The DWP is moving inexcusably slowly in considering the cases of PIP claimants who may be owed thousands of pounds  in back payments, its latest progress report reveals.  Although the DWP claim the review will be completed in 2025, at the present rate, some claimants may be left waiting a total of more  than 8 years for a decision on their case.

The review of cases relates to PIP activity 9. Engaging with other people face to face.

The DWP got the law wrong in relation to two descriptors:

b. Needs prompting to be able to engage with other people. 2 points.

c. Needs social support to be able to engage with other people. 4 points.

If the support a claimant needs consisted just of prompting, then the DWP argued it was only worth 2 points, regardless of who gave it.

However, in a case known as MM, the Supreme Court decided that where the prompting needs to be given by someone ‘trained or experienced in assisting people to engage in social situations’, then it may count as social support and score 4 points.

The DWP also believed that social support has to be given during the social activity or immediately before it.

But, in the same case, the Supreme Court held that social support does not have to take place during or immediately before a social engagement, it could take place weeks before or even after the event.

This means that many people who got zero points for this activity will now be eligible for four points.

The review of cases relates to decisions from 6 April 2016, when the case was decided, to 16 September 2020 when the DWP began following the correct rules.

The DWP say that they have identified 326,000 review cases relating to the 9(b) group.  These are primarily cases where the claimant scored 2 points for prompting when they may have been entitled to 4 points for social support.

However, the DWP admit that they are unable to identify claimants affected by the timing of support issue, who may have received support well in advance of a social engagement but scored no points because the DWP got the law wrong.  These claimants will need to contact the DWP themselves if they wish to be considered.

Reviews of cases started in September 2021.  The DWP say they have prioritised reviews for terminally ill and recently deceased claimants.

In the following two years, they have dealt with just 79,000 cases with almost a quarter of a million left to examine.

At present rates it will take the DWP over six years to complete its review of the outstanding 247,000 cases, although the department claims it will be completed in just another two years.

But there may also be thousands of cases that relate to timing or that the DWP have simply failed to identify.

More than one in five claimants who have been reviewed have received a back payment.

So far, around 14,000 payments have been made to claimants, totalling £74 million..

Overall, the average payment is around £5,285 per claimant.

We have covered this issue extensively in the past. 

Benefits and Work members can download the following resources from the PIP guides page.

Engaging with other people review guide
A six page guide to who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Sample letters
Sample letters for people who think they may be affected by the DWP's error in assessing people who have difficulties engaging with other people.

Video explainer
A 7 minute video explaining who may be affected by the review and what to do if you think you are.

Video transcript
A transcript of the video.

DWP Memo
A 5 page memo issued by the DWP on the subject of the changes to the law.

You can read the DWP’s progress report on the administrative exercise for MM.


