we are extending this deadline by a further twenty days.”

It is very hard to see why it would take 40 working days just to decide whether our request lacked clarity – most people could probably make their mind up over a cup of coffee.

But it does allow the DWP to drag this process out for as long as possible.

And it does increase the suspicion that the DWP have a reason for not wanting people to know just how badly all of the Conservative government’s proposals for PIP were received.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    What is Labour up to? Let's not hope they are moving towards penalising the disabled as they have in respect of pensioners to balance the books while quietly protecting the ever increasing obscene wealth of multi millionaires.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Rik Vouchers/money cards are a set amount for asylum seekers.
      There are less asylum seekers to manage than disabled.

      Citizens should not be treated as non-citizens just because they are disabled.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Matt Would be even more costly, I'd have thought.

      I'm currently paying more than I get for care - so if receipts were higher, would they pay higher...?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Rik Just had a quick look at the New Zealand system: receipts etc. I hope Labour do not go down this route bit I suspect they will 
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      · 2 months ago
      @M Harmer The newspapers have been briefed today on their plans. Seems pretty much the Tory plans, but dressing them up as copying New Zealand. And before anyone says vouchers/money cards can’t work, the UK govt already using such system for asylum seekers!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    This government of red tories are committed to continuing the blue tories war on disabled people claiming benefits. It would be very naive to expect starmer and co to display any humanity towards the most vulnerable in our society. This government will continue the tradition of previous governments of violating disabled people's human rights. Disabled people's organisations must prepare for a big fight in conjuunction with the unions and other groups to oppose the upcoming attacks on benefits which is literally a life and death issue.
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    · 3 months ago
    It doesn't matter what government is in power,  the DWP is a government all on its own. 
    They seem to do whatever they want to and just ignore ANYTHING that the government says.
    The MPs that are " IN CHARGE " of them are just a figure head and has no power at all.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @Ralph B I think is more, no clue about their job and taking the easy way and listen to the people running the office.  Like in Yes Minister...   The only new think is, the new goverment, no longer listens to reason, media and people opinons, and get stuck, and carry on with the most stupid concepts..
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    · 3 months ago
    It appears that the only solution to the country's financial issues is to reduce the benefits bill, it is sad to say that the people who need the most help are the target with the biggest prize. Elderly and the disabled are amongst the bogeymen (and women) to be hit hardest, DWP are just part of the problem, MP's are sometimes too tied to the party to really go into bat for their most vulnerable constituents. When they will not allow information to be freely given in a timely manner it is almost an admission of cover up. I despair at our democracy some times
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    · 3 months ago
    I'm assuming no response is because they haven't done any real analysis of the questionnaires - possibly haven't even looked at them in any detail beyond the "review" mentioned by Stephen Timms.  I felt at the time that it was important to take the opportunity to express our views about this and I spent a long time completing the questionnaire, which was not an easy task.  However, I'm afraid I did so without any real hope that anyone in Government would pay much attention to it.  I've never been a Tory voter, but I'm disappointed at Labour's performance so far. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 months ago
    Our only hope lies in getting those 16,000 responses to the PIP green paper out there in the public domain. That way we maybe able to harness the media to show the strength of unpopularity towards any similar proposals by the Labour party ahead of time.

    Even then though, I'm not sure how much strength it would lend our argument against reform of cash payments - this Labour govt seems pretty intent on resisting compassion. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @JH I will not be suprised, it they say "Due to a change of the goverment the data was lost.." 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 months ago
    Very nicely written, as ever!
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    · 3 months ago
    I’d rather competence than caring. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Old Mother What's the point of being competent in this area if you don't fundamentally care? 

      There were plenty of very competent Nazis! 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 months ago
    @J,, they don't understand, they don't care, and that means they'll never achieve a professed objective to help the disabled and long term sick to lead productive and meaningful lives. This article from The Canary is an example of how the government has no workable welfare policy. There are not enough people implementing changes who understand the full picture - how things are structured so one change has a knock on effect on other welfare payments. It is always left to the claimant to be clued up and explain to government officials how to interpret the legislation.
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      · 3 months ago
      @J I could have written your comment J. I have a friend in exactly the same situation. He went to the advice place but from what he said they weren't particularly helpful. I hope your friend gates better
      As it is my friend's fortunately got friends and family behind him
      I really do hope your mate's ok. 
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      · 3 months ago
      @keepingitreal A neighbour of mine has been sent a migration notice. He suffers from mental health issues, is IT illiterate and cannot writen nor is mentally sound enough to make himself understood. I did tell him to contact the CAB but I don't think he will able to and will be another victim of the DWP and the government 
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    · 3 months ago
    I am simply shocked to read that Liz Kendall and her partner live in a 3.9 million pound home in Notting hill and have a estimated combined salary of  £760,000. How can she profess to understand poverty of the sick and disabled. How can she even pretend to really care

