Benefits and Work has compiled a list of over 500 conditions arranged in order of how hard it is to get an award of PIP, using the DWP’s own Stat-Xplore database.

The overall average success rate for PIP claims is 52%.

But this can vary greatly depending on the condition.

So, for example, awards for continence related conditions tend to fall below the average:

  • Urge incontinence  13.7%
  • Stress incontinence  15.7%
  • Faecal soiling (encopresis) 23.8%
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 26.1%

Awards for arthritis, on the other hand, are above the average:

  • Osteoarthritis of other single joint  56.5%
  • Osteoarthritis of Knee  64.2%
  • Osteoarthritis of Hip 73.8%
  • Primary generalised Osteoarthritis 74.0%
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 74.7%

Awards relating to mental health vary widely:

  • Anxiety disorders - Other / type not known  38.8%
  • Generalised anxiety disorder  42.7%
  • Anxiety and depressive disorders – mixed  49.6%
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  58.2%
  • Bipolar affective disorder  61.3%
  • Schizophrenia  69.7%

Some conditions are extremely likely to attract an award:

  • Dementia 94.1%        
  • Motor neurone disease 97.5%
  • Down’s syndrome 99.6%
  • Creutzfeldt - Jacob disease (CJD) 100%

But on its own this doesn’t tell the whole tale.  For example, it doesn’t tell us what percentage of claimants got the enhanced rate of one or both components.

We can drill down further into DWP statistics to get these details. But it would be an enormous task to produce this information for every condition.

And it still wouldn’t tell us whether claimants are more or less likely to get the award that they think is correct.

So, we’d like to hear from readers about which conditions you think are the hardest to make a PIP claim for. 

You may have experience of claiming for more than one condition.  You may have helped people with different conditions who have put in a claim. Or you may consider your condition to be hard to claim for because it is treated with scepticism by some in the health professions.

Based on your feedback, we will produce more information about award rates for specific conditions.

Members can download the full list of over 500 conditions and percentage success rates in a pdf file entitled ‘Success rates for PIP claims by condition’ from the ‘Claims’ section of the PIP guides page.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 hours ago
    Can I get pip for copd / ptsd/ severe anxiety/personality disorder 
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    · 3 months ago
    Can you get PIP if you are on Home Oxygen Therapy 16 hours a day due to Hypoxia
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      · 14 days ago
      @Andrew You absolutely can.  It is not always just about the condition.  It is about how it affects your day to day functioning in relation to the daily living and mobility tasks.  
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    · 5 months ago
    I have just found out that I have spondylitis arthritis all over my back and ankles and wrist and hands and I'm only 42 years old with a new angle grinder go straight through my main artery just above my left hand but it basically went into my major nerves and tendens so can only use one hand and might never get my fingers working again so does anyone know if I will get pip now and if yes which one do you think they will put me on and last thing I've got adhd to top it off and sorry for the essay 

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      · 3 months ago
      @Damien I would say you are very likely to qualift for enhanced for both-this is an opinion, not a promise-
       But you must read ans follow the guides on This site. Also be prepared to fight through an appeal as they enjoy turning down valid claims in the hope you won't appeal it-so don't be put off if you get turned down the first time. 
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    · 6 months ago
    I have rheumatoid arthritis, had a hip replacement, arthritis,  in my spine and knee, got basic pip no mobility that was taken away after my hip replacement, it will take a full year for the hip to heal, and pain all over my body i have anxiety and depression lack of self-esteem, they declined the higher rate of pip any advice would be appreciated
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    · 8 months ago
    I can't even get the form done! Keep getting kicked off it online! Tried to phone the helpline to get a postal form. I was put on hold for a long time. Five separate operators couldn't help me to just get a postal form! I gave up in the end. I don't know if I can get pip for my conditions, maybe I wont, but I've been advised to try and I'd like to at least be able to try! 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Rachel I got citizens advice to help me with application and filling out the form they were brilliant. Also you can ask help from Welfare Rights I think they are funded by local government. I've used them also, in the past, they can be tricky to get hold of but worth persevering.
      Different areas have advocacy services such as mind as an example even if you don't have mental health issues it's a start and they may be able to sign post you to the right place. I hope this helps.
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    · 10 months ago
    Hello, I was busting a gut trying to work full time and looking after my failing mother who had most problems in the afternoon and night so I was doing 9 hour days sometimes on 4 hours sleep, I found a lovely lady at CAB who listened to me talked to me while filling the forms in for me and sent them off, Mom got all the help she needed and I now Just care for her, my advise would be to talk to CAB first about anything and everything
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      · 8 months ago
      @Bev That might be what I need as it seems impossible to apply of ones own back 👍
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    · 11 months ago
    Chronic lower back pain. Assessors tend to assume I have a sore back sometimes, and/or am exaggerating or swinging the lead. Sigh. 24/7 pain for 17. Muscle spasms that leave me crawling or unable to stand without help between 0-5x per week. Sciatica, nerve damage, numb foot. Spinal surgery, injections, nerve ablation, 2.5 years at Pain Clinic. Tried so many meds. Pacing, relaxation, stretching, heat, tramadol, oral morphine, muscle relaxants keep me going, but I've spent 85% of the past 17 years lying down or reclining. Every so often I end up in A&E or admitted for IV morphine for days.