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    Lukankitty · 1 days ago
    Canary news site for most recent information on this.
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    val · 4 days ago
    an update i put in for a mandatory consideration for 2016 to 2019 i recieved zero points even though i saw a psychiatrist and a mental health worker any how i applied way back in april and i phoned yesterday and said i will not get a reversal because i went to tribunal and they upheld the original dwp decision thats so unfair 
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    Jackc · 6 days ago
    I called the other day for an update and the woman put me through to another woman. She told me that they have only just finished with 2016 lol . I’m 2018. I’m confused because every time I have called someone has told me something different. But if what the woman said is true that they have only finished 2016 then that looks like I could be waiting years and years. Starting to frustrate me now lol 
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    Richard scanlan · 14 days ago
    I was on high rate of both for an indefinite period on dla ,then it went to pip and I got enhanced mobility and standard care for 2 years ,then had to attend a face to face assessment for which my daughter attended with me , the report was a joke I went from a man to a women in two sentences, I appealed and eventually I recieved a call telling that I had now scored enough points for enhanced care and my award will be indefinite, so for two years they got it wrong 
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    Little l · 17 days ago
    Little update iv and my assessment for pip waiting the outcome called the mm line and the nice lady said because the reports in either way it swings renewal or not being successful she's put a note on system to update her in 4 weeks to see if there's an outcome then if there is 
    My mm review will take place and cam be upto 4 weeks for a call or letter back saying if I have been successful or not .... I'm really pleased with what she had told me all along I was just waiting to have my pip renewal done then they can jump into action so her words if payback is awarded from mm review I will have payment no later then the end of October this year 
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      Kayakac · 16 days ago
      @Little l Thanks for keeping us updated, hopefully all goes smoothly and you have what your owed 
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    Jacko · 24 days ago
    Like I said a few posts ago , I said down the lines of I received an award review form. Sent it off like a month ago  so I rang up and the man we it could take months to hear back lol 
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    Lukankitty · 1 months ago
    Just called up again this morning to see where they was up to in regards to year date and month. The girl on the phone told me they do not give out that kind of information because they do not have any access to it. So yet again another different story they just seem to lie all the time never get a straight answer from them.
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      Jack · 29 days ago
      @Little l Yeah it’s just luck of the draw 
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      Fiona · 1 months ago
      @Little l Wee all have to be patient to wait on ward I thought they might be working on 2017 18 iam from Aug 2017 hope we all get good news this year fingers crossed 
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      Little l · 1 months ago
      @Fiona Hi Fiona I'm Aug 18 
      But there's been people that have herd back from years 19 20 
      So I don't think they are even doing date order 
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      Fiona · 1 months ago
      @Little l Hope it's true if it is this year what year are you iam 2017
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      Fiona · 1 months ago
      @Lukankitty She should've been able to let you know what year there doing 
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    Fiona · 1 months ago
    Does anyone know what year there still up to because  iam 2017
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      Angela · 25 days ago
      @Bkaaag Fingers and toes crossed for you. 
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      Bkaaag · 27 days ago
      @Little l I called up on Friday morning and she said she was getting it looked at that afternoon…she said if she needs any more information to help with her decision she will get intouch with me other then that she said I will receive a letter or call in the next 7-10 days with my outcome I will keep updated 
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      Bkaaag · 27 days ago
      @Little l I haven’t heard yet I called them up on Friday morning and they said they was going to look at it that afternoon..she said if she needs anymore info to help her with her decision she will contact me other then that just wait for a letter or call coming in the next 7-10 days I will keep updated as soon as I hear anything 
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      Little l · 28 days ago
      @Bkaaag Hi bkaaag did you hear back ? How was your outcome 
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      Fiona · 29 days ago
      @Bkaaag That was really nice the last time I phoned the guy told me I was selected also he put me on to someone else please keep me updated best of luck thanks
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    Jack · 1 months ago
    the other day I received a letter from pip about my award review, I filled it out and sent it back, then yesterday I received a text from them saying that they received it , and they said they may contact me for more info or I may have to go for an assessment witch I don’t want to lol. 
    Has anything with the change of law got anything to do with this: 
    Just wondering 
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      Little l · 1 months ago
      @Jack Hi Jack I thought the same but mines review first so hopefully get that out the way then they havnt got an excuse to use to not look into the law change as they kept saying cuz I'm under review they wouldn't process it until review with pip was done 
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      Jack · 1 months ago
      @Little l Hi Little I
      it didn’t state on the letter about the law change , I just fort because my award was up for review that they might sort the law change situation out but I’m assuming I’m wrong lol , I have been flagged to be looked at 
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      Little l · 1 months ago
      @Jack Hi Jack did it state it was to do with the law change or a pip renewal? 
      I'm flagged for the change in law and Monday the 12 I have my pip renewal by telephone call that I sent all paperwork and review booklet back Aug last year and they've just got round to do my review witch is happening by call by the 3rd party assessment people 
      I don't hold my breath every time iv ads to have review has been f2f and always lost my claim and had to fight with Mr declined that with all evidence and always submitted to court just before court hearing they have called and re estated award but has always been the lowest couldn't get the 1 point I needed for high rate care always sat at 11 points 
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    Mandy · 1 months ago
    I think that i may need help on this..I won my tribunial appeal back in 2017 and had so much back pay but reqding this i may be able too claim .