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 months ago
      @CaroA Exactly I'm trying to think what to spend mine on...£10 is a slap across the face to be honest 
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      · 3 months ago
      @J Thank you I suppose we should be just very grateful for the luxuries in our lives - such as the extra £10 we get at Christmas!
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    · 3 months ago
    If you watch Liz Kendall at that committee appearance last month you will notice that she's perfectly composed and relaxed while taking and answering the first few questions put to her. However, as soon as she's asked about changes to sickness and disability benefits her whole demeanour changes. She puts on her glasses and takes them off again numerous times, affects a confidential and grave manner, strains to appear sympathetic while looking about her and lowering her eyes, etc. She says nothing concrete about Labour's own plans for our benefits, and it's becoming clearer and clearer why she was stalling (while pretending to care). 
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      · 3 months ago
      @pollenpath I could not have put it better myself , correct , correct , correct , liz kendall is as false as they come , lies , damn lies, and total lies ! Best wishes S
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    · 3 months ago
    Maybe dwp waiting for high court result on Thursday 12th December this year maybe? 
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      · 3 months ago
      @Diceman24 The final hearing was today if you mean Ellen Clifford's case. Don't think there will be a result for several weeks though I could be wrong on that.
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    · 3 months ago
    "And it does increase the suspicion that the DWP have a reason for not wanting people to know just how badly all of the Conservative government’s proposals for PIP were received."

    And that can only be because their's are likely to be just as bad or not far off the Tory proposals. Otherwise they would publish them to mock the Tories and say we are listening to the people and are not going to follow your proposals that they have rejected. But the fact they haven't done that is very suspicious indeed. What have they got up their sleeve for us.
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    · 3 months ago
    I was reading comments on other newsbytes here and a comment was that "mental illness isn't really a disability". I know people have their own problems, their own crosses to bare and it makes a person insular but a little tact towards others goes along way. 

    Graham Thorpe was a Man who had everything, he had a loving family, a lot of money to retire on, a great career in professional cricket but he took his own life due to manic depression, he left a family who will forever be scarred by his actions. The downplaying and trivializing of mental illness doesn't just put the individual in harms way but the wider public too, try getting a paranoid schizophrenic to work as a chef or stack shelves in Tescos, what if said person has a psychotic breakdown? 

    What about victims of sexual abuse who have severe emotional trauma? or people with PTSD who have served in the army who have had to do the unthinkable on the battle field? Is it just a joke? a put on for the benefits? When you lose your mind what use is the body? What do you think Asylums were for? You know people still get sectioned? What is the Mental Health Act?

    I'm sick and tired of this incessant trivializing and mocking of mental illness, it's only in Britain too, nowhere else in Europe does this nonsense happen. What is wrong with this country? You want money Britain? Then there are MANY WAYS to make money, picking on the vulnerable and poor isn't one of them.

    The reality is that depression and anxiety get worse when you do nothing, both need to be nipped in the bud or it manifests into something more severe, more disabling. 

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      · 3 months ago
      @WorkshyLayabout It winds me up. Doubt they'd say it if they had psychosis
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      · 3 months ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Those readers are idiots. End of.
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      · 3 months ago
      @Dave Dee I've suffered with mental health issues since being thirteen years old, I'm forty one now and even when you do something there's no guarantee of getting better. I've done every therapy under the sun and taken multiple medications and I'm no better now than what I was at thirteen. I've reached the point where the local NHS mental health services wont offer me anything more because I've already done it and its not worked. And I've got a letter essentially saying the same thing.
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      · 3 months ago
      @Dave Dee Well said and well written Dave Dee.  Was also thinking of people like Dennis Nilsen, the serial killer.  A friend of mine, knew him and lived with him. He was very secretive and my friend never knew about the murders.   I am told that Nilsen could be absolutely charming. He worked in the JobCentre in Denmark Hill then he became executive officer and worked in the JobCentre in Kentish Town.  He was an interviewer, interviewing the unemployed.  So much for the DWP!!!
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      · 3 months ago
      @Dave Dee Unfortunately there have even been comments from readers of this very website claiming mental illnesses are not disabilities.
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    · 3 months ago
    We will be reviewing all disability benefits but we will be doing it in our own extra special Labour way which will bear no relation to the unpleasant Tory way at all. Not even close to that way. No Siree. This will be a nice Labour pleasant Steven Timms sort of way. Much nicer than, for instance, Ian Duncan Smith.
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    · 3 months ago
    16000 of us gave  the proposals a firm kick into the long grass, where they belong. The lack of willingness to publish the findings only serves to confirm this. None of us are fooled by the lack of transparency , nor are we fooled by the so called “new compassionate face” of the dwp.  Same old dwp.

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