    "Achy, sore" back. F them. Tribunal 5 times for ESA and PIP. Won every time.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jules I was awarded pip for chronic pain four years ago and again when the award ran out when I was 65 I have it for ten years with a light touch. I also have anxiety issues since I was in my thirties. I feel uncomfortable going out into the town where I live and have panic attacks. I'm better where I don't know people. I sometimes feel guilty getting pip when I read so many people are struggling. I have a hospital appointment this week about ten miles away I'm stressing about driving there getting in the right lanes going round roundabouts finding a parking spot. I've decided to get a taxi it will be £60.
      I'm concerned that the PIP changes will stop my pip.
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    · 11 months ago
    In 2012 I was awarded enhanced rates for both components of PIP.  Just over a year later I was awarded zero on both components. I appealed this and only got standard rate for DL.  Since then I have become a pensioner and cannot get any mobility allowance. I really need the mobility part as my MS is getting much worse plus have now got arthritis among many other ailments. Where are the "freebies" you can get for motorists?
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    · 11 months ago
    My dad recently got denied pip... again. He's been applying and appealing now for 4 years! He's had a stroke. He's had cancer and now lives with a stoma bag for the rest of his life as he had all of his colon removed. He has neuropathy in both hands and feet making it impossible for him to fasten buttons, feel hot and cold, he falls and trips frequently. He has arthritis in both hips and struggles to walk. He uses a walking stick for short distances around the house or my mums mobility scooter if he has to walk down the street to the GP for instance. And also suffers from COPD causing coughing fits and making it difficult for him to breathe. He rarely leaves the house and if he does it's just to drive my mum somewhere while he waits in the car or to go to appointments or visit me and my kids. He doesn't even get dressed unless he has to, and even then he just wears joggers and anything easy to put on without zips and buttons. He was told he was unfit to work and had to retire early, but still can't get any financial support from pip. My mum is looking after him and really struggling herself (she is also disabled and has been on PIP and DLA for years) all they want is some help financially so they can afford to get someone in to help my mum cope, a carer, a cleaner...anything to take some of the load off. Can anyone help or give any advice at all please? They're desperate 😞 The whole system seems very broken to me! 
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      · 7 months ago
      @Kathryn If he is over 64 he will definitely qualify for attendance allowance for all of those conditions.  You xan phone dwp and ask to post a form.hope this helps
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      · 7 months ago
      @Kathryn Go to CAB they helped me. Now the Tories are gone I am hoping good things will happen fir all the genuine disabled people in the UK. 
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      · 11 months ago
      @Louise You're dad needs to ask the consultant he saw for his cancer treatment to write a letter on behalf of your dad sadly my husband was diagnosed with cancer and his consultant wrote a letter and my husband got pip straight away he also has a stoma for the rest of his life don't give up
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      · 11 months ago
      @Kathryn I'm so sorry to read this! Im personally just starting my journey into trying to claim pip. I know im going to struggle filling the forms with the right terminology. I've been researching, and there are a lot of companies/charities that can help fill in forms. It may just be for him that he's not using the correct descriptors they mark on . So sad I know as it seems you need an English degree to meet requirements too. Citizens advice, welfare rights help and also, they as for a payment, but there is fightback who help and have advocates for the assessment too! Good luck 
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    · 11 months ago
    I had DLA for 15 years then PiP. The DWP did an assessment last year and despite my chronic condition being life threatening they withdrew my allowance without notice. My Mandatory Reconsideration was also turned down. All this despite GP and 3 consultants letters. The condition is complex and requires 2 days of in hospital treatment every two weeks, with debilitating side effects. When I eventually spoke to someone at DWP they said it had been withdrawn because I was 'better'. Im going to appeal to a Tribunal which may take several months to hear my case. I understand from several sources this is driven by a Govt. edict to the company who manage assessments to reduce claims by 20%. This may or may not be true, but in any case please seek as much advice as you can when applying or appealing. Citizens  Advice are great and I'm using some cancer charities who also have experience supporting failed applicants. The success rates aren't great but it has to be worth a go. Good luck.