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    Lukankitty · 1 months ago
    Mine is December 2017 and I don't even have a caseworker so I doubt very much it gonna be done and dusted by the end of the year. It's an absolute joke if I owe them so much as a quid they are super quick to contact me then.
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    Jacko · 1 months ago
    i am April 2018 I’ll hopefully hear something soon lol but I dealt it 
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    Little l · 1 months ago
    Enyone with eny updates ? 
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      Marie · 19 days ago
      @Angela Thank you!! My MP has all of my information and my doctors letter stating all of my medical conditions including the support I need to leave the house and I don’t interact face to fact without my mum with me 🥲
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      Angela · 23 days ago
      @Marie All the best Marie got my fingers crossed for you.keep us updated.
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      Marie · 25 days ago
      @Angela I’m doing my MR now Doctors writing me a letter to say I don’t mix with others without social support also my MP is helping me so fingers crossed 🤞 
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      Bkaaag · 29 days ago
      @Marie I am wishing you the best of luck although that’s the last thing you want to be doing is having to do a reconsideration hopefully they change there minds and you get the outcome you want 🤞
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      Marie · 1 months ago
      @Bkaaag Yes that’s wat I’m going to do they said apparently I don’t need prompting nothing about how I never go out alone 😡 x
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    Kayakac · 1 months ago
    Have called this morning for an update, there was not one. I spoke to a very nice lady who has said that she will contact me if there’s any update so will see. I left 2 months between checking so fingers crossed I might hear something in two months or so if I’m lucky. It’s stressful waiting and not knowing what’s happening. 
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    Jackc · 1 months ago
    Are they working on the 22nd march 2017 or 2018 , I’m April 2018 , I’m hoping to hear something soon lol 
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      Lukankitty · 1 months ago
      @Jackc Don't trust anything they tell you cuz you will be disappointed it seems to me they just string people along. A few lucky people was paid out but that was months ago. A lot of people are still waiting and have been waiting a long time. I don't know how they are working it I have heard all different things but something is very wrong clearly. I don't think everyone who is entitled will get paid because they know there is nothing you can do about it.
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      Little l · 1 months ago
      @Jackc I think alot of people are very frustrated and are waiting to hear something I think Angela was from 2017 a few comments down I'm always waiting from Aug 2018 I called twice for updates to be told two completely different things 
      Hope you hear soon and keep us updated jackc
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      Angela · 1 months ago
      @Jackc No it's not that. I asked for mine to be looked at on the 26th March 2024 so it was put in the task's been 17 weeks since they said they would look at need to ask them to put it to task so it gets in the queue.i think there's different ways thier dealing with them. My original claim is from April 2016,I get the 4 points for mm now, from 2021 to 2024 and my review is in now,but it's taking that long for reviews I asked them to do my leap review now.
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    Ga Ga . · 1 months ago
    Has anyone  got any  knowledge what the  support means
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    Jo · 1 months ago
    Just phoned the number that Angela has given and it has helped my case. Thanks Angela. Call 08001216579
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      Bkaaag · 1 months ago
      @Angela Oh no! That’s absolutely ridiculous if they have awarded you them points on you’re last renewal and nothings changed then obviously like you said you most definitely should have had the points going from 2016…let us know how you get on I hope they see this when you put in for a reconsideration best of luck although I know you have been waiting so long I hope this next step you take doesn’t take as long 
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      Angela · 1 months ago
      @Bkaaag Hi Bkaaag got my decision they refused me no not having it though got to wait for my letter to come then I'm going to ask for a reconsideration then to appeal if I need far as I'm concerned they've still not applied the law to my case from 2016 to 2021.hope you all have better news fingers crossed for you all.
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      Bkaaag · 1 months ago
      @Angela Aw I have everything crossed for you..I hope they do see to you ASAP you have definitely been waiting long enough!! Best of luck 🤞
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      Angela · 1 months ago
      @Bkaaag Hi no not heard anything yet.i phoned on Tuesday they say there working on the 22nd March and I'm the 26th March so shouldn't be long now. Hopefully lol.
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      Angela · 1 months ago
      @Bkaaag Hi Bkaaag no not heard anything yet,I phoned on Tuesday this week and they said they were working on 22nd March and I'm the 26th fingers crossed not long now.
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    Me · 2 months ago
    I have been on pip since 2014 enhanced both in 2016 I had an assessment and got only standard daily living then had another assessment 2020 and got enhanced daily living low mobility never had any changes at all don’t know how it works but it ain’t right at all how different assessors can judge different payments your entitled to when nothing has changed I put in for the mm judgment to be told I weren’t effected? Even though I think I was between the years 2016-2020 do you think I should give it a second go? Has anyone done that and been successful?
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      Little l · 2 months ago
      @Me You can put in a mantory reconstruction and ask for yours to be looked at the leap review 
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    Ginnie · 2 months ago
    Hi all, does this article just talk about the new law and benefits or all benefit claims where theres doubt? I mean i have always been on the low payment for care yet i was allocated 17.5 hours. £300 per month i have to pay for this for 7 days a week. This doesnt sound right to me but over 10 years ive been paying it. Any help would really be appriciated.
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    Kayakac · 2 months ago
    Hello all, I’ve just had a missed call from unknown number could this be them? Any advice on the number they call you from? Thanks 
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      Angela · 2 months ago
      @Kayakac Fingers crossed for you.i will update when I hear something.
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      Kayakac · 2 months ago
      @Angela Won’t let me call back, I’m going to try get an update by phoning myself this week wish me luck 🍀 
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      Angela · 2 months ago
      @Kayakac I think it's an 0800 number.try and ring it back.