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    · 1 years ago
    My son on dla now turned 16 as EHCP learning difficulties and adhd now applied for pip what chances does he have ?
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      · 4 months ago
      @Anonymous you should get it 100% with both ehcp and adhd. that’s what my son has plus autism and he get high on living and low on mobility.  
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      · 7 months ago
      @Anonymous He has every chance.  Get someone to help you with the form if needed.  If he doesn't get PIP make sure you do a mandatory reconsideration.  There is no reason he shouldn't get it.  Mel
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    · 1 years ago
    9 months ago I submitted my medical records to the court of appeal for my pip claim and not heard a thing,has anyone else waited this length of time 
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    · 1 years ago
    After sending form how long is it before they phone you ..
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    · 1 years ago
    I called pip today asking had my mandatory reconsideration been seen a  chap said they sent a letter out on the 12th and told me to wait for that so I guess this is a refusal on my claim as I haven't had a txt I'm so disappointed I do work but due to debt caused by my depression I cannot afford not to work I was hoping to cut my hours as my job is making my arthritis worse I have it in my hips and neck I'm constantly in pain, so does anyone think appealing to a tribunal would work or is there any help for someone like me I'm 60 and struggling .
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      · 4 months ago
      @Andrew they can tell you on the phone. me and my dad was waiting for his and i just thought i would call them for my dad and the gentleman told us what was awarded, when it was awarded from and too and even told us the exact amount my dad would get each month
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      · 11 months ago
      @Carolyn Autton The Tribunal is independent so definitely worth trying. I'm doing this atm having had my PiP withdrawn last November. It's not easy and it could take many months to get a hearing but the loss of the benefit has been devastating for me. Try and get help and support. Citizens advice have been great. Good luck 
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      · 11 months ago
      @Andrew Yes they are & give you the result!! I I rang them after 2 weeks of.a person  from their department coming to visit me to fill out the forms.  Now she gave nothing away and just sat there asking the questions then writing my answer. They do go out to peoples homes if you ask. The reason I asked them to do the forms is because I am no good at form filling simple as that. I then rang after 2 weeks. Lady said “oh it won’t be done yet. I said “ well could you please just check” she did, and my award had been approved and I was awarded  full pip with enhancement both care and mobility. She even told me when it would start. My first award was for two years after that I had to fill a form every year and to put no change put for it to continue. Last year I had a letter saying  they were satisfied I should remain on Pip for the next 10 years (at least and I would no longer have to fill these forms in with no change and they would not look at my claim again for 10 years. Just like everyone else, I’d rather be full fit and healthy. And go back to my career.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Carolyn Autton They are not allowed to tell you the outcome over the phone. Just wait for the letter to come. I had my renewal and waited 12 months for the reply. Not only did I get it renewed but it was on the enhanced rate and for 4 years. So don't worry until you have it in black and white. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I have applied for PIP very recently, I have Osteo Arthritis in my knee, Bursitis in both hips, Fibromyalgia, type 2 diabetes, a heart condition and an undiagnosed back problem (on waiting list for investigation on my spine), I am under 3 different hospitals and I take 15+ pills a day just to function and I'm unsure how much longer I can continue to work full time. I'm now really scared that I will not qualify. What are my chances?
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      · 11 months ago
      @Jd1960 Hi. I have put a claim in for pip today April 1st. 
      Would you mind telling me how long you waited for any response after you applied. 
      I have osteoporosis in both knees. Thanks 
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      · 11 months ago
      @RT That is incorrect PIP is not means tested so it is irrelevant how much you or your partner earns.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sarah Hi Sarah, I have diabetes type 2, Itritable bowel disease (ulcerative colitis) and adhd (possibly autism too), as well as depression & anxiety & a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (that for me personally doesn’t fit any longer but it’s on file). I also have had back surgery, problems with plantar fasciitis & knee swelling. The crashing fatigue that I suffer as a “by product” of a lot of the above is what motivated me to finally push for PIP about a year ago. 

      I wasn’t awarded anything on the mobility front, but I was happy enough to let this go as I was awarded in full on the other part (still get confused what that’s called). From everything you have described I would hope to say you would “score well” (god knows I hate the system on this) & keep your hopes up as it sounds like you too go through a lot! I wrote my form based around the  fact that each condition I have overlaps with the others (ie. ADHD I binge eat for the dopamine hit but ofc that has added massively to the diabetics 😓). Hope that helps xx
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jd1960 How long did your application take?
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      · 1 years ago
      @RT Not true, I claimed DLA and then PIP for 15yrs straight and worked full time. PIP isn't income based and you can't be discriminated against because you can work.
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    · 1 years ago
    Hello any advice would be appreciated. Looking at your list of conditions and I don't understand my refusal I have osteoarthritis in both hips and left knee with a hair line fracture in the right hip also lower back spasms. there real fun. Do a few envelopes need to be handed around???
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    · 1 years ago
    I have something called Bechets this is so rear that I belive there is only about 1500 diagnosis in the UK this courses me lots of mouth and genital ulster's to witch can be difficult to eat as my mouth is so sore and to wee as it is like my private parts are swollen and feel like I am on fire . In order to go to toilet I have to get into a bath of cold water to have a wee then empty it rinse it then try to wash myself.  I also have arthritis all caused by the Bechets . I also have IBS and back problems which limits my mobility and suffer with anxiety and depression to the point I have wanted to take my own life on a number off occasions . I have had my pip review and have now been refused.  I am now waiting on a mandatory report .I have gone from receiving enhanced mobility and standard daily living to nothing . Scoring 10 for my daily living to only 2 and from 12 to 0 on my mobility these ppl are are joke .
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    · 1 years ago
    My husband (65) he has prostrate BPH, bowel and bladder problems and can’t leave the house apart from a walk in the garden, if he moves about too much it causes his bladder and bowels to contract (accidents) when this happens it causes that much pain he has to lay down…this has been going on for 3 months and have been told to claim PIP so I can claim carers allowance because I’ve had to stop work to look after him …
    Reading all negative PIP comments online/FB makes me think it is a waste of time claiming….
    We’ve had a phone call and they’re sending the forms in the post! we have to return them within 2 weeks and they will get back to us within 3 weeks with a decision they said .
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      · 11 months ago
      @Sbdy You can’t get AA until you’re 66 now
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      · 11 months ago
      @Lily Bryan they will get back to you but sometimes it can take longer then 3 weeks hope this helps lily bryan
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lily Bryan At 65 he probably won't get Pip but maybe attendance allowance instead 
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    · 1 years ago
    i am a 22 year old women and i have signed up for pip for my ibs, im worried because im young and a women that i wont be taken to serious, i have not got a letter or phone call for an assessment yet but does anyone have any advise for me please for when/if i do have one?
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      · 1 years ago
      @chloe What you have to remember is claiming PIP is not about what conditions you have ,, its how they affect your every day life, do you have trouble washing/bathing, can you prepare food, use an oven .. do you need prompting,  do you need help getting dressed,, can you walk without pain,, how far can you walk ,, you will also need a lot of evidence to back up you claim,, evidence is key. good luck
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    · 1 years ago
    My late partner suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia, personally disorder, depression, anxiety, PTSD.
    At one assessment they were more interested how she looked after her hair!!
    I will always treat these so called health care professionals,who undertake these assessments with total comptent 
    They say we here to help you when all they do this lie when completing their report on you. 
    On my last assessment I ask the assessor what her qualifications were, was told l don't have tell you, l am a health care professional. Because l wouldn't let this rest, my pip was not renewed after l applied for mandatory reconsolidation which took two months it was reinstated. Never stop applying, yes it affects you, yes you get fed up, yes you get fed dealing with so called professionals, but if you give up they have won, all these health care professionals doing the assessments want to remember one day they maybe being assessed. 
    And hopefully be unsuccessful. I truly wish it on them, seeing what there actions cause to people the deserve every thing they get. And to think they at one time they were looking after people. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @ Stick your assessments.✌️ During a DLA assessment years ago I was asked if I could spell the word Yacht backwards ?? Luckily at the time I couldn't remember how to spell it at all so had no chance, however I'm not sure what checking your spelling ability has to do with whether you can complete your activities of daily living.

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